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Knowledge rolls for conspiracy theories and data havens to check if the name J0nus Blain3 has ever popped up anywhere.

Conspiracy Theory Knowledge Check

4 (skill) + 3 (intuition) = 7 die

7x(D6+0): 6 4 6 1 2 6 6 = 4 hits

Data Havens Knowledge Check

3 (skill) + 3 (inuition) = 6 die

6x(D6+0): 1 1 6 2 6 5 = 3 hits
quentra: Would you mind killing your sig. in the IC thread? It is kind of standard practice in order to help keep the mood and flow happening. smile.gif
Eep, good point.

EDIT: Aaaaand done. smile.gif
QUOTE (quentra @ Mar 20 2008, 09:55 AM) *
Knowledge rolls for conspiracy theories and data havens to check if the name Jonus Blake has ever popped up anywhere.

Conspiracy Theory Knowledge Check

4 (skill) + 3 (intuition) = 7 die

7x(D6+0): 6 4 6 1 2 6 6 = 4 hits

Data Havens Knowledge Check

3 (skill) + 3 (inuition) = 6 die

6x(D6+0): 1 1 6 2 6 5 = 3 hits

[ Spoiler ]
Yeah yeah, that. nyahnyah.gif
So there is no confusion Ule can you edit your post? Not sure where you got the psychotropic IC ting from.
Uh, just his knowledge check. He was browsing conspiracy theories, read that one about a game, clicked through a couple of more links, saw the guys name on a high score sheet.

@shadow: Is neural rejection something common in the sixth world? I mean, should Uleso know what it is, just as common knowledge?

Perception 3 (+2 visual) + 4 Inutition = 9 dice.

2 Hits.
Its a genetic flaw that prevents people from getting any kind of cyber, they have to use AR for everything.
Shit, I can barely type up an IC, I'm laughing so damn hard rotfl.gif

@everyone: Who's closest?
Yeah, this is good stuff. I don't really care who is closest, but I'm going to assume its not Piece.
Speaking of monies. Starting cash (I never rolled)
4d6+12 = 21 (#D=4 : 1215)
21x500 (high lifestyle) = 10,500

So, the addition of the 2,000 (assuming whoever steps up to being closest forks over Piece's share) brings his total to 12,500
Eep, money rolls I'll do later. For now, I'm gonna roll data browse to find some intel on the guy J0nus wants us to locate.

Once shadow gives me an interval that is. And explains exactly how Extended Tests work. nyahnyah.gif
Not sure if he'll have any special rules for his game... but typically, you're goign to be rolling computer+data search.

The interval should depend on where the information is compared to you. If you were on his commlink, it would be "same device" and have an interval in initiative passes, if you were in the same network (perhaps logging into the game they play, or meeting up with him in one of his matrix hangouts) it would be in combat rounds... .more than likely, though, since we have no where better to start, it will be "Entire matrix" which has an interval in minutes.

The threshhold depends on the difficulty of the information (Easy, Average, Hard or Extreme). I'm guessing that since he's a famous hot-shot like this guy, getting more information about him should be Easy, but getting PERSONAL information about him will be Hard or even Extreme depending on how careful he is to cover his tracks. Still, if he has won awards, or money, or whatever, there must be data linking his online handle to his real life SIN or location somewhere in the matrix.

So, what I usually do, is assume the worst (threshold 16)... and just start rolling a handfull of rolls (until I rack up 16 hits). Chances are, you'll be spending a while doing this, but probably no more than 15 minutes (well within our time frame). Going VR won't speed this up, so you might as well be AR - and still listening in to the conversation.

The rest of us can finish up the details of the job, while you start this part, cause it is likely to be the most time consuming.
You can also rush the job, cutting the time taken in half, but then you need to counts 2's for Glitch purposes as well.
Oh, I didn't know you could do that, but that's a cool option.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Mar 21 2008, 08:43 AM) *
Oh, I didn't know you could do that, but that's a cool option.

Yep. Page 59 in SR4.
I suppose Piece is listening for sounds of assent, but I doubt he will hear them.
Intuition 3 -1 defaulting +3 actively searching = 5 dice
Roll 1: 2 hits (#D=5 : 12625 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=2)

Shock and surprise! So, maybe I do hear something. If its normal, grunting, farting, flushing, faucet running, etc... that's cool.
If I don't hear anything in a few seconds, or hear him saying he's stuck or something, Piece is probably going in. smile.gif
Gray wil Assense J0nus Blain3 when he comes back.

Intuition 4 + Assensing 3 = 7 dice.

Roll 1 -->2 hits (6243163)

Just covering bases. I'm sure he's not a toxic spirit or anything, but you never know.
Lol at the last IC remark. i thought about mentioning the same thing OOC.

I'm not really sure what their AR game is like (maybe they have to physically meet up in one hour to play), but if it is played over the matrix, using AR then he could live anywhere in the world. If he even lives in the UCAS, on the off chance he lives in Seattle, unless he also lives in Belleview, he's probably out of our reach in 40 minutes. If he lives that close by (or if they physically meet to play the game) chances are our boss knows who he is, and wouldn't have said we had to track him down.

So, OOC, I'm thinking we're boned - although we could get more information that makes it doable.

What we really need is a dedicated hacker, who can fry him online from anywhere. biggrin.gif None of this rigger wannabe nonsense. wink.gif
Well I think a Rigger wannabee can engineer a localized brown out, don't you? Even remotely, if the dude is in Moscow or some such place. Just enough to take the game server down in that region. If utillity repair service keeps "improving" at the rate it has even in my lifetime, by 2070 it will take them 3 days to fix it. smile.gif

About the only thing I can think of right now... if the guy is 1000's of miles away, is that Gray can go astral, spy on the guy and give Stinky insider info. But you can't even read a vid screen from Astral Space, so I'm not sure how valuable that will be.
stun-bolt the crap out of him so he's playing at -4 to his dice pools? or passes out mid-game?
I only got Stunball, but it should work.
Yeah, I think if it is a matter of making this guy lose - even from the other side of the planet, we could probably arrange something, if pressed, and if money is of little object.
Getting the information on the target in time to make any use of it might be a whole other matter - except that by RAW, even a novice computer user could dig up a hacker's darkest secrets in 15 minutes - probably less if he used a mediocre agent program.

About extended tess, what Black missed is that you only get your Dice pool in tries to do it. So if your DP is 8 dice, you roll them 8 times, if you don't get it done in that many rolls, you don't get it done. And yes, the interval is in minutes. Each roll of the DP is one minute.

@ Gray
[ Spoiler ]
Lol, looks like we were worrying over nothing. He wants him stopped in a week and an hour, not just in one hour. biggrin.gif

Oh yeah, the dice pool thing. Still, someone with 8 dice can buy 2 successes 8 times and hit the (theoretically) highest interval of 16 in 8 minutes.
You millage may vary with this tactic, though. I've had GMs use a lot of modifiers, and modify the threshhold for specific information.
So we find him, and send over the day hooker from My Name is Earl at 10:01. If he's anything like J0nus, he hasn't even seen a (non-virtual) girl in 10 years, so he might not care if she's like 50 years old and missing a few teeth.
Buying successes is at the Game Masters discretion. You need to earn your info biggrin.gif
Well, if you can't buy successes, you're statistically still going to figure it out - you just run a chance of F-ing up one of the rolls. smile.gif
In any case, my point was merely that it should be obtainable information, for us, at least.
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 21 2008, 10:26 AM) *
"Just make sure he's online at that time. So, how much do you need to do this?"

What does everyone thing? 2.5k each plus expenses? Or should we fleece the guy?
Since Shadow encourages us to plan stuff OOC - its probably worth mentioning that OOC I think it would be smart to not commit to much more than accepting the job until we know more about this guy, and who he is. THe price for babysitting some net-head while his parents are out of hte house will be different than if we have to break into a AA-security arcology to get to the guy. That, or we should assume the worse, and charge accordingly. I think its in everyone's best interest to negotiate the price once we know who we're going after. At pretty much any time our side can just walk away from this, so we don't have much to lose.

Personally, I think this guy will agree to anything in about 15 minutes. biggrin.gif

Whatever we ask, it should be a lot. This guy is loaded, and has no idea what he's doing, or what the going rates are for things like this. Hell, I am not even sure if what he's asking us to do counts as a crime, yet.
Oh it's a crime wink.gif
We definitely need to allow for unknown expenses, like plane tickets to Istanbul, or bribes or access codes to get into the Arcology. We don't really want to be out of pocket tracking down some 12 year old who cheats at computer games. grinbig.gif

Not sure if anyone has seen this, but I've been using it to roll my dice: ==> Dice Roller.

There are other sites that actually log your rolls, but this one seems perfect for our game.
Even above and beyond expenses, if the arcology guards are potentially hostile, or the kid runs a street gang or some other complication that makes the job harder than it sounds... its one thing if that kind of crap comes up in the middle of a run after you're committed to it.. .but anything we can find out by figuring out who the target is would help set the price. IF it turns out he's on the board of directors for Ares Macrotechnology or something... well, that's a whole different kind of run - and comes with a much larger price tag.

my point is that we don't know enough about the job to set a good price, and neither does our potential employer. We do know enough about him, though, to know he can afford to hedge his bets, and that he'd rather pay too much, and win, than pay too little, have us fail, and lose.
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 22 2008, 02:08 AM) *
About extended tess, what Black missed is that you only get your Dice pool in tries to do it. So if your DP is 8 dice, you roll them 8 times, if you don't get it done in that many rolls, you don't get it done.

And here you said you weren't using any optional rules! nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif
10,000 each plus expenses. Double if wetwork is involved. biggrin.gif
Can't hurt to ask. Tell him our price goes up another thousand every 5 minutes he bulldreks with us. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 21 2008, 10:33 AM) *
And here you said you weren't using any optional rules! nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif

Extended tests are optional rules?
No, but its an optional rule to limit the number of retries based on dicepool size. A commonly used optional rule, but optional.
So...I roll my Comp+Data Browse until I hit the threshold? Since time doesn't seem to be a factor here.

EDIT: And thus, the rolls! So I have a computer skill of 3, plus my data browse program of 5 is a DP of eight? So I get eight rolls to accumulate x amount of hits I guess.

Data Browse Extended Test

Roll 1: 1, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5 = 5 hit
Roll 2: 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5 = 3 hits
Roll 3: 3, 3, 1, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6 = 3 hits
Roll 4: 6, 5, 1, 5, 2, 3, 6, 4 = 5 hits
Roll 5: 3, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1 = 2 hits
Roll 6: 6, 4, 2, 6, 1, 4, 3, 2 = 2 hits
Roll 7: 4, 6, 1, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6 = 6 hits
Roll 8: 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5 = 4 hits

Total: 30 hits.

So I think I should find him. Yeah. Thank you Irony Roller XD
When we get rolling again, Gray will contact Katie Bauer. She's a reporter for NewsNet (L4, C3) and see what she can dig up on J0nus Blain3 and Ren4grdl33t and the WGL. If I need to make a roll, Gray has Charisma 5 and Etiquette 1.

Roll 1 ==> 631452 = 2 hits.

Did I see anything from my Assensing Roll?
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 21 2008, 09:08 AM) *
@ Gray
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (quentra @ Mar 21 2008, 03:15 PM) *
Data Browse Extended Test

Total: 30 hits.

So I think I should find him. Yeah. Thank you Irony Roller XD

Find him? No. Learn alot about him in 4 minutes, yes. You have to have 4 uninterupted minutes, you can't be doing anything else while you search.
So...should I IC me searching, or are you gonna spoiler something for me?
I'd go for the IC thing.
Yeah, can't hurt to do both. My plan is basically to stall for a few minutes so we can get some information on what we're getting into - and so someone with some social skills can step up. smile.gif
Heh. Right-o.
@ Quentra
[ Spoiler ]
Nego roll for bumping the charges up.

6 (Charisma) + 4 (skill) + 2 (tailored phermones) + 6 (emotitoy) = 18 die

18x(D6): 1 2 1 4 2 6 1 3 4 2 6 3 6 5 3 1 6 1 = 5 hits

I see another broken piece of the game.

Quentra, emotitoys are designed for use with video/trideo cameras... I didn't see that on your character sheet. You need that to get the bonus.
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