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*Looks at Fortune* Why would you think that?
Arrrrggghhhhh! Aneurysm alert!

At least throw use a bone and give us Charisma x2 in free contact levels. Pretty please. biggrin.gif
Here is a picture of Gray and Lion on the streets I made in DAZ 3D Studio...

Gray and Lion

I can't find a model for his Davey Crocket shirt anywhere so he's in a grungy t-shirt.
Well, since you rushed me ... wink.gif biggrin.gif

Alistair 'Gypsy' O'Shea
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 13 2008, 05:32 PM) *
And I'll even promise not to bitch during the whole chargen process ... grinbig.gif

He lies. biggrin.gif
This should be close to the finalized version of Gray. Let me know if I'm missing anything. I know he can't use a gun, so you can ignore that.

Sorry made on major change to get rid of all the armor he can't use and add a power focus.

Nathan "Gray" Reynolds
Portrait: Gray and Lion

===> sheet moved to post below
You may have overlooked that Charisma linked Social Skills ie Etiquette, Intimidation, and Con done in English your non native language is number of successes is capped at your Skill at English ie 3. All those extra mods to the Social Skills tests, to me is wasted.
Thanks for the tip, but actually, I believe it is only Social Skill Dice (not subsequent successes or hits) that are limited to the level of the Language involved. smile.gif

QUOTE (SR4 pg. 130)
Charisma-Linked Skills and Language
When a character attempts to influence someone using another language, her persuasive ability is limited by her ability to convey ideas and concepts in that language. To reflect this, whenever a character uses a Charisma-linked Social skill interact with another character in a non-native tongue, the Social skill dice used may not exceed the character's Language skill rating.
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 16 2008, 05:33 PM) *
Thanks for the tip, but actually, I believe it is only Social Skill Dice (not subsequent successes or hits) that are limited to the level of the Language involved. smile.gif

Opps I stand corrected. So does that mean that the emotitoy and pheromones add dice to the social skills test?

I think it is the dice in the actual skill (otehrwise it would have said skill pool). So he can use as much charisma, and other dice pool modifiers as he can get - but only 3 dice can come from the skills (or however much english he has).
So, I see how it is ...

All these threats and deadlines and such! I did my job and got my character in on time, but is that enough? No! Here it is, already well into Tuesday morning, and I don't see any activity, or comments, or, to be honest, much of anything happening at all. Hmmmmm ... biggrin.gif
Ok fortune, it's Monday morning in the part of the world where we drive on both the right, and correct side of the road. I said I would look over the characters today, and I am. Once I am satified they do't need any changes or if they do, let you know, I'll let you know biggrin.gif
It's already 6 AM Tuesday morning in the civilized world. nyahnyah.gif
Sorry, made one major change to Gray to get rid off all that armor and grenades he can't really use and to add a power focus. Also slightly adjusted knowledge skills to reflect veterinary school. Also fixed armor mods, as you can only have 1.5x the highest rating in mods on a piece of armor (pg. 44, Arsenal)

Nathan "Gray" Reynolds
Portrait: Gray and Lion

[ Spoiler ]
I want a emotitoy! What is it? Is it another fun thing from Arsenal?
Yep. smile.gif
Damn you people with Arsenal! T_T
QUOTE (Arsenal pg. 57)
Emotitoys: Emotitoys are sophisticated electronic toys programmed with empathy software (see p. 60) to recognize metahuman body language and facial expressions, thus giving them a limited ability to sense emotions and react appropriately, based on their purpose.

Due to aggressive marketing campaigns by Aztechnology, Horizon, and other corps, emotitoys are extremely popular even among adults, with hipsters everywhere sporting emotitoys that dangle from their commlinks or climb around their clothing. Emotitoys come in a wide variety of styles, such as the gothic Grue, the cheerful Chirpichu, and the colorful Moodwyrm. Some are animatronic but nonmobile, while others are functional minidrones.

Shadowrunners have also embraced the emotitoy craze, bringing their “friends� along to meets to get an edge during negotiations, using the toy’s sensors and empathy software to get a read on the other side.

The rating of the emotitoy is the rating of its built-in empathy software.

Non-mobile: Rating (up to 6) x 100 nuyen.
Mobile: Rating (up to 6) x 100 nuyen + 2000 (flat, not per rating)
If your a Shadowrunner and you use one of those things, you deserve what you get. One of those things that screams "I'm an amatrure". There are things in the books that makes me wonder who's writing them and why.
Ok all the character's look good, if anyone wants to make changes please do so now. I am going to start the thread roughly 8am local.
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 18 2008, 10:27 AM) *
If your a Shadowrunner and you use one of those things, you deserve what you get. One of those things that screams "I'm an amatrure".

I kind of agree and kind of disagree. But I figured that you would say that, which is why I got mine skinlinked, so I don't actually have to visually refer to it in public. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 18 2008, 10:29 AM) *
Ok all the character's look good ...

eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif

You're kidding, right? You have absolutely no complaints about Alistair at all???

Damn! I could have raped the system a little bit more. biggrin.gif
Looks pretty standard Fortune... seen one min/maxed over powered character, seen them all wink.gif
QUOTE (quentra @ Mar 17 2008, 04:36 PM) *
Damn you people with Arsenal! T_T

The only thing I bought from Arsenal was the SecureTech PPP Helmet. Pretty pedestrian really. I got Gremlins and SR4 basic gear is good enough for them to munch on...

Anybody got any good ideas for the team background? Other than my cable guy idea with Lyssius, Gray could have ran into Gypsy, but Gray's gang ran in the Barrens, and Gypsy seems too high class for hanging with the low life. Gray is one rent check away from homeless.

Gray's can of whupass is a different flavor from Piece's, but they make a good one two punch and they both get (or can get ) 3 initiative passes (ala magic and cyber).

We probably are a team already but how did we meet? Anybody got Spirit Bane? If so, Gray is sort of like Ghost Busters: he's who you're gonna call.
I'm thinking of a standard 'I need a crew, this is who the fixer picked out,' kinda thing, but that's pretty basic (not to mention random.) Oh, and Shadow? You said I can't have an LMG on my Mirage T_T, but my question is a bit different. Does a smartlink help a jumped in gun? I mean, when I'm rigging, and shooting the gun/guns in my bike, do I still get the smartlink bonus if its smartlinked?
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 18 2008, 12:41 PM) *
Looks pretty standard Fortune... seen one min/maxed over powered character, seen them all

Spoilsport! nyahnyah.gif

Seriously, if you want me to change something, just say so.

QUOTE (Gray @ Mar 18 2008, 01:39 PM) *
Anybody got Spirit Bane?

Not Spirit Bane per say, but Gypsy has no ability with Summoning (and stuff), so it is not too far-fetched to have met through something along those lines.

Oh, and it isn't like Gypsy is really 'high-brow'. He's just a permanent student, who likes to live high, but also likes to party just like most other 'permanent students'. wink.gif biggrin.gif
QUOTE (quentra @ Mar 18 2008, 05:31 AM) *
I'm thinking of a standard 'I need a crew, this is who the fixer picked out,' kinda thing, but that's pretty basic (not to mention random.) Oh, and Shadow? You said I can't have an LMG on my Mirage T_T, but my question is a bit different. Does a smartlink help a jumped in gun? I mean, when I'm rigging, and shooting the gun/guns in my bike, do I still get the smartlink bonus if its smartlinked?

Let me look it up, my first guess would be yes, but some times the rules are squirly.
Actually, another question. Does the weapon mount effectively negate recoil, or only provides some recoil compensation, or none at all?

EDIT: @Fortune, was looking through everyone's contacts for a tie in for me, and decided to use yours. (Brian Royce, the fixer) Is that chill, or is that fixer some Ancients only or elf only kinda guy?
Eyeless Blond
Originally it's supposed to provide full recoil, but Arsenal mentions this might be silly for low-body drones. I think the final word was something like (Body) or (Body*2) in recoil comp.
So I can assume full comp for my bike, and (bod*2) for my drone, I guess?
QUOTE (quentra @ Mar 19 2008, 02:23 AM) *
Fortune, was looking through everyone's contacts for a tie in for me, and decided to use yours. (Brian Royce, the fixer) Is that chill, or is that fixer some Ancients only or elf only kinda guy?

No sweat. Good idea too. smile.gif

I am really not happy with Gypsy's contacts (contact!). Usually I have a list of about 15 or 20 people, but had to eriously trim it down for this game.
Yeah, I don't like RAW contact rules either, bout the only thing I houserule in TT. But eh, whaddya gonna do? So I put in Brian Royce as my contact. You have any background on him?
Sure ... put me on the spot! nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif

I don't really have a set background, as I usually go with the flow, and fill out contacts as they become relevant. Feel free to fill in or make up whatever details you think are appropriate when the need arises, and I'll go along. smile.gif
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