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Full Version: What skill is used to train animals
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Lord Ben
I can't find a good animal training skill. But I might just be looking in the wrong spots. Anyone know what I'd use?
Artisan {Animal Training}
I'd think it to be a professional knowledge skill, myself.
Zoology and the like are Knowledge Skills, but actually hands-on training should probably be an Active Skill if it going to see more than just fluff usage.
QUOTE (Fortune @ Feb 23 2008, 08:56 PM) *
Zoology and the like are Knowledge Skills, but actually hands-on training should probably be an Active Skill if it going to see more than just fluff usage.

Debatable. Should my guy with the Academic Knowledge of Chemistry not be able to use his knowledge of chemistry to do anything aside from identify chemicals?

Should my character that has the Professional Knowledge Skill of Architecture not be able to find the weak points of a structure to plant explosives, giving a bonus to the damage? Or are we calling that "fluff"?
QUOTE (Lord Ben @ Feb 23 2008, 08:40 PM) *
I can't find a good animal training skill. But I might just be looking in the wrong spots. Anyone know what I'd use?

I think they are covering that in that critter supplement whenever it comes out,I forget
what is it? something Wild
Buck Wild?
Runnin wild?
Brokeback Barrens?
Wouldn't animal training be part of the Instruction skill? Just throwing that out there...
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Feb 24 2008, 04:08 PM) *
Should my guy with the Academic Knowledge of Chemistry not be able to use his knowledge of chemistry to do anything aside from identify chemicals?

Arsenal suggests changing Chemistry to an Active Skill if it is going to see heavy use.

Should my character that has the Professional Knowledge Skill of Architecture not be able to find the weak points of a structure to plant explosives, giving a bonus to the damage? Or are we calling that "fluff"?

I'm calling that 'fluff'. smile.gif

I would only make something an Active Skill if it an integral part of the character concept, and is going to be used quite frequently, and have lasting effects on the campaign. If the character wants Animal Training so he can keep a few cats around, then I'd count is at a Knowledge Skill. If the character plans on seeking out and training a horde of Hellhounds, then it would be Active all the way.
QUOTE (swirler @ Feb 24 2008, 04:09 PM) *
I think they are covering that in that critter supplement whenever it comes out,I forget
what is it? something Wild
Buck Wild?
Runnin wild?
Brokeback Barrens?

Running Wild (although Brokeback Barrens gets my vote biggrin.gif). But that book is a year or so away, and some games just can't wait for it. I would just assign a Skill (Artisan, Instruction, or whatever you feel is best) and run with it, and adjust it to fit canon when the appropriate book is released.
Unarmed Combat!!! Beat the animal into submission. Works for elephants, horses, lions and tigers, dogs, cats....wives....
my vote is for Instruction specialized in (animals). You could definitely apply the same skill and principles to school children if you like and the laws of your country allow it. smile.gif


My REAL vote: Instruction (Animals)

My hearts vote: Brokeback Barrens, the touching tale of two gangers, and their struggle for love...
glad I could make people laugh with that one.
I'm going to have to go with Instruction (Animals) as well.
Kanada Ten
Don't forget to use the Parashield's ARE Kennel and Virtual Rolled Newspaper for the bonus dice.
Is that an AR overlay that lets you imagine that you're not actually hitting your pet barghest with a AZ-120 stun baton?
I would say Instruction (+2 Animals) for training, and Animal Care/Handling Knowledge for keeping the animal fed, healthy, ect.

Running Wild is supposed to cover this when it is released, but that will be in a year or so.
QUOTE (deek @ Feb 24 2008, 01:11 AM) *
Wouldn't animal training be part of the Instruction skill? Just throwing that out there...

HAHAHAHAHA rotfl.gif
I'm surprised this wasn't the first reply. Truly, Instruction skill is everything that is needed. Though I'm sure Running Wild will have plenty supplementary rules.
QUOTE (DocTaotsu @ Feb 24 2008, 04:34 PM) *
Is that an AR overlay that lets you imagine that you're not actually hitting your pet barghest with a AZ-120 stun baton?

There is an AR overlay for everything. You can make your reality whatever you want in 2070. I cant wait till we can make it even better with Hot Sim AR!
There are many fine animal trainers who, plunked down into a college zoology class and handed an exam and a couple of pencils, would flunk utterly... they are not academics. I'd certainly say it's an active skill, and if it's going to see heavy use, I'd probably house rule it as an Instruction variant linked maybe to Intuition rather than Charisma.

IN regards to the chemistry comparison I can say (as a chemist!) that "knowledge" of chemistry absolutely does not confer the ability to operate competently in a laboratory setting - someone could lecture on synthetic organic chemistry at an advanced level but be incapable of synthesizing compounds if they were given a lab... indeed, theory and lab tracks are differing aspects of a chemistry curriculum. Lab work should certainly be an active skill (an artisan skill, subject to appropriate shop and facility modifiers.)

You could extend the argument to a whole spectrum of academic disciplines with application features - for example, someone with knowledge (finance) probably isn't making any money unless they also have artisan (trading), and so on.

I'd have to agree, most of the economics/finance people I know are wealthy but not stupid wealthy. Taking the book knowledge and turning that into raw hard nuyen is something else entirely.
QUOTE (nathanross @ Feb 25 2008, 12:17 PM) *
I'm surprised this wasn't the first reply.

I was thinking more artistically. nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif
I'll join the crowd and suggest instruction as well. What we'll likely get in the Critter Supplement will be a variety fo tools to make it easier, and maybe a table of modifiers or thresholds for to adjust for the intelligence, socialization, inherent stubborness (+2 threshold for training donkeys) of the critter and any personality quirks or traits.
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