Well, since you rushed me ...
Alistair 'Gypsy' O'Shea[ Spoiler ]
Male elf
Hermetic mystic adept
31 years of age {2/7/39}
185 cm {6'2"}
77 kg {169.4 lb}
Lavender eyes
Short black hair cut in trendy fashion
Tattoo of stylized dragon 'Q' on right shoulder
Body: 4
Agility: 2
Reaction: 5
Strength: 1
Charisma: 6
Intuition: 3
Logic: 5 {7}
Willpower: 5
Edge: 1
Magic: 4
Essence: 5
Initiative: 8 / Passes: 1
Composure: 11
Judge intentions: 9
Lifting / carrying: 5
Memory: 12
Surprise: 8
Street cred: -
Notoriety: -
Public awareness: -
Ballistic armor total: 10
Impact armor total: 9
Physical damage: 10 { - }
Stun damage: 11 { - }
Active Skills
Con: 1 {fast talk +2, pheromones +2, emotitoy +6}
Counterspelling: 4 {mentor +2}
Dodge: 1 {ranged +2}
Etiquette: 1 {pheromones +2, emotitoy +6}
First aid: 1 {first aid kit +6}
Intimidation: 3 {pheromones +2, emotitoy +6}
Perception: 2 {visual +2, visual enhancement +3 / audio enhancement +3}
Spellcasting: 6 {combat spells +2, manipulation spells +2, power focus +2}
Knowledge Skills
Business: 2 {money laundering +2}
Chemistry: 1 {street drugs +2}
Elven society: 2
Fashion: 2
Law: 4
Politics: 2
Psychology: 2 {body language +2}
Seattle street gangs: 1 {ancients +2}
Underworld politics: 1
Sperethiel: native
English: 3
Mystic adept
-- Alistair's traumatic awakening is somewhat of a mystery to all those who have so far examined him. With all of his limitations and the inability to access or affect the Astral, Alistair most resembles a Mystic Adept in nature, although he does not seem to have expressed any pure Adept Powers to date. It very well might be that the implantation of bioware has, temporarily or not, muted that side of the elf's Magic.
Mentor spirit {adversary - must make composure {3} test to take bad orders, +2 to manipulation spells, +2 to counterspelling}
-- Alistair is hard-pressed to come up with a lifestyle other than his current one that would satisfy his inherent need for freedom from stupidity, his seemingly aimless quest for knowledge, and his not-so-average tastes. So far his Totem doesn't seem to be complaining, at least not to him, but the elf has heard the campus whispers saying that his 'magical problems' all must be due to his Totem's displeasure in Alistair's life choices.
Mild addiction {betel}
-- Just like pretty much anyone that samples CorpCandy, Alistair was instantly addicted the very first time he popped a stick.
Mild addiction {psyche}
-- Alistair first tried psyche at a late night dorm party in U-Dub's thaumaturgy wing, and was more than delighted with the experience.
Incompetent {astral}
-- As an apparent result of Alistair's scorching incident, the elf cannot access the Astral, through either projection or perception, nor can he utilize the assensing, or astral combat skills. He also seems to have no skill in other magical skills, such as banishing, enchanting. ritual sorcery, summoning, and binding, but it is not known at this time whether this 'block' is permanent.
Severe phobia {btls and skillsofts}
-- Ever since his extremely traumatic and life-changing BTL experience, Alistair has had a morbid fear of 'jacking chips'. This phobia has led him to absolutely refuse to have skillwires implanted, and he is even quite averse to expose himself to the likes of knowsofts and tutorsofts.
-- Green Lucifer presented Alistair with his SIN when he was of age. He apparently lives the life of a permanent student with a trust fund from the Tir.
Universal Omnitech CoreTechs-55 {cerebral booster 2}
Horizon PeoplePleaserPro {tailored pheromones 2}
Genesis Corporation Trauma Sink {trauma damper}
Mana bolt - type: M / test: O {wil} / range: LOS / dam: P / dur: I / drain: {F/2}
Power bolt - type: P/ test: O {bod} / range: LOS / dam: P / dur: I / drain: {F/2} + 1
Slaughter spirit - type: M / test: O {wil} / range: LOS {a} / dam: P / dur: I / drain: {F/2} +1
Heal - type: M / test: S / range: T / dur: I / drain: {F/2} - 2
Healthy glow - type: P / test: S / range: T / dur: P / drain: {F/2} - 1
Oxygenate - type: P / test: S / range: T {v} / dur: S / drain: {F/2} - 1
Fashion - type: P / test: S / range: T / dur: P / drain: {F/2}
Fix - type: P / test: S {or} / range: T / dur: P / drain: {F/2} + 1
Influence - type: M / test: O {wil} / range: LOS / dur: P / drain: {F/2} + 1
Levitate - type: P / test: S / range: LOS / dur: S / drain: {F/2} + 1
Magic fingers - type: P / test: S / range: LOS / dur: S / drain: {F/2} + 1
Makeover - type: P / test: S / range: T {v} / dur: P / drain: {F/2}
Adept Powers
None at present
Magical Implements
Power focus {2} - amethyst and platinum earring
NeoNET Watchman {skinlinked commlink - response 3, signal 3}
Renraku Ronin {operating system - firewall 6, system 3}
Mode: 'hidden' when possible
Persona: male elf in flowing purple, black and green robes
Programs: analyze 3, virtual surround music
NeoNET Neo-Geo-Seattle-71 {seattle mapsoft 6}
Telestrian Sound Surrounds {pacific north-west mapsoft 6}
Data: assorted music, e-mags on business, law, thaumaturgy, politics and current events
Horizon Bandwidth {bandanna with skinlinked trodes}
NeoNET WhisperCom Lite {skinlinked subvocal microphone}
Oakley I-On-Chic {skinlinked shades with image link, vision enhancement 3, vision magnification, flare compensation, thermographic vision}
Sony Deci-pal {skinlinked ear buds with damper, audio enhancement 3, select sound filter 3, sound link}
Clothing & Armor
Ares Urban Explorer
- typical appearance is street-chic style clothing in black, green and dark purple
- ballistic 6 / impact 6
- skinlink, fire resistance 6, insulation 3, music player, biomonitor, auto-injector {anti-bac, zeta-interferon, trauma patch meds, antidote patch meds, kamikaze, psyche}
Horizon StrongJohns
-- form-fitting body armor half suit
-- ballistic 4 / impact 1
-- nonconductivity 6
Aztechnology Dri-Z-Bone
- black duster with deep purple highlights
- chemical protection 6
Converse Kick Starters
-- black biker boots
Total Ballistic Armor: 10
Total Impact Armor: 9
Gear on Hand
Stuffer Shack Gripstrip {50' roll duct tape}
Wuxing MediFriend {skinlinked medkit 6}
Ares KaosFlash {skinlinked flash-pak}
Stuffer Shack Second Skin {latex gloves}
Shiawase GlowMax Stix {light stick} x2
Evo FreeFlow {respirator 6}
Stuffer Shack Scarf-Ace {bandanna} x3
Wuxing Magic Vice {universal sealant spray}
Wuxing C-Squared {cleanser 6} x2
Aztechnology Psychic Serpent {skinlinked snake bracelet emotitoy 6}
Stuffer Shack Virginia Real {cigarettes}
Stuffer Shack Zippo {lighter}
Evo CorpCandy {betel gum} x10
Drugs {stim patches 6 x5, long haul x2, psyche x3, kamikaze x4}
-- Alistair has been unlucky with vehicles lately. His Americar was trashed a month ago in the Barrens, and his Harley finally died for good 10 days ago.
Alistair's current residence is a small but quite luxurious Bellevue loft, with everything but a small bathroom and an even smaller kitchen all combined in one, albeit quite large, main area. It is expensive enough, but the 27th floor apartment is perfect for his needs.
Lining one wall are shelves of books and disks, their topics varying widely from law to fashion, politics to the classics, and of course, all aspects of magic. The opposite wall is dominated by a floor-to-ceiling window offering a panoramic western view of Downtown across Council Island. A fine crystal decanter filled with amber liquid and matching set of heavy tumblers sits on small oak cocktail bar by the window, next to a huge, wall-mounted trid screen, while a large bed fills the far end of the room. The loft is scattered with finely crafted furnishings, beautiful pastel velvet pillows, black leather couches and recliners and real mahogany fixtures.
Gear at Home
Assorted clothing including various Tir Assassins, concert, and U-Dub t-shirts
Nike crosstrainers
Real SIN - Alistair O'Shea {U-Dub student}
-- permits for driving, augmentation, magic
Fake SIN {4} - Anson Hartford {Telestrian troubleshooter}
-- permits for driving, augmentation, magic {4}
High lifestyle {5 days overdue on payment}
Total nuyen {1500¥}
- ebony credstick {1000¥}
- silver certified credstick {500¥}
- silver certified credstick {empty}
Brian Royce - male elf - fixer - 'Silicon Siren' bar in Loveland {loyalty 2 / connections 4}
-- It isn't a matter of who Brian knows, or what he can get his hands on, but just who doesn't he know, and exactly what can't he acquire.
Alistair O'Shea was born in Portland on the evening of February 7th, 2039, a date universally known as the Night of Rage. He never knew his father, and his mother, Silvia never spoke even a single word about him. Shortly after Alistair's birth, the two moved to Tarislar. Although she didn't appear to have a regular job, Silvia provided a good home for her young son. A steady stream of people visited their household during his youth, almost all of them elven. The visitors came dressed in a variety of clothing, ranging from paramilitary to ganger garb to flowing silken robes. Some were strangers, coming just one time, and Alistair would only ever at best catch fleeting glimpses of most of these as his mother or one of her friends hid the young elf. Others were around so frequently that he got used to calling them 'uncle' or 'aunt', and would even stay with one of them when Silvia would disappear for a day or three.
On October 31st 2051, Alistair found an unlabeled chip and an accompanying reader in the bathroom, carelessly left laying around by one of his mother's visitors. Curious, he attached his trodes and slotted the BTL chip, completely unaware of its true nature. Flipping the switch, his vision was suddenly filled with a blinding, multicolored flash, and with an unearthly scream, the 12 year old ripped the trodes off his head, then promptly toppled to the floor in a deep coma.
The young elf awakened three months later in a Bellevue clinic, under the care of Linda Modine, one of his mother's frequent visitors, and a well-respected surgeon. After extensive study and countless tests, it was determined that the BTL's scorching triggered Alistair's awakening, and combined to cause unique and irreparable damage to the adolescent's psyche and aura. As a result, Alistair was left with a total inability to deal with the Astral and Spirits of all kinds, and the whole affair left young elf physically weak, but surprisingly seemed to reinforce his constitution.
His mother grew quite worried, and even more over-protective, and Alistair would occasionally catch a troubled glance from one or another of the still-frequent visitors. The young elf, of course, threw himself into grasping all he could of his newfound abilities, hardly regretting the almost crippling effects of his awakening. Strangely, he never seemed to lack for tutors, as a surprisingly large number of Silvia's acquaintances just happened to be magically active.
Just over three years after his recovery, and just past Alistair's 16th birthday, tragedy again stuck the fledgling elf. On the night of the 28th of February 2055, Silvia had gone out on one of her familiar but unexplained jaunts, expecting to return late the following night. The next day went by without word, and then most of the next before they got the bad news. It was delivered by Green Lucifer himself, a high-ranking member of the Ancients whom Alistair had seen on several occasions around the house, but had only exchanged a few words. The elven ganger gave few details concerning Silvia's death, but he did deliver her small platinum and amethyst earring, and a couple of other things that came as a something of a surprise. The first was a man's ring made entirely of jade, emblazoned with a dragon shaped into a stylized 'Q', and the second was an ebony credstick with a matching insignia containing his real SIN along with a sizable amount of nuyen. Neither came with any accompanying explanation, and Alistair was disappointed to learn that there was no reference at all in the official documentation to his unknown and seemingly mysterious father.
Green Lucifer took the young mage under his wing, and proceeded to act as his guardian. Alistair was inducted into the Ancients, and learned of the various schisms inside the elven gang. Green Lucifer arranged for Alistair to spend a fair amount of time in Tir Tairngire, learning about the Elven ways and traditions, as well as furthering his education, both mundane and magical. While he was there, Alistair discovered he felt a real affinity for the Tir, and their way of life. Since then he has met several of Green Lucifer's influential associates, including both those close to the Tir government and members of those factions that would strive against it, like Rinelle ke'Tesrae, many of whom, the young mage quietly noted, seemed to cast the occasional knowing glance in his direction when they thought Alistair was unaware. All of this has gone a long way in furthering his own opinions that there is a need for the Ancients to be a more active force in the politics of the Tir itself. This outlook was, and still is somewhat contentious amongst the Ancients in general, and so Alistair keeps his true loyalties close to his chest, revealing them only when he is sure that the reaction will be positive.
In the fall of 2062, Alistair began his post secondary education at the University of Washington (U-Dub). He initially planned to pursue a curriculum of law as well as thaumaturgy, but he has since expanded his studies to include such diverse areas as politics, business, and even psychology. He also started accepting jobs outside the gang, using the fixer Brian Royce as a go-between. It was through Royce that Alistair, by then having adopted the street name Gypsy, amassed the money needed to make use of Doc Modine's services to have several pieces of Bioware implanted. During his second year at the university, the young sorcerer came into contact with a new thaumaturgy professor, Dr. Steven Knox. Dr. Knox was troubled at first by the thought of Alistair sacrificing some of his magical potential with the bioware implants, but soon warmed to the young, quick-thinking elven mage. Since then Knox has become an invaluable mentor, especially in the area of magical threats, and of course, spellcasting itself. The elven professor even managed to arrange a meeting with the extremely reclusive talismonger, Sasha Harris, to whom Alistair immediately took quite a shine.
While technically still a full member of the Ancients, over time Green Lucifer, for reasons of his own, has managed to help distance Alistair from the mainstream, and consequently his association with the go-gang is not known to the general public, or even Lone Star. He funnels money from his shadowy jobs through a private Tir Tairngire trust fund, which helps both support and explain his free-spending, semi-permanent student lifestyle.
Alistair O'Shea is short for an Elf, standing barely over 6 feet in height, although he does have the typical lean, wiry elven frame. He keeps his black hair cut in a short and trendy style, and his piercing lavender eyes are sometimes mistaken for cyber at first glance. A tattoo of a stylized dragon formed into the shape of a letter 'Q' adorns his right shoulder, an identical copy of the engraved jade ring that occasionally adorns his right hand. A single small amethyst earring pierces the lobe of his left ear. Alistair strives to appear well-groomed at all times, and always seems to be dressed appropriately, no matter what style of clothing the situation might call for.
Alistair very much enjoys the good things in life that money can buy, but cannot stomach the very idea of working in the Corp structure under the direction of incompetent leadership. He has set up his lifestyle in such a way as to make use of his ill-gotten funds by funneling them through various schemes in the Tir, resulting in a trust fund that serves well to prop up his cover while at the same time allowing the elf to continue his seemingly never-ending education. He despises what he considers menial tasks like cooking, cleaning, and the like, preferring to either use his magic to accomplish what needs to be done, or to leave it entirely in the hands of someone more experienced, and indeed more suited to that level of work.
He holds the whole idea of Tir Tairngire close to his heart, but has very defined opinions on how the elven state should be implemented, although Alistair tends to keep his ideals to himself. He is a little disappointed in the Ancients for not seizing the opportunity to take a more active role in the new regime. The affinity he feels for the elven nation extends to most others of elvenkind, and he considers even the lowest of his race to be a level above almost anyone from any other metatype.
Current: -
Total earned: -
Character Generation
400 BP = race: 30 / attributes: 200 / special attributes: 30 / active skills: 84 / resources: 32 / magic: 38 / contacts: 6 / qualities: +20