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Ah. Well, its a mobile emotitoy loaded onto an earstud, I'd assume it justs broadcasts itself onto my commlink and then into my AR feed, right?
Ahh I see what you are thinking. The device is stupid, 6 bonus die for a social test is ridicoulus buff. Roll stands as is.
So just outlaw Emotitoys in the game from this point forward and be done with it. I am sure I can find some other use for the money I spent of Alistair's. biggrin.gif
But...but...I like my twinky emotitoy XD I actually don't mind anime-esque elements in my SR.
Hey guys, I have to work all day today so I will try and fit some posting in but expect it to be light.
Alright, OOC, I suggest we start working on the hacking attempt. If that guy's matrix footprint is squeeky-clean, that is pretty much our only hope of getting his personal billing information. If we get on there soon, they'll both be online, and we could probably get him commcode ID and begin a trace on his location. That's the real key information. I could care less what fake information is on his fake SIN that is being billed for his account - if he's careful enough not to let any personal information or pictures leak out anywhere on the internet, he's good enough not to bother using a legit SIN. We just need to know where he is at.
So by we, you guy mean...'Yo, hacker dude! Get....hacking, or whatever the hell you do' nyahnyah.gif
Pretty much. smile.gif
nyahnyah.gif Right... So I'd hafta get home, hack my way into the game (or fake an account), do a whois lookup on the playerlist (have the targets handle luckily), run a trace, pinpoint his location...Okay, should be doable. But I really wanna go shoot stuff with my bike.... biggrin.gif
Well, you don't really have to go home - but, otherwise, yeah.

You will have to hack into the game server - which, if it isn't very secure, might be doable in a couple of seconds... but since it probably is, and you'll probably want to be careful, could take as much as 8 hours of preparation... but by then we won't know when the next time that guy is online... so maybe the super-fast risky option is more worth it.

Anyways, once you're online, on the game server node, you should be able to do a matrix perception test to see the icons of anyone else logged into that node. My current assumption is that we know he's going to be logged in in about a half-hour... which might not be true, but if it is, gives us a slight advantage (rather than having to track him down using data that is almost certainly false). It'd probably take some sort of browse test to lookup the player data (which account is playing as which character - and figure out which one of those is our man) and then you could start performing a trace to see where he is logging in from.

At the very least, that should tell us what corner of the world he's coming from, if not point us within a few meters of his base of operations.
Well, time for this, then.

RL kinda crept up on me while I had my back turned, and killed some of my DS time. But hey, I'm not the sort of guy to let RL get the advantage of me, y'know, so I'm back. With my posts. Sorry about the delay.

IC incoming.
Gray will call Katie Bauer. She's a reporter for NewsNet (L4, C3) and see what she can dig up on J0nus Blain3 and Ren4grdl33t and the WGL. Gray has Charisma 5 and Etiquette 1 + Loyalty 4 gives a dice pool of 10.

Roll 1: 4545613333 = 3 Hits.
Sorry about the delay guys, long weekend.

@ Gray

[ Spoiler ]
Uleso is gonna scan the restaurant for any listening or recording devices.

Its just a normal Electronic Warfare + Scan test, right?
I EW+Scan test will let you find all of the wireless nodes within range. AFAIK, the rules don't really let you know anything about those nodes unless they are publicly open (active nodes?), or broadcasting their purpose (even that could be faked, I suppose). Most characters have at least a handfull of such devices on them, and these are security-minded shadowrunners. Your average patron at a restaurant, and the restaurant itself will certainly be swarming with wireless devices that you can detect - but you wouldn't know which, if any, are interested in you.

In terms of someone eavesdropping (using a sniffer program to intercept our traffic, and listen in) the BBB does say that this is impossible to detect, because they are only receiving signals that we're broadcasting in every direction - they aren't sending anything back to us (that would be a case of Spoof, if they were, and we still wouldn't know it unless their spoof failed).

For audio or video surveillance, you have the same problem. Even if you detected the node for a wireless microphone, you'd have to hack in to find out that it is a microphone... and going through the list of thousands of devices would take forever.

You *might* be able to narrow down the search by focusing only on wireless nodes that you detect that are in hidden mode (eliminating most people's commlinks, glasses, contacts, earbuds, guns, credsticks, whathaveyou) - but it would still probably be a lot of false leads.

You probably stand a better chance making a perception check to notice the micro-sized microphone taped to the wall, or the tiny camera in the corner of the room.
Sorry about the slow pace guys, as soon as the game started I got a screwy work schedule. Doing my best.

Yeah Quen, gimmie the rolls.
QUOTE (Shadow @ Apr 4 2008, 07:40 AM) *
Sorry about the slow pace guys, as soon as the game started I got a screwy work schedule. Doing my best.

Shit happens. No need to worry about it. smile.gif
Wait, so scan'll tell me what nodes are in range...But not what type of device they are? That seems sort of odd, when I can do a wireless network check on my laptop and distinguish between a net enabled cell phone, my psp, and my computer...
Yes, because your phone is broadcasting that it is a phone, so is your PSP and your computer. In game terms, they're "active nodes' or whatever it is called when you give out some information about yourself. Even in shadowrun most consumer devices probably operate this way, since they're not doing anything wrong, and it would be more expensive than it is worth to make them secure against hackers.

However, the kinds of things you are looking for wouldn't fall into this category. A hacker using his commlink to intercept our traffic, or a wireless camera or microphone planted nearby wouldn't be broadcasting what they are, or what they are up to - or if they did, they would be pretending to be something innocuous. In game terms, they would be passive nodes (or even hidden nodes, if they are attempting to go unseen).

Its really up to Shadow. But my understanding of the rules is that you can detect passive nodes (and even hidden nodes, but the threshold is higher) because you can pick up radio signals coming from them, but you don't automatically know what those nodes are and what they are doing... to do that, you would have to hack into them, or intercept the traffic coming out, possibly decrypt it, and see what it is (if someone is sending out a video-feed of us, it is a fair bet that that node is a camera).

Of course, depending on the number of other hidden nodes in the area, you might be in for an exhaustive process of singling out, intercepting, decrypting, and inspecting all of them - all the while, new ones are popping up in your search results and other ones go offline, as patrons come and go from the restaurant with whatever private devices they carry with them.

My suggestion in my earlier response was that it would be worth looking at how many "hidden" nodes there are, and ignore all of the public nodes. Most people's consumer electronics would normally operate publicly... but if someone is carrying a smart-gun around, they wouldn't want it telling the whole world they are armed. Chances are, anyone at all familiar with computers could make the check to change the wireless setting from "active" to "passive" or even "hidden". Same goes for anything else they don't want people to automatically know they have.

My point was, though, that if someone WAS spying on us, they are exactly the sort of person who would know enough to run in hidden mode, and so scan, alone, probably won't be enough to get the information you want (which is, is anyone actually spying on us).
QUOTE (Shadow @ Apr 3 2008, 03:40 PM) *
Sorry about the slow pace guys, as soon as the game started I got a screwy work schedule. Doing my best.

Yeah Quen, gimmie the rolls.

Do I need a threshold or should I assume something?
Well basically you roll your EW pool and and post your roll. If you get 1 hit you will detect less then if you get 3 hits.

EW+Scan roll, detecting hidden nodes

3 + 5

Results:5 1 6 1 4 5 4 3
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