I have the mainbook (though in horribly detted condition...most of it is now housed anyways though soo...), the Cannon Companion, SR Comp (3), MITS, Man and Machine, Rigger 3, and a few 2nd ed books. I'm looking through and I can't figure out what would be the most rocking pickup.
I like the sound of SOTA:2063, and YotC. Is SOTA as jampacked as CC or MM? Or is it too lean? Is YotC more like Renraku Shutdown, with a neat story and a rather heavy run premise, or does it have it's share of neat stuff too?
I don't have that many deckers, but that could be because I don't have Matrix. Is Matrix worth it?
Any other books really worth buying? I'm a man of limited means, but y'know, birthday (Wed) and CocaColaDay (25th) comin' up too. Maybe my FRIENDS WILL READ THIS AND BUY ACCORDINGLY.
Shoot away!