Updated character sheet (Got a rating 3 commlink, instead, but this one has some common-use programs on it. Upped leftover money for starting cash, got a backup pair of clothes, and a backup suit). Will be going backwards and editing out previous versions of this sheet so that the only one on here is up to date.
Concept: Street Samurai, Weapon Specialist
OOC Background:
Piece usually dresses corporate-chic - smooth and elegant armored business attire, usually black, with a stylish and similarly expensive longcoat. However, rather than coming off as a cunning and successful corporate shark, his toned and muscular frame, and somewhat dull wit, give the impression of a high-paid bodyguard, or corporate goon, at best. Piece prefers to pack as much heat as the situation allows. Within his longcoat, it is not uncommon for him to have a half-dozen firearms concealed, but within easy reach. He always keeps at least two taser-guns on himself, except when circumstances forbid it.
He is a skilled in both close-combat and ranged, and has blended the two together in a flashy-theatrical style heavily influenced by Ares Firefighting techniques, and the swift efficient maneuvers borrowed from various Armed Forces. His style is very cinematic, perhaps deceptively so. He dances, rolls, and flips through combat, using broad sweeping kicks as well as whatever weapons he has on him (or can improvise from items laying around, nearby). In typical Firefight form, he usually fights with a pistol in each hand, but unlike many Firefight artists, he is as likely to pistol-whip an opponent as kick them. His firearms have all been modified and hardened, such that they could be used to deflect away an incoming blade, or strike with the barrel, without risking damage to the internal firing mechanisms. He prides his style on its adaptability in combat, and has trained in a wide range of hand-to-hand weapons as well as one-handed firearms. He considers himself a jack-of-all-blades and master-of-none - though what he lacks in experience he has made up for, in cyberware.
Like any good street-samurai, there isn't much of him left, anymore. He looks human, and unaugmented, from the outside, but, inside, he has been made stronger, faster, tougher, and all-around deadlier than any normal human - which is to say, that he meets the minimum requirements of any street-sam hoping to make it in Seattle's shadows.
Piece also drives a fairly nice car. The Hyundai Shin-Hyung matches his professional corporate look, but Piece has had it modified for use in the Shadows. The vehicle has a spoof-chip, that constantly changes its registration information, and is even able to change the license-plate and color of the vehicle to blend in, or evade pursuers. The tires are run-flat, and the GridLink has been overridden to allow the vehicle to draw power from the city, while ignoring the enforced speed and safety restrictions. The most important feature, however, is the shielded smuggling compartments installed within, housing Piece's collection of firearms and other weapons - so that they are always nearby, when needed. The vehicle sits four, comfortably, and Piece doesn't usually mind carting the team around, when they want to ride in style - but he prefers to drive the vehicle manually, and is as much of a daredevil and showoff on the road, as he is in combat. combat.
Attributes (200 BP)
STR 5/7 (40)
BOD 4 (30)
AGI 5/7 (40)
REA 4/6 (30)
INT 3 (20)
WIL 3 (20)
LOG 2 (10)
CHA 2 (10)
Advantages (35 BP)
Firefight (10) Reduce Attacker in Melee penalties by 2
Krav Maga (15) Draw Weapon as Free Action, Take Aim as Free Action, Reduce Attacker in Melee penalties by 1
Capoeira (5) +1 Gymnasic Dodge
Arnis de Mano (5) Deals Damage with Called shot to Disarm, or the Disarm Maneuver
Maneuvers (24 BP)
- Blind Fighting
- Break Weapon
- Disarm
- Groundifghting
- Ialjutsu (Weapon+Reaction (3))
- Kick
- Multistrike
- Off Hand Training
- Reposte
- Sweep
- Two Weapon Style
- Watchful Guard
Skills (100 BP)
- Close Combat 4 (40)
- Pistols 6 (Heavy Pistols
- Automatics 2 (
- Longarms 1 (4)
- Gymnastics 4 (16)
- Armorer 1 (4)
- Intimidate 1 (Physical 3) (6)
Knowledge Skills (15 free)
- Interests: Martial Arts 5
- Interests: Firearms 5
- Professional: Military 3
- Language: Japanese 2
Contacts (8 BP)
- Arms Dealer (2/2)
- StreetDoc (2/2)
Gear (36 BP = 180,000)
Cyberware (74,500, total)
- Alphaware Wired Reflexes 2 [3] A8R (32,000)
- Alphaware Muscle Replacement 2 [1.6] (20,000)
- Ceramic Bone Lacing [1.2] (22,500)
- Contacts [6] (50) (700, total)
- Smartlink [4] (500)
- VisionMag [2] (100)
- Skinlink (50)
Forearm Snap Blades +Skinlink x2 (400)
Throwing Knife x10 (200)
Fake Cyberware License 4 [Muscle Replacement, Bone Lacing, Wired Reflexes] (400x3=1,200)
Fake Firearms Licenses 4 [Elanx2, Predatorx2, Slivergunx2, Warhawkx4] (400x10=4000)
Fake Weapons Licenses 4 [Forearm Snap Bladesx2] (400x2=800)
Fake SIN 4 (4,000) "Anthony Marks" (Ares Firefight-Trained Security)
High Lifestyle (10,000)
Leftover Money (1200) [+12 to starting cash roll]
Novatech Airware (3/3) (1250) (6,200 total)
Iris Orb (3/3) (1000)
Firewall 6 (3,000)
SkinLink (50)
Rating 3 Common Use Programs (6@150=900)
Analyze, Browse, Command, Edit, Encrypt, Scan
Vashoon Island Synergist Business Line (Longcoat, Slacks, High Collar Shirt) (6/3) (2,000)
Vashoon Island Synergist Business Line (Longcoat, Slacks, High Collar Shirt) (6/3) (2,000) (Spare Suit)
Sets of unarmored clothing x 10
Ares Executive Protector (2,350)
5P - SA/BF/FA RC-4(1) 30© (1,000)
SmartGun Version (500)
Integral Sound Suppressor
Non-Standard Housing (300)
Modifications (6)
(1) Personalized Grip (100)
(2) Gas Vent 3 (400)
(1) Skinlink (50)
Briefcase Rocket (3,350)
12P -2/-6 SS - 1 (1,400)
Airburst Link (500)
Modifications (6)
(1) Smartlink (1,400)
(1) Skinlink (50)
Quick-Draw Holster (Bandoleer) x6 (600)
Defiance EX Shocker x6 (870x6=5220)
8S(e) -half SA - 4(m) (150)
- Personalized Grip (100)
- Melee Hardening (300)
- Firing Selection Change (300)
4 Taser Darts (20)
Concealed Holsters (Boot Left/Right) x2 (150)
Morrissey Elan, Holdout Pistol x2 (450x2=1050)
4P/3P AP- SA RC0 5© (450)
Plasteel Components 3 (Undetectable by MAD scanners)
4 Clips of 5 Hi-C Plastic Rounds (75x4=300) (Undetectable by MAD scanners)
Hidden Gun Arm Slide x2 (700)
Ares Predator IV x2 (1150x2=2300)
5P +1 SA - 15© (350)
(1) Internal Smartgun System (-)
(1) Personalized Grip (100)
(1) Melee Hardening (300)
(2) Silencer (400)
4 Clips of 15 Subsonic Ammo (60x4=240)
Concealed Holsters x2 (Lower Back Left/Right) x2 (150)
Ares Viper Slivergun , Heavy Pistol (1800x2=3600)
8P(f) +2AP, SA/BF, RC-4, 30©, 5R (500)
(1) Personalized Grip (100)
(1) Internal Smartgun System (500)
(1) Melee Hardening (300)
(2) Gas Vent 3 (400)
4 Clips of 30 Flechette rounds (1200)
Concealed Holsters x2 (Armpits Left/Right) x2 (150)
Rugar Super Warhawk, Heavy Pistol (1700x2=3400)
7P -3 SA - 8(cy) (250)
(1) Personalized Grip (100)
(1) Internal Smartgun System (250)
(1) Melee Hardening (300)
(1) Increased Cylinder (500)
(1) Firing Selection Change (300)
80 Rounds of ExEx Ammo (800)
Quick-Draw Holsters x2 (Hips Left/Right) x2 (200)
Rugar Super Warhawk, Heavy Pistol (2700x2=5400)
7P -3 SA - 8(cy) (250)
(1) Personalized Grip (100)
(1) Internal Smartgun System (250)
(1) Melee Hardening (300)
(1) Increased Cylinder (500)
(1) Firing Selection Change (300)
(1) Custom Appearance (1000)
40 Rounds of Silver Ammo (25x40=1000)
Hyundai Shin-Hyung (40,250)
Handling +2
Accel 20/45
Speed 160
Pilot 1
Body 10
Armor 5
Sensors 1 (STOCK)
-Atmosphere Sensor 1
-2 Cameras, Vision Enhance 1 (front and back)
-2 Laser Range Finders (front and back)
-2 Motion Sensors (front and back)
-Radar 1
Morphing License Plate (1,000)
SpoofChip (500)
RunFlat Tires (1000)
Modifications (14)
1 - GridLink (750)
1 - GridLink Override (2,000)
2 - Chameleon Coating (10,000)
2 - AntiTheft (2,000)
2 - Shielded Smuggling Compartment (ChemSniffer, MAD Scanner) (6,000)