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someone mentioned that tattoo foci could not be weapon foci. however, what if, for example, the tattoo amplified one's unarmed ability, i.e. dual flaming dragons from elbows to knucles? in that case would a DM consider allowing that? also, being that my current character is an unarmed pixie, would i not have enough space body wise for this? or could i just make it a full body tattoo spreading to my wings like dragon wings??

also, what are the perks and cons of weapon foci? do they just give more dice and make you look sketchy-er?
Ancient History
QUOTE (vacrix @ Jan 2 2010, 04:12 PM) *
someone mentioned that tattoo foci could not be weapon foci.

This is because weapon foci must be weapons. Generally speaking, a tattoo is not a weapon. Except that one time, and I don't want to talk about it.

however, what if, for example, the tattoo amplified one's unarmed ability, i.e. dual flaming dragons from elbows to knucles? in that case would a DM consider allowing that?

Weapon foci have two distinct advantages: a bonus to a Combat Skill, and the ability to deal damage in astral space and to critters with Immunity to Normal Weapons.

also, being that my current character is an unarmed pixie, would i not have enough space body wise for this? or could i just make it a full body tattoo spreading to my wings like dragon wings??

In previous editions, there were size minimums on magic tattoos. Those are gone now. Any size character can have any number of tattoos. If you tattoo'd every inch of your pixie black, you could go back and start tattooing him/her white on top of that.
This is because weapon foci must be weapons. Generally speaking, a tattoo is not a weapon.

so if you were a GM would you consider my reasoning? fists are weapons nyahnyah.gif and technically if someone is allergic to ink then the tattoo would be effectively a weapon rotate.gif rotate.gif
Ancient History
QUOTE (vacrix @ Jan 2 2010, 04:40 PM) *
so if you were a GM would you consider my reasoning? fists are weapons nyahnyah.gif

Fists, yes. Tattoos on fists, not so much.
and technically if someone is allergic to ink then the tattoo would be effectively a weapon rotate.gif rotate.gif

Nah, because the ink is under your skin. Unless it's a temporary tattoo. That's what you want, isn't it? A temporary tattoo of Ass Kicking. Vacrix' Rub-On Arse-Kickers, available from sticker machines next to gumball dispensers Sixth World wide. Ye gods and hairy fishes, where did I go wrong...
that would be EPIC but sadly it wouldn't work. would you consider it worthy to invest in a tattoo that increased my athletics, gymanstics, or speed (like a tattoo on my wings) just because pixies are fragile. maybe even dodge?
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jan 2 2010, 10:47 AM) *
Fists, yes. Tattoos on fists, not so much.

Howsabout I tattoo a set of brass knuckles on?
Howsabout I tattoo a set of brass knuckles on?

kinda along the lines of what i was thinking except with more flair just cuz
QUOTE (etherial @ Jan 2 2010, 11:29 AM) *
Howsabout I tattoo a set of brass knuckles on?

*blink* *blink*

Are there rules for Brass Knuckles in this game?
Ancient History
Sorta. Hardliner gloves.

All I can say to knuckle tattoos is run it up the flagpole and see if your gamemaster salutes it. What Joe Gamer wants...
as long as i present a convincing argument and bring good snacks to the next session im sure he'll be ok w/ it nyahnyah.gif
Jumon Yagyu
Just a note really: tatoos like active foci open you up to perception by astral entities good,bad,hungry..ect
if you wanted a masking focus tatoo though you should get it at least 1-2 points higher than the sum total of active foci & tatoos to assist your meta magic masking ability
My group did a run night before last, with payment being magic tattoos that were paid in advance. All but one (who thought his raw awesomeness was enough (unaugmented mundane who has chameleon coating on EVERYTHING)) accepted readily. The mission: wiping out a hospital full of ghouls. It was a LOOOONG night (actually, a daytime run. This helped, since they dragged the first floor of ghouls up to the roof, and their Allergy: Sunlight kicked in.
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