Dec 2 2003, 05:41 AM
I'm just opening the thread right now for IC discussions. In a moment I will create the OOC thread.
More in a minute.
Dec 2 2003, 04:51 PM
It's 0500 hours and time for your mission breifing.
You have been living in a barracks seperate from the rest of the camp for the last three days, waiting for this moment. You are all dressed and are walking across base as a group. Any
before the breifing?
Dec 2 2003, 10:16 PM
Wolfbrother's voice booms through the barracks and its way too early for this crap, but thats life with the Wildcats...
"Alright girls! Time for breifing! Anyone not front and center, ready to roll in 30 seconds gets to stay behind and wash my dirty socks by hand! Come on boys, lets get moving!"
Ol' Scratch
Dec 2 2003, 10:34 PM
Having already been up for nearly an hour, Joaquin was sitting on his bed writing his usual "if I shouldn't make it back" letter before a mission. When Wolfbrother came barreling into the barracks, he simply lifted his head in the sarge's direction before sliding the pen and paper into his footlocker.
Dusting his fatigues off, he stood up and assumed position at the foot of his cot, awaiting the others.
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 2 2003, 11:17 PM
Jonathan Wildheart, having woken up 10 minutes earlier and gotten a quick five-minute shower, is just finishing getting his fatigues on when the announcement comes over the loudspeaker.
Moments after, he's ready, standing at attention, his trust Morrissey Alta at his side.
Dec 2 2003, 11:25 PM
Cub rolls out of bed slowly, the NCO's booming voice having awoke him from a sound sleep. His boots hit the concrete floor with a slapping noise. The large man sits in the bunk for a moment more, as if preparing himself to move. When he does, the rack creeks from his using it to stand. He is not fat, just, large. A barrel chest, broad shoulders and a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow make him a menacing figure to behold. He slips on his BDU tunic and belts on, the rarely used, Colt.
He moves to his place in line. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the squad. Heels together, feet 45 degrees apart, hands at his side, palm inward. The classic attention stand.
Dec 3 2003, 04:28 AM
Nvwati yawns and stretches, just finishing pulling on his boots as the call is made. By the time the NCO is badgering him in that all-too-familiar manner, he is strapping on his sidearm and clamping his pocket secretary to his belt. He hustles out the door, but slings a medkit over his shoulder first. Better lugging an extra four kilos across base than not having a medkit when one is needed, after all.
Dec 3 2003, 05:01 AM
With everyone in line, Wolfbrother leads everyone to the debriefing hall.
Digital Heroin
Dec 3 2003, 06:00 AM
Sleep is a luxury. This is something Windtalker knew well before he had joined the military. Prison does that to a person. You learn to cherish what you've got, and work around what you don't. He had a reputation for waking up freakishly early, and when the NCO had come around for wakey wakey, he was already outside. Showered, uniform on, having a hand rolled smoke. He files in silently with the rest as they make for the briefing. For a communicator, he could be the quiet one some times.
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 3 2003, 06:15 AM
Alright! Who's arse are we gonna kick today? Some dastardly megacorp? The UCAS? Or some underground conspiracy?
Wildheart, in accordance with his name, lets his thoughts run away with him as he falls in with the others walking towards the briefing
Dec 3 2003, 04:15 PM
John was sitting in his corner of the barracks, cleaning his Ares HVAR, completely unloaded and waiting to have everything re-attached. At the sharp sound of his NCO's voice, he jumped up and began cleaning off all the grime from his hands and face.
(Zoom forward...)
John followed, rank and file, with the rest of them, dressed in full combat fatigues with his Form-fitting Full Body Armor underneath the fatigues. Under his jacket in a Concealed Quick-Draw Holster was his trusty Savalette Guardian, silenced with APDS and ready to go.
Dec 3 2003, 05:14 PM
Standing at the front of the briefing room is Captain Raging Bision. He's a slight Lakota, with a long scar running over his left eye and down his face.
He waves off the formality of coming to attention and all of that and starts the briefing.
"Well, men, this is your first live-fire exercise. A large smuggler team got involved with the regular forces and holed up in a ghost town. The area's been cordoned off for the last week, with sporadic fire."
"I decided you guys needed something fairly simple to get you men used to working together in an actually combat situation. The OMI says that this should be more of less of a milk run."
He pauses for a moment and looks pensive.
"This is why I have a back-up team on alert for you. Use your discretion on calling them up. The local forces are instructed to hold the line while you work. Don't bother about interfacing with them. That's my business and where I'll be."
Dec 3 2003, 06:16 PM
Joseph nods.
"Whats Intel have for us?"
Ol' Scratch
Dec 3 2003, 07:32 PM
Laughing-Snow just stands quietly near the back of the unit, listening intently.
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 3 2003, 07:34 PM
Wildheart stands, listening.
Dec 3 2003, 09:05 PM
Cub sits in the back, back strait and pencil in hand taking notes. He lifts his hand, when looked at he says,
"Are we doing a ground or air insertion, sir? Also are we looking to take prisoners or free hostages? Are we going in loud or quiet? Do we have any *humint or *satint available? Whats our departure time?"
*Hummint = Human Intelligence on the ground
*Satint = satellite intelligence
Dec 4 2003, 12:26 AM
Well, this is what we've go so far.
He pulls up a large-scale projection of the site on the screen.
mapThis map is the only thing we could find on the location, annotated by some "gamer" or somesuch. Anyways, from what we can tell of the site, it should be accurate.
The surrounding area is rolling hills, with a number of ravines that run right up to the outer wall(marked in yellow). It appears to the result of busted drainage on the inside.
The roof is flat, but the smuggler team has SAM capabilities, so an aerial insertion is probably out.
Marked in red are a number of automated gun turrets that they've slapped up.
An artillery strike on the location has been considered, but vetoed by the higher-ups. We don't want this any larger than it already is.
As far as forces? We can't really be sure. At least 2 trolls have been sighted, along with an indeterminate number of humans and elves. No orcs or dwarves, however.
They did bring a large vehicle on site, but we have no idea where it went.
Dec 4 2003, 04:01 AM
Nvwati nods silently, the content of his own questions already having been given voice. After a few seconds he does speak up. "Has an astral recon been performed yet, sir?"
Dec 4 2003, 04:04 AM
"What is their intel and recon like? How many personnel they have on-site at any one time?"
Johnny nervously twitched his trigger finger during the last question. He wanted to know just so he could figure out the best way to set everything up and start clearing a path for the rest of the team.
Dec 4 2003, 05:26 AM
"There have been major issues with the Astral. The area inside the building is a manawarp or somesuch and the man we sent in to peek around hasn't returned.
The numbers issues is still very much in the air. We think they may have an underground net or something- none of the injured have been seen fighting off raids or firing back."
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 4 2003, 04:53 PM
"Do we know what kind of guns are mounted on those turrets?" Wildheart asks.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 4 2003, 05:51 PM
Snow continues to remain silent, carefully paying attention to every detail of the briefing and commiting them to memory. He seems unusually quiet and reserved today.
Dec 4 2003, 06:01 PM
Pointing to the yellow lines on the map, Joseph asks, "Do these ravines here go under the outer wall, or do they just lead up to it?"
Dec 4 2003, 06:29 PM
"We know that the northern guns appear to have LMGs of some sort mounted on them. The southern one appears to have a Panther mounted on it.
The ravine runs up to the wall. It is rather deep, so there is the possibility that it might even go under the wall."
Dec 4 2003, 06:37 PM
"Ok, I'd like a drop of one mile south of the hot spot. We can hoof it in from there. Where are the current ground troops located?"
Dec 4 2003, 06:43 PM
"They are in a loose ring about half a mile away behind a low range of hills and a in a river valley. There is a farm house 3/4 of a mile away that is the current area for insertions/extrations and the acting HQ."
Dec 4 2003, 07:10 PM
"Works for me. Can anyone think of any other questions?"
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 4 2003, 07:47 PM
"Yes," says Wildheart. "Are those turrets automated, rigger-controlled, or do they have a manual firer sitting behind them?"
Dec 4 2003, 07:49 PM
"They seem to be automated, altough they may be hard-lined rigger control. But that seems very unlikely."
Dec 4 2003, 09:22 PM
"Automated? You know how, by chance? If anything at all, I'd love for them to have STS notched in..."
Dec 4 2003, 09:30 PM
Cub, nods at the information.
"So it looks like we have a pretty strait forward OP. Infiltrate the camp, demoralize and destroy them, and then evac. We should probably take the 'Cloud in at night, under the cover of a spirit. Set it down full stealth mode as close as we dare, then move in on foot, again under the cover of concealment. We can use the ravine to get close, then scale the wall, or go over it. I doubt there's much security in the way of motion sensors or trip wires."
Dec 4 2003, 09:39 PM
"We can't be sure what system they are using. But we know its automated or hard-lined, since we having been picking up much in the way of ASIST traffic."
Dec 4 2003, 10:56 PM
"Alright. I think we're done here... Lets get our gear packed and our butts on the road."
Dec 5 2003, 02:45 AM
So you guys get alla your stuff packed into the T-bird, the "Luscious Lucy", and blast it on outta there. The insertion is at the aforementioned farmhouse, where the Captain gets out and talks to the on-site commander.
He'll be a while, so go ahead and chat.
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 5 2003, 03:02 AM
"Time to kick some ass" says Wildheart as he digs through his equipment locker.
He pulls out 3 extra clips APDS clips for his pistol (in addition to the one APDS clip he has loaded in), and picks up his Mossberg and 4 APDS clips total (1 loaded plus 3 extras).
Minutes later, he walks out with his guns, and dressed in form-fitting armor and an armor jacket over it, and his night vidsion goggles hanging around his neck, and heads for the vehicle. He also attaches his micro-transceiver to his ear.
Dec 5 2003, 03:21 AM
Johnny had already packed up a large duffle bag with all his guns and most of his ammo. He threw on his Light MilSpec as quickly as he could, then put the Savalette at his side, and the HVAR slung across his shoulder. The Savalette is loaded with APDS, the HVAR with the same. He has one other clip loaded with Barret Rounds, and the final clip is loaded with EX Ex. Only two ATGM missles were in the bag as well as the launcher. The Barret was there, of course, making the bag the length of the Barret itself, plus a little extra room. He only had another box of 100 APDS sitting there just in case.
The Panther he would leave, he felt it wouldn't be needed and make take too much time to break down when it was time to go. He threw in the HV MP-LMG too, just in case. He slung that over his back and drudged his way to the T-bird.
Once there, he began setting up the ATGM and the LMG, then got out the Barret and set it in a well hidden spot that offered a great view.
"What do you want me to do? Snipe them off or run down with you toting the HVAR?"
Digital Heroin
Dec 5 2003, 05:40 AM
Ares Alpha slung biathalon style behind his back, Cavalier Deputy at one hip, Tomahawk hanging at the other, Windtalker emerges. He's got his com-gear stowed in a rucksack, a fine wire running from the skillsoft jukebox within to his chipjack. He secures his comm unit as he approaches, and he sets for a radio check.
`Windtalker, this is a radio check, over.`
Ol' Scratch
Dec 5 2003, 05:50 AM
Laughing-Snow didn't make a sound as he slinked into his armor and prepared the rest of his gear for the mission. Once the team was onboard the Luscious Lucy and on the way to the dropsite, he began applying a specially concoted warpaint in his characteristically ritualistic fashion. By the time they reached the site, his entire face was covered in an elaborate yet still traditional pattern of blacks, off-whites, and reds.
After jumping off the t-bird, he scans the horizon and acknowledges Windtalker's radio check. Once everyone else is off and the HQ is setup, he then turns to the NCO.
"Shall I scout ahead, sir, or are we doing this full-frontal?"
Dec 5 2003, 03:21 PM
Cub stepped of the Panzer fully cameo. Boots, pants, shirt, and armored jacket, as well as a boonie hat with both flaps down. His faces was a kaleidoscope of greens, black, and brown in no particular order.
"Radio check, Lima Charlie," he replied when the call came. Looking around he finds a nice shaded spot and clears a patch of ground for him to sit. He sits in the lotus position, palms flat on the ground on either side of him, and begins to grunt and growl very quietly.
Moments pass by, and the wind in the area seems to pick up, a tumble weed roles by seemingly out of nowhere and stop beside Cub. Cub opens his eyes, nods and the weed vanishes. He begins again. More time passes, and the air around him becomes oppressively quiet. The are feels old, and big. The ground shakes a little and Cub smiles again. Sweat no streaks his features, and his muscles ache with the effort of summoning, but he goes one more time. Moments pass by, and a form begins to pull it self out of the dirt in front of him. A Bear, made of mud and rock crawls out of the ground, and howls at him. Cub smiles and the bear vanishes.
He collapses forward, tired from the effort, but smiling. "Good news," he says over the comm.
"The spirits have answered my call, we will be WELL protected on this one."
Dec 5 2003, 04:05 PM
Master Sergeant Joseph Wolfbrother steps off the T-Bird with a heavy thump. Already suited up in his MilSpec Armor, he stands proudly with his warpaint applied and Ranger-X Bow in hand. His gaze slowly takes in his surroundings through slightly squinted eyes.
"Scout around, Snow. Counter-clockwise. Everyone, BattleTacs on."
Eyes searching, Joseph takes in the terran about them...
"Windtalker, setup on that hill over there, you should be able to take cover in the brush. See if you can hack into any transmissions they may have and make sure our lines stay clear and open.
Johnny, setup a snipping position on that hill there and give Snow some cover if he needs it.
The rest of you, you're with me, we're setting up on the central hill, right there. Lets see what we can figure out about these guys."
With that, Joseph snaps his helmet in place, the hiss of air is heard as the EnviroSeal engages. He begins the trek up the hill and just as he reaches the top, the Ruthenium Polymers turn on and he fades from view. Those following him see some of the brush shuffle as he lays flat on the top of the hill and gets his first good look at the ghost town.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 5 2003, 04:26 PM
With a nod, Laughing-Snow turns and starts walking towards the horizon. He stretches his arms open wide as a shimmering, mirage-like effect washes over him. When the image clears, all you see is a desert hawk flapping it's wings to gain altitude and flying towards the target site to perform some aerial recon.
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 5 2003, 05:05 PM
Wildheart takes his position, lying behind the central hill with his eyes peeking above the crest.
So what shall the light of the living reveal to me? he thinks.
Switching his perceptions to the astral plane, Wildheart checks for anything at all.
Dec 5 2003, 09:29 PM
"This is Eagle Eyes. I'm in position and our frequencies are coming in to me loud and clear. Make sure you activate your beacons. The others I set up should go automatically."
Johnny bunkered down and zoomed in with his eyes, taking a closer peek at the base. He scanned around, noting the placement of guns and personnel.
Dec 5 2003, 11:56 PM
Joseph zooms his eyes in on the remote turret at the southern gate and takes a good look at it. While doing so, he reaches down as the side of his cyberleg opens up and takes out the peices of his sniper rifle and begins to assemble it, glancing down from time to time to make sure everything is fine. Once assembled, he snaps a magazine of Anti Vehicular rounds in and begins to take careful aim.
"Team, this is Wolf. I've got an AV round for that turret. Anyone got any brighter ideas?"
Even though he is the NCO and its his call what to do, he also trusts his team and looks for their input.
Breathing evenly, Joseph continues taking careful aim, not bothering to fire until satisfied.
Dec 6 2003, 12:08 AM
"Wait," Cubs voice comes over the comm, unnaturally crisp from he electronic filtration.
"We can walk right up to them, unseen or heard. Walk into their base and find their leader. I can cloak us in shadow, we approach from the north. Infiltrate the base, get the lay of the land, and try and find out whos in charge. Take him down and the whole thing falls apart like dominoes."
Dec 6 2003, 12:12 AM
"So I take it when you said the Spirits are with us, you really meant it." You can hear the humor in Joseph's voice.
"Alright. Lets just wait until Snow returns from scouting and take it from there. For now, hold possitions."
HMHVV Hunter
Dec 6 2003, 12:12 AM
"And what are you going to cloak us with exactly?"
Dec 6 2003, 12:28 AM
A ingle word floats over the comm.
Dec 6 2003, 12:30 AM
"One thing to keep in mind. If my understanding is correct, that won't hide us if they have any spiritual or astral watchers setup, correct?"
Dec 6 2003, 12:31 AM
"I can take care of those as well. I will sweep them aside like a human sweeps aside a anthill."