Dec 4 2003, 12:42 AM
During last night's game session, the question was raised whether the adept ability Combat Sense can be used to add to dice for an offensive surprise test. That is, if you (the adept) are trying to ambush/hit somebody from behind, can you use Combat Sense to add to your surprise dice?
Much of the consensus around the table was "no", given that the ability states stuff about "perceived threats" and whatnot, but the player insists that his take on it is correct and that the book doesn't say it can't be used when you're the one who's trying to surprise.
Dec 4 2003, 12:54 AM
I just reread it and all it says is "surprise situations", with no regard to who is doing the surprising. I would allow the player to use the Combat Pool dice for the surprise test, which is what I think you are asking. Here's my rationale:
Your character is setting up an ambush. His senses are heightened, as the adrenalin starts to flow and he psychs himself up for the coming violence. Every nerve is stretched tighter than the high strings on a guitar . . . On top of that, he's an adept with the magical ability of Combat Sense, which gives him an instinctive sense about the area he has set his ambush up in, and any threats nearby. Here come his targets, and he tries to surprise them. All parties involved roll a Reaction (4) test; the ambusher gets a -2 bonus making his test a Reaction (2) test instead. Because he is so in tune with his environment and aware of the situation, he gets his Combat Sense benefit and has a few extra dice to roll . . .
I just don't see it as bad or unbalancing. And if you read most of my posts, you'll see that I hate high-powered munchkinism . . .
Dec 4 2003, 01:05 AM
I would shockingly have to agree with chodav.
Dec 4 2003, 01:24 AM
Absolutely you should be able to use the ability that way. If you roll a bunch of 1's (and maybe a single 2, to avoid "rule of 1) on your surprise test, you will be surprised- even if you were the one doing the ambushing! There's no difference in mechanics (besides the TN) between being the ambuseher and he ambushed, so why would the ability function in one case, and not the other?
I truth, I actually used to play a samurai with a 17 reaction who often did out-roll people who tried to ambush him, unless something jacked his TN above 4. A good adept with "combat sense" could realise his "victim" was sly (and cranked to the gills) and should be able to handle it, neh?
Dec 4 2003, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Azryl) |
I would shockingly have to agree with chodav. |
Good call. I agree.
Dec 4 2003, 01:41 AM
QUOTE (Kurukami) |
Much of the consensus around the table was "no", given that the ability states stuff about "perceived threats" and whatnot, but the player insists that his take on it is correct and that the book doesn't say it can't be used when you're the one who's trying to surprise. |
"Perceived threats"? Well, the adept is looking at the guy, hence "perceiving" him, and he is about to attack the guy, which makes him a "threat". How is that in question?
Dec 4 2003, 01:46 AM
QUOTE (Kurukami) |
That is, if you (the adept) are trying to ambush/hit somebody from behind, can you use Combat Sense to add to your surprise dice? |
I must have always mis-read Combat Sense -- I thought it only allowed you to use your combat pool in surprise sitiuations when you wouldn't normally be able to (e.g., having a tickle in the back of your mind that prompts you to dive behind a concrete bench as a sniper's bullet streaks towards you.) If it allows you more goodness than that (well, aside fom adding to Combat pool, which is great in its own way), then I need to re-read that section, hehe!
Dec 4 2003, 01:48 AM
QUOTE (Grey) |
QUOTE (Kurukami @ Dec 3 2003, 04:42 PM) | Much of the consensus around the table was "no", given that the ability states stuff about "perceived threats" and whatnot, but the player insists that his take on it is correct and that the book doesn't say it can't be used when you're the one who's trying to surprise. |
"Perceived threats"? Well, the adept is looking at the guy, hence "perceiving" him, and he is about to attack the guy, which makes him a "threat". How is that in question?
For some reason, a lot of the people thought it was completely a defensive ability -- keeping
your character from getting ambushed. I personally would be more inclined to define a person a character of mine was about to ambush as "victim" rather than "threat"...
Ol' Scratch
Dec 4 2003, 01:55 AM
Just read what "surprise situations" means in the rules. It's found on SR3 p. 109. "To resolve surprise situations, all participants must make Reaction Tests."
'Nuff said.
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