Mar 13 2008, 01:39 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:52PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Cor blimey, what a cheap bastard! Don't he know each successive package will get exponentially harder to steal? Hopefully Spades can trump this bid and raise the stakes just a wee little. Ramses nods in acceptance, realizing the game is now afoot. As the details of the run are laid out, the Face will be looking for chinks in the armor trying to wedge reason enough to pry open that billet ever so slightly. Being completely socially inept, Ramses will leave the negotiations to the professionals as he watches the Johnson's aura for changes in demeanor.
Mar 13 2008, 04:35 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:52PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
A thousand? Is that all? Come on, Fodder. Do your magic.
Sam tried her best do hide her displeasure at the lowball offer Johnson had put on the table. A girl has to eat, though, so she didn't really have much room to complain.
As long as the package isn't a little girl or something, I can live with it, I guess...
"I think we can come to terms," Sam repled, hoping that the Face would soon chime in and help talk up the price a little.
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 14 2008, 06:56 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:52PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
...Forth-coming? He must be small time, he's not giving me much to work with though so we'll see.
His smile faded, Spades' face had taken on a very serious tone after hearing the offer to convey mild insult. He looked at both of his comrades for their facial expressions, before casting his glance back to Mr. Johnson.
"While that's generous of you to give our money up front surely you know how difficult it will be if all the couriers are from the same company, that means that security will be surely tipped off each successive time we allow them to leave, not only that, but even if they aren't coming from the same employer, if they remember our faces that makes things all the more difficult especially with the Star. You may have deduced that what with the incremental rise in our payment. We can guarantee missions like this always have "complications," runs tend to not always go as planned. So while, it may seem easy we can never have the gusto to assume anything."
He adjusted his VR glasses with a single index finger, letting it sink in for dramatic effect, as he shifted his body forward resting on his forearms, keeping his hands laced together, as he continued in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Starting payment should be 2,500 nuyen a piece, at the very least. It would seem with your previous offer you don't have much to spend, so I'm keeping it fairly low for what a standard run would be for my fellows and I here, for the sake of keeping things reasonable between both parties. This being for the retrieval and transport of said package, the non-lethal force used upon the courier, the extra trouble we have to go through making sure our identities stay off the radar, and more than likely the fact we will not be privy to the contents. Does this sound feasible?"
He didn't waver his deadpan gaze from directly into the eyes of their employer, hoping it would wiggle the pedestal he was on. Spades waited to see if his bid would be picked up.
Mar 16 2008, 05:42 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:54PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, SeattleJohnson shifts in his seat. Not an uncomfortable shift, but rather one of a middle-manager used to negotiating with other managers to get anything done. As
Ramses peers into myriad of emotions and life ebbing off of the man in the astral, he believes the man to be mundane with some gray in his skull indicative of cyberware. The flow of his essence in the astral betrays his anxiety. "
Points well noted, complications can and do occur and as you have already noted, I have taken that into account with a graduating pay scale."
He pauses a moment himself, perhaps searching for the words.
Ramses sees a calming coming over his aura as the man gains some measure of personal control over his emotions. "
As in everything, there is a value and budget. My budget for this does not allow me to offer 2,500
each for the first package, let alone graduating upwards from that position. I will provide the details for each of the packages, thereby greatly reducing your potential legwork. Non-lethal force will insure that security forces escalate at a minimal rate. I assumed you would have came to that conclusion on your own, but it is the way I operate in any case."
He again pauses to gauge the effects of his response. "
However, I want professionals. I have some... discretionary funds from another project that I funnel to this project. I can offer you 1,000
each up front to take the job and secure the first package. Then, after you secure the second package I will pay 2,000
each. Finally, for the third package I will raid my V7 account and offer you 2,500
He starts to turn the floor back to Spades, but injects another thought. "
That is 5,500
each for a few days work. If all three packages are obtained with no casualties, I can come up with a 1,000
bonus bringing the total to 6,500
. However, if there are casualties at stage... that will end our relationship and we go our own way. Acceptable?"
Mar 16 2008, 07:18 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:54PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Ramses carefully considers what he is hearing, a series of grabs involving non-lethal force with insider information. Unless there are children involved he figures to be one right jammy git. Truely the blessings of Meskhenet, the goddess of fate, smiles upon this undertaking. Turning to his new partner and face man Spades, he nods in acceptance perhaps a bit too eagerly.
Mar 16 2008, 09:18 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:54PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
A thousand nuyen bonus is nothing to sneeze at, I guess.
Sam shakes her head at the dwarf as he makes that kid "in the candy store" look at the offer. She gives a slight nod to Spades.
Take it away, Fodder...
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 17 2008, 02:08 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:55PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Spades took his fellow runners acceptance of the offer then his gaze moved to Mr. Johnson once more, his face eased into a gracious smile, in thanks.
"Excellent, those terms are agreeable. We appreciate the bonus offered, and I believe that makes us your team for the job Mr. Johnson. So lets get to the essentials, you said you have information on each "delivery", what exactly do you have on the first one? Since I'm assuming we're taking this in steps."
He relaxed his gesture as well, sitting upright in his chair without bearing down on the table. Negotiating was all part of the game, at this point he was bluffing with a pair against a higher hand and he'd come out on top, if only to split the pot, but the fall if the Johnson would have gotten up and left would have set him back quite a bit. He would have easily taken extra cash for this, but one always must haggle or it does one's reputation poorly. Especially when he had said they'd come with high regards, that's almost an invitation to raise the rates. He kept his face in an interested focus while he mused over other thoughts before Mr. Johnson spoke up.
This will be easier... Because I don't have to dick around with the funds. I'm just glad that's over. Now to wonder how the hell we're gonna do this job, I haven't met either of these guys yet.
A dwarf named Ramses... Was he descendant from Egyptian blood or was that a alias? And an elf named Sam, colorful... Last elf Spades had met had been just as stunning, but with a name that had about 10x the syllables. He'd have to ask them over a bowl of ramen sometime.
Mar 17 2008, 05:21 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:55PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Johnson sits back, pleased as if he'd just negotiated a AA merger. "Excellent. The first package will be going from Kuji Pharmaceuticals in Auburn some time tomorrow." As he speaks, he places three certified credsticks on the table. "I will contact you within 20 minutes of the pickup. I will have the destination address at that time. I expect a pair of armed couriers for this transaction. That is the standard setup."
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 17 2008, 04:42 PM
Spades nodded in approval. Looked at the credstick, but deliberately kept professional and waited until the meet was over before he raked it into his pocket, keeping his attention on Mr. Johnson first.
"Do you have any of our comm LTGs from our fixer? Or do you need those now?"
This will be getting very interesting... 20 minutes before the drop? We'll have to find out where this Kuji pharmaceuticals is in Auburn, so we have a larger window of catching them off guard.
Mar 18 2008, 12:14 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:55PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Ramses gently taps the end of his umbrella on the floor as he lets out an audible sigh, lost in thought he realizes too late a silence has settled in the room and all eyes are on him. "Oh! Beggin' your pardon, didn't mean to interrupt. Old habit and all..." He adjusts his glasses keeping focus on the Johnson, as he undoubtedly has earned Sam's scornful gaze once again.
"Though there were a few questions that come to mind, one of which is what does the package look like? I do say if we are professionals I'm sure you can describe it better than 'Bigger than a breadbox smaller than a chair' ? How will we know we have what you want? And while we're at it, do you want us to inspect the package to see if its contents are intact? And it occurs to me we have no idea who the couriers are, standard setup and all, how are we to intercept them? And another thing about this Kuji Pharm, is it the only one listed for Auburn? Details, details, my good man."
Ramses folds both hands over the head of Anubis leaning forward, eagerly awaiting the Johnson's response. Reaching for his glasses once more he steals a glance in Sam's direction giving her a discrete wink.
Mar 18 2008, 01:28 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:55PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Sam could not help but smile at the goofy dwarf stumbling all over the Spades' negotiations. He surely had less than a clue in social situations.
Is that a facial tick, or is Ramses trying to wink at me? What a perv.
"Would you let the man finish? He was just about to provide the details of the packages," she scolded Ramses.
"Weren't you, Mr. Johnson?" Sam asked, turning a sultry, expectant gaze to their would be benefactor.
It won't hurt to put Johnson off his game, just a little.
Mar 18 2008, 04:10 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:56PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
He answers Spades, "I'll need those now."
He smiles at Ramses and then at Sam. "There is that. At this time, I'm not sure how they will package it. I would like the package seals intact. When I have the destination information, I will have the specifics on the packaging as well. As to Kuji, I believe that they have only one office in Auburn. At least only one downtown Auburn." He look around for more questions.
Mar 18 2008, 10:54 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:56PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Johnson's total omission of the promised details struck Sam as odd. Ramses was right about one thing: they needed details. And this second-rate suit either didn't know the details, or he was holding out for some reason.
Best change your tune, or you might end up with a toaster oven from Stuffer Shack instead of your precious package.
"Okay, that was helpful," she told Johnson in an encouraging tone, as if to a small child. She was not happy with him for withholding information, so she tried to pull some details out of him. "Typically, what level of armed escort might accompany such a package? Two couriers, but of what caliber? Company men or hired help? Side arms or heavy machine guns? Magic or mundane? Your best guess will be fine, if you don't know for sure."
She added that last to make sure Johnson knew that she thought he was missing some important facts.
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 18 2008, 03:40 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:56PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Spades was content to let Ramses and Sam establish their credibility by asking the right questions, he leaned up against the back of his chair making himself more relaxed.
For something as easy as a courier run he is begrudgingly handing facts out. I wish I could get on AR, but I would assume a room like this should be noised and flushed from the Matrix's prying eyes and ears. I wish Ramses was a little bit more discreet in these matters, I really need that advance...
He goes ahead searching for the Johnson's PAN, to ready to send his LTG. Keeping one ear tied into the questions being passed around. Sam was pushing a little too hard, so he stepped in before the Johnson got more flustered.
"It all ties into how much nuyen is offered, he expects this job to be null sheen. Hired help, pistols to SMGs, mundane. Yet..."
He turns from Sam to the Johnson.
"If these couriers are going to be hard to locate that's something, the location of Fuji we can deal with. In 20 minutes of receiving the route, we can't have all roads blocked off to nab every bike that crosses our path... There are some specifics that need to be issued here. Unless you want us to clothesline them off their scooter as their leaving the compound."
He chuckles a little to lighten the mood, but it was obvious something needed to be handed over or this mission was about to get way more research intensive.
Mar 18 2008, 04:58 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:56PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
"I actually tried the clothesline thing once," Sam said with a smile, her mood lightening up just a tad. "It hurt like hell! The target didn't look too good for wear either."
Mar 19 2008, 07:01 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:57PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Answering Sam he replies, "SMG's are their typical weapons. As to magic, I doubt it. At least not for the first one. They will be working for Zephyr Security, I'm sure." He then turns to Spades, "I am providing specifics as I have them. Surely you realize obscurity is in the nature of the security field.... and no, I would not expect anyone to be clotheslined."
He looks around to the team. "Obviously I want the packages and you want to be paid. The details are as you see, light. I will provide what details I have and I expect that the considerable sum I am paying buys a considerable degree of adaptability and improvisation." His words come across more 'matter of fact', than snide or condescending. His demeanor continues to calm and he seems quite in control, in contrast to his initial greeting of the team.
Mar 19 2008, 06:16 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:58PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Ramses sits back, hands still folded on top the head of Anubis satisfied they have finally gotten something to investigate. Hmm, Zephyr Security. I suppose we could ring Kilroy for the details, but I'm not sure if it will be worth the expense - they may switch couriers after the first heist.
" Mr. Johnson I thank you for your patience, I have only one last question, if I may indulge? After the first heist is successful, to the best of your knowledge would you hazard a guess they will stay with the same couriers for each package? Would that be standard procedure as well?"
Nodding his head in response to Johnson's reply, Ramses begins to think of ways to divert the couriers. Reaching out he grabs the pitcher and pours himself a beverage, deep in thought he lets the others wrap up the final details of the meet. Depending on what assets each of his partners can bring to the table will determine the how and where's of the run. Many possibilities come to mind but not having a hacker on board would surely limit their effectiveness. Right well, we could always send the slapper in to say hello, seduce the both of them, grab the package and Bob's your uncle! A grin appears with the thought, he could only hope it would be that easy...
Mar 19 2008, 07:12 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:58PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
"... I will provide what details I have and I expect that the considerable sum I am paying buys a considerable degree of adaptability and improvisation," said Johnson.
I thought the clothesline was pretty improvisational.
Ramses, stepped in and asked him a question. The dwarf actually seemed more "with it" this time. The intel Johnson had promised them was sparse at best, and Sam was no longer in the mood to smooth over any social blunders with him.
If they do not fire Zephyr Security after the first heist, they should defintiely fire them after the second one.
After Johnson answered the dwarf's question, Sam asked, "I trust you will make things clearer as information presents itself?"
If you don't, and you end up with the courier's lunchbox, that would be poetic justice!
Mar 20 2008, 03:13 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:58PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
In response to the dwarf Johnson replies, "I'm sure they will take additional measures once you intercept the delivery. The additional measures will of course be proportional to the force used and any other recent interruptions to their shipments. I would expect the third to be additionally difficult." He places his arms and hands on the table, lacing the fingers.
He turns his head to look at Sam as she speaks. He admires her figure for just a moment, not long enough to be rude, but long enough to betray his attraction. "As I receive details pertinent to the delivery or security measures I will pass them along to you." He pauses a moment before rising. "Anything else I can help you with at the moment...? If not I will be in touch Monday or Tuesday with the details about the first delivery."
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 21 2008, 12:15 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 6:59PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Spades rises as the Johnson does, he has the look of a seasoned business manager working a small firm accepting a deal from a large corporation.
"I'm sure our abilities will be up to par with the performance you require. I don't think we have any further questions. We will look forward to your contact in the future, and when this business transaction is completed."
He stays upright, until Mr. Johnson exits the room. When the door closes behind him and his rent-a-cop, Spades sits back down, pulling his credstick toward him. He looks back at Sam and Ramses with the same smile as he plays with it in his hands.
"So how does ramen sound to you both? My treat."
Mar 21 2008, 12:52 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:00PM; Fire Cracker, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Sam for once was unmoved by the offer of free food. Especially reconstitiuted noodles. She had just had a light supper with Scrimp. Not to be rude, she simply answered, "I just had the cock-a-leaky soup. Real chicken, too. I suppose I could go for a diet coke or a virgin daiquiri or something."
Ramses snickered. That earned him yet anther scornful glare from his alluring new companion.
Virgin... that bird hasn't been a virgin in nigh on a decade.
Ramses stomach picked up on the offer of dinner, and rumbled rudely. "Noodles! That would be smashing, actually. If we can find some place.. "discrete", we could use the time to plan this little caper."
Mar 23 2008, 04:31 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , SeattleThe trio leave the the little bar in the Puyallups.
Scrimp is visually disappointed, then mildly jealous as
Sam leaves with the two males. Each of the three make their way to their vehicles, unmolested and find their vehicles to be the same.
The trip to
Shake's, the bar in the tradition of Coyote Ugly where Jingles works, is also uneventful. The bar is located in
Fircrest, on the far side of the
Tacoma District. When the team arrives, the music can be heard blaring from the parking lot.
Sam and
Spades quickly move to the head of the line and are allowed to enter, though the bouncers usher Ramses to the back of the line. Two dances and over twenty minutes later, Sam is able to convince
Jingles to have
Ramses brought in. She also allows the use of the conference room on the second floor - for 50

an hour.
Mar 23 2008, 04:55 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Sam got down from the bar, and quickly excused herself to go to the ladies' room. Once inside she gave Scrimp a quick call, as she had noted the poor man was rather out of sorts when she left the Fire Cracker. She promised her friend that it this little excursion was strictly business, and that she'd make it up to him tomorrow. Luckily the first part of their mission was not going to take place until Monday, so she had all of Sunday to placate her friend.
"We don't even have to play chess. Take me for a ride someplace. Your choice, and I'll even leave my bike at home," she said, hoping that the man had not gotten too jealous.
I'll have to watch that in the future.
Saturday March 15, 2070; 8:02PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
After touching up her lipstick, Sam emerged from the bathroom and escorted her two companions to the second floor of Shakes. Jingles had given her the passkey, and she swiped it in the lock. The doors opened, revelaing the dimly lit conference room within. The lights came up automatically as she entered the room, revealing three steaming bowls of ramen noodles, and a small ice chest, which cooled cans of beer and diet coke. The only visible utensils were three pairs of disposable chopsticks, and three plastic sporks. A small stack of napkins sat next to the sporks.
I told Jingles I wasn't hungry, but she still had them bring three bowls. Oh well... she always says I look like I gotta eat somthing.
"Hope you don't mind. I took the liberty of ordering some food for you," she said to Spades and Ramses.
The racket from downstairs started up again. Jingles and the girls must have started another dance on the bar. As everyone entered the room, Sam closed the door. The room's sound-proofing worked quite well, and they could no longer hear the loud music or cheering from the floor below.
"Well, shall we get started planning this little adventure?" Sam asked, as she sat down in one of the chairs on the near side of the conference table.
Mar 24 2008, 09:44 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, Ramses settles in with his noodles like an old pro. Having traveled the world looking for insights into ancient Egyptian magic he's come across many traditions and customs. Gone also is his social awkwardness among his new partners, they now had a task to accomplish and many obstacles to overcome. He was a professional after all, his focus was now the completion of the mission. Jokes about Sam's hang out would have to wait, though this certainly went a long way explaining who she was.
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 25 2008, 08:37 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Spades looked grateful, it was even ramen too, as long as it was something not too processed... They were still in Tacoma after all.
"Thanks, Sam, lets get down to business."
He sat down and politely began eating taking breaks to comment and provide information he could relay[/color]
"Our Mr. Johnson was definitely sweating it at the beginning at the meet, I think the last group that took on this job met a good shotgun welcome when they weren't expecting it. That said, we have to be on the ball with this job. Kilroy is the best bet I have for someone to dig up information on Zephyr, I don't about both of you. As for the Lone Star presence in Auburn... It's pretty high, especially while they're butting heads with Knight Errant for contracts AGAIN. So we should expect serious trouble if this doesn't go down like I know it's not going to. We should go through a Plan B scenario, and we split to the three winds to keep our hoops out of the fire. But first..."
He took a quick break, to look at both of them before continuing.
"I have no idea what either of you are most proficient in doing. Can we start with that first... Since you've seen my primary experience?"
He went back to eating his ramen.
Mar 25 2008, 10:55 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Sam realized she was hungrier than she thought. She picked up the last set of chopsticks and pulled the last bowl of ramen to her place at the table. The she grabbed a diet coke, popped the tabe, and poured some of the refreshment into her mouth.
Ahhhhh. Caffeine. Drink of the gods. To bad I'm watching my weight for dance class, I'm not a huge fan of the low test stuff.
Sam turned to Spades, "I've seen a small dossier on both of you, yes."
She thought Spades was going to choke on his noodles, so she added, "I've worked with Kilroy before. You could say I'm a regular."
By way of an answer for Spades last question, and said, "Me? I guess you could call me a 'pistol combat specialist'. You could say that I'm preternaturally gifted in that area. I also have minors in athletics, urban infiltration, and sweet talk."
"Let me give Kilroy a buzz. Maybe he can give us the lowdown on Zephyr Security."
Mar 26 2008, 02:43 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 8:02PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Sam [Kilroy] Zephyr Security? I'll take a look into that. Take a little time to dig deep, even more if you want info from inside their system. Here is the basics that I know: They are a small, local security firm based in Auburn. They have been in business for just over two years, started by a retired sergeant from Fort Lewis. Press is pretty good, though they had had a few wrinkles in the last year. Lost a package to a gang on hwy-167 six months ago, another two months ago to what appears to have been a shadowrun. They specialize in physical security: escort and protection.>>
Mar 26 2008, 01:13 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 7:57PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Turning as he shovels another mouthful of ramen into his mouth, Ramses notices Mr. Spades is watching him eat - apparently waiting for a reply to his earlier request. " Sorry old chap, I just assumed Kilroy told you who was invited to this little to do. I am Ramses", extends his hand in friendship, " Practioner of the Egyptian tradition of magic, spiritualist and traveler from many lands in search of enlightenment of our ancient culture. Hmm, guess you could say I'm the bloke with all the mojo" Ramses smiles and continues to finish his noodles.
Mar 26 2008, 01:30 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 8:02PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Kilroy [Sam] Do you think you could get that information to me by some time tomorrow, sweetie? We run Monday or Tuesday.>>
SoyKaf Adict
Mar 27 2008, 07:35 PM
Spades took Ramses hand, shook firmly and kept the conversation going.
"Mojo, huh? That's wiz, a Gunslinger, a Mage, and a Face. This has the potential for being a crackin' group, just wish we had some cyber'd muscle to back us up, or maybe a hacker. Oh well, we'll make do. I'm thinking that if we end up having to split from this op, I imagine you can stick with me in my Comet while Sam takes her bike. So, when and if we split after we're done or we get slotted big time, we can have the majority following us and you can make sure our potential followers have the roughest ride they can get. Sound good?"
Spades was actually into the planning stage of this op, some background in running always helped for foreseeing problems and singling them out. He finished his ramen after some time, not wanting to break any etiquette in an attempt to focus solely on the conversation, even though Sam was a little pre-occupied getting info from Kilroy.
"I think it would be best if we set up a meet with our fixer, Kilroy, so we can hope to get a sweeter deal on what it's gonna cost us for that info."
Mar 27 2008, 10:26 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 8:02PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Sam looked up rom her comm at Spades as if there was an automobile accident happening in his lap. She tried to muffle the receiver, so kilroy could not overhear.
"You don't ever get to see Kilroy's meat body. It just isn't done. And I can't speak for the professor, but I 'm not wired. I can ask him to set up a network call to all of our comms?"
Mar 28 2008, 02:26 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 8:02PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Sam [Kilroy] I'll have it to you in a few hours.... Right now, I have something pressing to attend to though..>> and with that, the call with Kilroy ends.
The beat of the music can be felt on the floor and through the walls, but not so much as to be disruptive to the team meeting.
Apr 6 2008, 07:18 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:15PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
The team spends over an hour discussing tactics, eating and just shooting the breeze when an incoming message from Kilroy arrives ahead of schedule:
<<@Team [Kilroy] I was able to piggy back into the system on a user clocking in at a client site. Standard issue is stun baton, Ingram Smart-gun, gel rounds and a vest. Company policy recommends employee additionally invest in form fit. They have three standard delivery packages: Single courier with a motorcycle. Pair of couriers in a sedan plus a shutgun with explosive slugs and third option is armored, unmarked van with four assets using personal selections of upgraded armor and weapons. All magical support is contracted externally.>>
SoyKaf Adict
Apr 10 2008, 04:53 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:15PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
Spades mulls the information over a bit. Blackjack! He backtracked to a picture of his closet, his armor jacket would do, course it still had a piece of flair on it. Who'd notice? His chameleon suit would take care of the form-fitting undergarment... Ingram... Silenced or Unsilenced?
Spades mostly out to himself combing details.
"Ingram Smartgun X's come with a suppressor, I'd assume they'd want to keep things noisy until help arrives. I'll have to holster that until shit hits the fan. I'll have to snag those gel round clips from the first hapless son-of-a-bitch...."
He continues going over details until his thought process is disturbed.
Apr 10 2008, 01:08 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:17PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
"Excuse me a few minutes, guys? Gotta make a call. I need to find out if the Crime Mall is open tonight. I want to get some Stick'N'Shocks. They'll be better against that form fitting body armor than Gel Rounds. You know: Zzzzzzzt!" Sam said to her new partners, as she got up from the table. She flailed her arms about immitating being electrocuted as she made the "Zzzzzzzt!" sound.
She walked over to the far corner of the room and called Queen's Knight, arms dealer and fellow chess afficionado on her comm.
<<@Queen's Knight [Sam] Hola, 'Knight. ¿Cómo estás? Have you played any chess lately? We'll have to get together soon for a game, Cariño. My brother actually beat me one game out of three last week, so there's always a chance for you. Quick question. Do you know if The Mall is open tonight? Sammy needs some supplies.>>
Apr 11 2008, 02:38 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:18PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Sam [Queen's Knight] You are in luck. The Mall is open tonight. I just paid the parking fee myself.... and as to chess, you forget who you're talking to girl.>>
Apr 11 2008, 04:58 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:18PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Queen's Knight [Sam] Muchas gracias, mijo. Maybe I'll run into you at The Mall. Say ten-ish?>>
Apr 13 2008, 05:38 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:18PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Sam [Queen's Knight] Yea. Look for me on the second level. I'm trying to get in with M80-Mike. Peace-out.>>
Apr 13 2008, 05:54 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 9:18PM; Shakes, Fircrest, Tacoma District , Seattle
<<@Queen's Knight [Sam] Hasta luego.>>
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:05PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
After a short detour to drop off Sam's bike at her apartment, Spades and Sam arrived at the Crime Mall.
No sense in paying the parking fee twice.
Apr 19 2008, 01:29 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:05PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
By this time, Ramses has reached his doss and settled into his summoning and binding rituals.
The drive across the Puyallups to drop off Sam's bike and then on towards the deserted area where the crime mall sits is uneventful. As the Mall comes into sight, no street lights illuminate the path here and the roads are not the best, but RFID tags clearly mark the path to tonight's parking area. Tonight the old Sears outlet is serving as bike parking and the Lifters have established directions using RFID tags and sculpted AR, but these are not needed. It is starting to get busy and you follow several vehicles in.
The Lifters and their ridiculous gang colors cause most other gangers to shake their head and ask why? Perhaps that is the very reason though. This gang never has to fight a real turf war, not with their backers. The may have to fight a few battle when things get rough, but they never have to fight a drawn out war.
The entrance is watched over by a pair of large trolls, a male and female. They are wearing heavy, full length jackets and while no weapons are visible, they are no doubt hidden under those jackets. They pay little attention to obvious weapons, instead stopping those openly bearing gang colors. Only the Lifters and Mall Monsters are allowed to show gang colors at the Mall.
As you proceed through first floor of the old mall. The typcial crowd is here: dealers, prostitutes, small time gun runners, wanna-be coyotes, gangsters looking to break into the big time, mafia soldiers. People are coming here to see who's out and about and to be seen. Your arrival at the escalator finds it out of service, though you've never seen it in service. In fact very few facilities in the Mall ever are. Several shops on the second floor, claimed by regulars have seen considerable rework. For example, the Office is a bar, open when the Mall is open, that is claimed by a retired smuggler.
The duo is able to find the shop where M80 Mike has set up shop. Queen's Knight is nearby, out of the way while M80 Mike negotiates a deal. As Sam approaches, the cagy old gun runner smiles. "Girl, you look more grown up every time I see you. Not sure you got anymore growing up to do."
Apr 20 2008, 05:44 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:06PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Sam gave Queen's Knight a freindly hug. "Gracias, Cariño. You look as studly as ever. Where do you get those suits? I don't think I've ever seen the same one twice."
Queen's Knight smiled, toyed with one of the multitude of gold chains around his neck, and replied, "It's all about the look, girl. I got an image to uphold."
Sam remembered she was not alone and said, "'Knight, this is my new business associate, Spades. Spades, meet Queen's Knight: entreprenuer extrordinaire, sharpest dressed cat in the 'plex, and the second best chess player you've ever met."
SoyKaf Adict
Apr 21 2008, 12:50 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:06PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
"Pleasure, I've got quite the competition for best dressed at this party, but second best chess player?"
Spades was missing something, perhaps she was referring to herself as the first. Spades smiled either way.
"So are you our escort through the crime mall? Show us the sights? Or just another fellow shopper looking for the Ares Alpha and a suit to match?"
He chuckled, he'd been wanting an Ares Alpha for some time now, but never had the resources to back the cost.
Apr 22 2008, 03:29 AM
"She's a little confused about the chess ranking" he says with a coy smile, "but she is right, she is one of the top two" he adds, throwing a paternal wink at Sam.
Turning his attention back to Spades, "A bit of a wheeler-dealer myself. Trying to work a little biz round here actually." He looks over to M80 Mike, who is still occupied with a potential customer before turning his attention back to the duo. "Well Sam, as much as I know you like getting beat by me, I'm thinking you have another motive for looking me up tonight?"
Apr 22 2008, 12:52 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:06PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Sam gave a hearty laugh and said, "Other than to set up a time for your next beating you mean? Yes, mijo. Sammy needs some ammo. Got any Stick-N-Shocks on hand?"
Apr 27 2008, 04:09 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:07PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Queen's Knight stifles a chuckle at Sam's reply. "Actually have a variety of calibers of that in a stash. 10mm for that Predator of your's I take it? Two clips? Three?"
Off to the side, M80 Mike appears to be wrapping up his business. Queen's Knight takes notice and looks to be ending his conversation with Sam so as to move on to Mike.
Apr 27 2008, 06:08 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; Ramses' Apartment, Downtown Puyallup
The air was thick with the smell of incense and shadows danced along the walls. Hunched over a sandstone tablet Ramses worked by candlelight inscribing the ancient text that would bind a spirit to his will. His preparations had taken hours to complete as he pulled Heka, more commonly known as mana, and wove it into the fabric of the text he was working. Bubu was at his side guiding his efforts, though he would not help bind the spirit himself his advise had been valuable. He chose the text from the Book of the Dead that would impress the spirit and honor its heritage. Spirits were less likely to resist the ritual if they were treated with respect and honor, something Bubu had been drilling into him all afternoon. Take care not to offend and your path will be filled with less resistance. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Ramses looked over the preparations one last time to make sure everything was as it should be. Nodding in satisfaction, it was time to summon the spirit.
He centered himself and focused on the calling, mana washed over him like a warm bath. It made his skin tingle and gave him a sense of euphoria. Reaching out into the thin air in front of him pulling on the consciousness that would be Nashtuk - a spirit of air, Ramses summoned the entity to his plane. The spirit resisted his will but in the end it would obey his command. The candles flickered as a warm summer breeze floated into the room, slowly it took shape until a wispy looking crow sat opposite of him.
"What service would you ask of me Ramses, son of Egypt?"
Still kneeling by the tablet Ramses replied, "Welcome Nashtuk, it pleases me greatly that you have answered my call. I ask that you become my ally in time of need and bid my calling over the many days hence forth, til the moon rises full in the black night sky three times. Accept this tablet in good faith, it tells of man and spirit working side by side from a time long since past, as it will be again."
The form of the crow hopped onto the sandstone tablet inspecting the inscription, as it did Ramses stood and backed away. All seemed well, until Nashtuk turned his attention back on Ramses. The form of the crow hopped and cawed in agitation, spread it wings to hover above the tablet until its form began to change again, swiftly this time into the form of a giant fist. It struck down a powerful blow and sundered the tablet into pieces before returning to its previous form. Ramses was taken by surprise, wondering what had gone wrong.
"You honor me with your words and trinkets but insult me with that vile and disgusting thing about your waist. I will heed your calling until nightfall but no further."
Ramses gazed down at his belt buckle, then realized the mistake that had been made. It was a scarab, a mythical sign of the earth and rebirth, and as such in opposition to the realm of air. Krikee, you done bullocks this one up for good. The words from Bubu echoed in his mind, fueling his anger and disappointment. He knew this was going to fail all along
" Ask of me what I may fulfill so that I may be gone from your presence", the words from Nashtuk seethed of contempt further fueling Ramses' anger. Mana was beginning to pool around Ramses as his anger rose, unknowingly tapping the many leylines that surrounded him giving him an unnatural glow. Good, use your anger it will make you powerful. Strike him down if he will not obey you, he shall not disrespect the master! Lightning arced from Ramses fingers as his skin burned from harnessing too much mana, the pain making him grimace as his eyes focused on the crow. Nashtuk was a being of dual nature and could see the mana consuming the form that would be his master, he fought against the chains that bound him to be in his presence in fear of suffering his wrath.
...to be continued !
Apr 27 2008, 08:42 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:06PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
Sam noted 'Knight's eagerness to wrap up their conversation and move on to bigger and better things with M80 Mike, and thought it wise to keep things short. "Two clips ought to do the trick."
May 5 2008, 12:35 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:07PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, SeattleKnight winks to
Sam, gesturing in what must be AR before speaking to the young woman. "
Two clips. 30 rounds. 250
if you can wait around an hour. Or for another 50
to have them delivered." As soon as
Sam answers,
Knight turns to
M-80 who is available and takes his leave.
SoyKaf Adict
May 7 2008, 07:48 PM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 10:08PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, SeattleSpadesSpades takes a hint of what happens around him, but so much was going on that he'd fazed out everything that he was supposed to be there for, and when the transaction had been made final, he was speechless as to where to begin... Though 250

didn't sound half bad for two stick-n-shock clips. I guess because the market was always fluid, and it was
Sam's contact, he had already hooked her up with the discount. Spades whispers as he leans slightly over towards her.
"So, charming fellow, I don't believe you needed my help here your contact seems to help out his own. 250 isn't bad."
May 8 2008, 05:04 AM
Saturday March 15, 2070; 11:19PM; The Crime Mall, Puyallup Barrens, Seattle
It takes a little more than an hour until Sam get's her package. The Mall is the same as it always is. Most places need a lot of work; The Mall was abandoned by legitimate retail outlets and property management years ago. Sanitation is near non existent. There are a few things to be said though. Several areas of the second floor are in good repair and several places in the building structure appear to have had recent repair. Someone is keeping the building standing, at least.
The first floor is low-biz. Hustlers, prostitutes, shady gun-runners and a variety of street scum roam the ground floor. The only two gang colors are the Mall Monsters and the Lifters. Members of both these gangs can be seen in groups of 4-6 intermixed with the rest of the Mall goers.
The second-floor caters to a different class of clientèle. Some have money others have street-presence. Several large trolls roam the second floor with Ingrams at hand, combat axes slung on their back and SWAT jackets. Its generally considered humorous irony that while these trolls are not truly with SWAT of any police force, they are considered Mall security.
In the center of the second floor is the Office. A bar ran by a human staring down fifty called Smokey Joe. Joe has sunk a bit of cred into fixing up the core that the Office is in. An orc sits on a stool at the entrance, a single cyber visor with a red-eye ping-pongs back and forth to the ends of the visor making him look like some sort of Cylon cross-breed. An MP5 rests in his hand and he is normally as motionless as a gargoyle. Every so often he reaches out his hand, lightning fast, to block admittance by a tourist or slug better suited to the first floor.
The decor of the office is pretty unique. There is a long bar that runs along the far wall and out to the middle of the floor making it kind of a "T" shape. There are twenty-eight stools along the bar. Seven along each of the four lengths. Along both walls, left and right, in the room are a number of booths with curtains. You know from experience that each of the twelve booths have white noise generators as well as sound dampeners. Using the booths brings a minimum drink charge every fifteen minutes. There are six tables with four chairs out on the floor area and finally, there are 3 larger rooms in the back for rent.
Sitting at the bar, Sam and Spades have milked as many drinks as they are able by the time a lithe elven woman with short cropped hair walks up. She takes a moment to scan the duo visually, then hands Sam a white, plastic shopping bag. Inside are the two clips of ammunition.