Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 1 2008, 06:10 AM
Miss Senkafa is a little-known but growing star. She's beautiful, a good singer, and Sunny Afroflash is something different from the usual drivel that plays in places like ... this. Jack:[ Spoiler ]
Dr's file says this: Jahzara Senkafa, Xhosa mother, Xhosa/Irish father, 16, human, dark complexion. 5'7, 119 lbs, obviously very attractive. She is a singer in Sunny Afroflash style music, a music that combines African tribal rhythms, modern instruments, and optimistic & cheerful lyrics.
Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 4 2008, 06:24 AM
Horizon is not holding her there against her will, but they certainly aren't objecting to her wanting to stay there. Her being part Xhosa, I'm sure that they don't want to piss off the Rain Queen by not letting her leave. But they do consider her a potential hot commodity and the whole Sunny Afroflash scene is small, but growing. This would put it on the map, and Horizon would be the first to have it.
And Whisper, the job is to get her off the property and then contact me. I will arrange a meeting so her parents can try to talk some sense into her one last time. Then, if she wants to go back, she goes back.Ophis
[ Spoiler ]
The system is still searching.
Apr 8 2008, 02:19 AM
An Shui mulls over the fixer's response. "The money seems extremely high just to mediate a conversation, but let me not be the one to question reason where being a parent is a primary factor."
<<@Team [An Shui] I agree. If you cannot take an opponent unprepared, then take them where they are most vulnerable. A concert or performance would provide a much needed level of chaos. Also, there is obviously more here than is being revealed but perhaps this in information that our fixer does not have..?>>
Apr 8 2008, 12:43 PM
A concert will be the time and place with the most security. We need to skin the mouse. Anyway, planning should not be done at the negotiating table.
Apr 8 2008, 12:52 PM
<<@Team [An Shui] I am less worried about the amount of security than the effectiveness of that security, but I am not yet convinced of any specific time or place for the extraction. Let us take our leave and meet in a less.... boisterous location.>>
Apr 8 2008, 01:34 PM
Ruff continues to scan the area around them.
Yes let us go a much less ribald location, maybe one that has a good cup of Rooibos and Honeybush tea.
Apr 10 2008, 05:04 AM
An Shui rises, bowing to the team's fixer. "Thank you for this opportunity." He moves away from the table, waiting for his team mates to do the same before beginning to work through the crowd.
Apr 10 2008, 11:48 AM
"All right. We'll be in touch," says Ukhetshe as he rises from the table, making his exit.
Apr 10 2008, 06:42 PM
As the others begin to rise, Bunny pushes herself casually upright and slips, quickly to the exit.
She loiters in the bracing downpour just outside the club. As she waits for the rest to catch her up she turns slowly on the spot, chin lifted skywards, letting the rain wash the grime and the Club's emotional ick from her face.
The teams PAN starts to bristle with data about sightlines, cover, structural integrity, possible sources of attack. She marks windows, rooftops, alleyways, odd heat signatures and suspect chunks of metal and cyberware.
Apr 11 2008, 01:06 AM
Ruff rises with the rest of the team.
I wonder if the rain is still coming down outside, hmm will check the Weather AR
Talk to you later he says to Dr. D.
Ruff opens a popup window to see the local weather via AR.
He walks out of the establishment, waits underneath the awning to look around and waits for the others.
Apr 11 2008, 07:34 PM
Jack pauses to exchange a few, brief friendly words with the Doc, then he heads outside.
So given the weather we're not discussing this in a park. How about a bit of pizza to aid the mind?
Jack sends the team the address of a local pizza place.
Apr 11 2008, 07:45 PM
An Shui looks to Jack as the team migrates out. "Pizza? Excellent." The ork provides a half-smile at the mention of food, though in appearances his smile is usually more frightening than comforting.
Apr 12 2008, 07:27 PM
Ruff listens to Jacks suggestion about pizza.
Pizza? Sure sounds ok by me. Anyone have a place in mind?
Ruff looks around the area carefully while waiting for the others to gather or answer.
I came by cab due the weather ie rain made riding my motorcycle abit hazardous, do we need to share a cab for pizza, or can someone give me a ride to the pizza?
Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 12 2008, 10:21 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 20:50 pm. The Meet Market (the meet table)Seeing as the job has been offered, and his part being done for now, Dr. Delicious stands up and looks around. Most excellent. Now, once you get her, send me a message. I'll get back to you from there. Now, if you'll excuse me, he turns toward the dance floor/cesspool. I think I need a dance before I go to bed.The A.R. weather report is saying the storm is getting slightly worse, raining harder. But it is expected to clear up by sunrise. Not at midnight as previously thought.
[ Spoiler ]
Pretty much everything in the given file was found, but there are a couple of interesting things. She has been staying at the Horizon Africa compound for about a month and a half, and her parents were claiming that she was being held there against her will. The claim was investigated by the shamans and determined that she chose to go and stay there.
Incidentally, she is 15 and turns 16 on February 15th.
She has been known to sing at the open mike of The Sunny Palace in the township of Gugulethu.
Apr 19 2008, 02:04 AM
An Shui accompanies the rest of the team to Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria.
<<@Team [An Shui] What do we know about corp? For that matter, what do we know about the girl?>>
Apr 19 2008, 07:57 AM
Bunny plonks herself down in the booth, back to the wall, and pings the waitress with an order for several assorted Pizza's and drinks before settling down to create a tactical map of the restaurant and plan her escape routes.
Well, Horizon's a triple-A so I'd rather not do anything on their turf. They're masters of the media and spin so we better be prepared to get caught on camera and to avoid doing anything they can spin to make us look bad. We'll be Heroes or Villains instantly, better Heroes and better mysterious and unidentified.
Apr 20 2008, 04:17 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 21:15 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria (party booth)
Ruff smiles as he enters the pizzeria, stops abit out of the line of persons entering and leaving. He takes a long slow breath, seems to be lost in sensations briefly. Ah yes the smells are great in here Ruff smiles broadly after a few minutes, then walks over to the booth and sits down. He chose a seat where he can see most of the pizzeria.
Via AR he scans the menu.
Rooibos please, hot no sweeteners, or creamers. A slice of soy pepperoni with mushrooms, a cheong fun with soy pork, and phoenix talons
Ruff will look at his team mates
We need more information, before more detailed plans can be discussed.
Ruffs keep is eyes roving around the pizzeria.
Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 21 2008, 04:39 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070 9:17 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and PizzeriaThe crowd seems better here than in the Meet Market, and the atmosphere feels cleaner. Then again, most sewage plants would fit this as well. The music is a happier music style, the people better clothed and more relaxed. Families are here eating. From alla ppearances, nobody seems to even care about your presence. Just another bunch of friends out, they're probably thinking.
Well, actually, there is one person that cares. An African dwarf man comes to the booth, wearing a uniform and an AR nametag identifies him as Ming. More importantly, he is carrying your orders, including several varieties of pizza. It is almost funny how he is carrying food taller than him, but he is managing and clearly has done it before.Here's your pizzas and cheon fun. Did you want your rooibos as red tea, red latte, or red cappuccino?For those that care about what rooibos is:
[ Spoiler ]
Apr 21 2008, 05:56 PM
Ukhetshe walks in a bit late. He sits down and scans the room from behind his shades, waiting for his maize pizza and rooibos, which he ordered on the way over, to hit the table.
Apr 22 2008, 04:24 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070 9:17 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
Ruff smiles and answers
Hot red tea please
Ruff keeps aware of things around him
Apr 25 2008, 12:27 AM
Latte, please, and a large Coke please.
Apr 27 2008, 05:23 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070 9:18 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
An Shui replies to the waitress, "Red Tea please."
<<@Team [An Shui] Jack - Can you pull down the current media buzz about our target? Also, what are the bloggers saying? Focusing on any entries about her family. I am confused about why she would not just meet with her parents. I would like to insure that her parents are really the people who hired us. Vid or pics of them as well as a current bio would be great.>>
The ork rubs his chin for a moment pondering what they know.. and worse yet, what they don't know.
<<@Team [An Shui] A current public schedule would be great. Any public appearances. I would like to upstage one of her public appearances just to see what the reaction is. As long as she is not the target of the 'disturbance', there should not be a change to her security detail. What do you think?>>
Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 28 2008, 10:41 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:19 pm. booth in Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and PizzeriaThe waiter looks at An Shui kinda funny, but leaves and comes back with his drink, as well as Ruff's, Ukhetshe's, and Jack's. Then, looking at Ukhetshe, he says, Your pizza will be ready shortly.He leaves, and comes back a minute later with the maize pizza to add to all of the other food.Will there be anything else for your party tonight, before the kitchen closes?Ruff
[ Spoiler ]
The waiter looks at the door and is visibly shaken, but trying to hide it
Apr 28 2008, 11:59 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:20 pm. booth in Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria No that will be all for me at this time, my thanks. Ruff Smiles, drinks his Red Tea, looks at the doorway, but it appears looking somewhere just off that area. He activates all passive sensors both visual and audio, while smiling and looking at the doorway area.
<<<@ Team [Ruff] Yellow Alert!! Yellow Alert!!!, Waiter is acting very shaken and looking at door. Stand by to receive encrypted video feeds from my sensors. Do not give any visible reactions to this message or sensor feeds.<Begins encrypted Video and Audio feeds>.>>>Ruff seemingly continues to enjoy his Red Tea, giving the doorway and area an oblique study.
[ Spoiler ]
If he does not "see" anything he will bring up active sensors to scan the area. By passive or active sensors anything that he "Sees' out of place/unusual he will provide a AR marker, making it outlined and lightly colored red
Apr 29 2008, 03:07 AM
Yeah, uh... Ming(?), stick on a couple of rounds of garlic bread, will ya, and best direct me to the bathroom cos this teas going right through me...
Bunny rises and starts heading for the ladies room.
@Team: Cover in blue, graded by penetration resistance, Exit routes in green, Firearms on the premises in red, more to follow.....
DNI: Open arm compartments. Grant RADAR access to commcode list $Team1. Disengage Cybersquirt safety. Charge capacitor array.
Jeremiah Legacy
Apr 29 2008, 08:21 PM
Ming is not paying any attention to you, as his eyes are fixed on the door.
As for who's coming through the door, you see a pudgy Caucasian dwarf man walk through, wearing a grey tribal cloak with black pinstripes. He seems to radiate of power. Maybe it's his eyes, or his air of confidence. But it probably has to do with the two humanoid elementals walking directly behind him.
One of them is clearly a fire elemental, a humanoid shape, almost 7 feet tall, made up of fire. However, his eyes are pure white.
The other one is not as easy to tell, but he seems to be made up of darkness itself. He is also about 7 feet tall, a humanoid of swirling dark and shadow. Curiously, he looks almost as though he is wearing a hat covering the upper part of his face.
The pudgy man smiles, then speaks, looking directly at Ming
You are under arrest. If you try to escape, I will use lethal force. So please. Try.
Apr 29 2008, 08:34 PM
An Shui looks to the two elementals and the dwarf. At this point he decides not to betray his awakened nature by perceiving, instead keeping his focus in the mundane world. As the dwarf speaks to their waiter the ork muses to himself, I knew there was something up with that waiter... And I thought he was in drag...
He moves his eyes back to his tea, None of my business.. Then to Ukhetshe and Ruff with a smirk, "Does this mean the pizza is delayed?"
Apr 29 2008, 08:59 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:21 pm. booth in Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and PizzeriaRuff brings online his active sensors.
[ Spoiler ]
RADAR, Ultrasound and Ultra Wide Band RADAR
Via AR he outlines the mage and the two elements, the mage is a brighter color of red outline. He will gives the precise ranges to the three known targets by using his laser range finder.
He examines the area in detail, very intently using his active sensors along with his passive ones.
<<[Encrypted Link] We are possible bystanders, stand by for any collateral issues ie damage etc. >>>Ruff slowly eats his food order.
Ruff looks at Ukhetshe and Ukhetshe smiles as he eats.
Yes my guess the pizza will be delayed.
Apr 30 2008, 08:29 PM
Jack, barely seems to glance over. But then again you can't see his eyes through those glasses so it's kinda hard to tell.
Apr 30 2008, 11:48 PM
Ukhetshe calmly sips his tea, studying the new arrival from behind his shades. He has the air of a man who still expects his pizza.
Jeremiah Legacy
May 4 2008, 12:50 AM
[ Spoiler ]
The matriarch answers, and seems annoyed. If you weren't her (whatever), she'd probably hang up on you.
Listen. I'm on a date, so let's make this quick. What's up?
May 4 2008, 02:37 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Ukhetshe subvocally asks, [color=violet]"Sorry to interrupt, I'll be quick. Carlos Arano just walked into a public pizza place with a couple of large spirits, and none of them look hungry. Do you know what's going on? If you forwarded my call to somebody who is in the know and not on a date, I'd understand."
Jeremiah Legacy
May 4 2008, 08:42 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Nothing coming through for a few seconds, then a stunned, "Arano?!? Oh shit. He's been working on hunting down a nasty pedo ring. If he's there on business, you need to stay the hell out of his way. Give me a call back when you're safely out of there. Gotta go."
The call ends.
May 5 2008, 03:46 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:21 pm. booth in Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
Ruff looks at the distances. Picks up his plate, his drink, slowly gets up, moves to a table/location out of the line of fire/spells.
May 5 2008, 12:33 PM
Ukhetshe calmly tosses back the rest of his tea. He rises and slowly walks to the counter. "I'll have my order to go."
May 5 2008, 03:23 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:21 pm. Cash Register in Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
Bunny, spotting the Shaman and his entourage, backs slack jawed towards the cash register. She walks hesitantly, hands raised, palms open and empty, forearms parallel to the ground in an effort to look as non-threatening as possible.
When she reaches the half-wall by the register she stops, comforted by the presence of the plascrete barrier. Her eyes dart nervously around the room, waiting for the other shoe to fall...
May 5 2008, 06:11 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:21 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
Seeing his team mates give a little distance, An Shui decides now is not the time to become the hamburger for tomorrow's blue plate special and slides away with Ruff. He keeps the scene in his peripheral vision though. Any minute this could pop like a Chinese party favor....
Jeremiah Legacy
May 16 2008, 07:49 PM
While Shadow and Jack do nothing, Ming looks around and sees that he is in a bad spot fast. Staring down this mean looking dwarf shaman and his two meaner looking spirits, panic takes over and he decides to run to the kitchen in the back.
The shaman smiles, and says to the darkness-like spirit, Darkfire, get him.
At that point, Darkfire disappears, presumably to bring Ming back to him ... or at least, a part of Ming.
May 22 2008, 03:04 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. ~9:21 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
An Shui watches the scene as it continues to unfold. As the shaman takes wicked pleasure in the hunt he muses, Are we as cold? As malevolent when we undertake a run? I should hope not...
The one thing he knows is that he has no idea what Ming may, or may not, have done. In any case, interfering would place the run at risk... as well as his own hide.
May 22 2008, 03:34 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. ~9:21 pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzeria
Ruff eats his food but intently examines the unfolding situation between Ming, the Shaman and the Elemental beings at the Shaman's call.
Hmm he sent only one of his two visible elementals after Ming, Arrogance or Confidence, Underestimation or combination of all three. Only time will tell what the combination is if any.
Jeremiah Legacy
May 25 2008, 08:16 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:23pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzaria
Darkfire reappears, just in front of Arano (the shaman), holding a finger that looks like it once belonged to your waiter. Cleanly severed and cauterized.
Arano nods his head, then says to the darkness spirit, "Good. We will collect him soon enough."
He then looks at everyone at the table briefly before speaking to all of you in a calm, almost dispassionate voice.
My apologies for interrupting your party this evening, but he needed to be captured before he hurt anybody else. Now, I have to ask, for my investigation, did your waiter say or do anything unusual?
Meanwhile, a new waiter, an ork female, early teens and very nervous, comes to your tables and brings the food that you ordered in to go packages.
May 26 2008, 03:51 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:23pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzaria
An Shui sits, still convincing himself that it is none of his business. As the shaman speaks to them, the orks pours on the Chinese accent trying to look serious. "He did think we would want a cappuccino with our meals... instead of after it."
May 30 2008, 12:00 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:23pm. Johann Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzaria
Ruff nods at An Shui's words to Arano.
Ruff continues to eat his meal.
Jeremiah Legacy
Jun 1 2008, 10:49 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:26 pm. Johan Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzaria
Arano looks at everyone, then waves his left hand. Darkfire and Hellfire both nod and fade away.
Well, I suppose a maker of kiddie rape BTLs wouldn't be announcing it to a bunch of strangers. Well, if you do remember anything unusual, please don't hesitate to contact me.
[color=white]He then pulls out a card. "Lt. Carlos Arano. Capetown Division, Special Victims Unit. # 03-224-877290"
He then gets up and leaves.
Meanwhile, everybody else has left, and the staff is cleaning up and closing the place down. Appereantly, having a police come in with two scary elementals to apprehend one of the waiters is cause for early closure. New people have come and boxed up your food and are closing the place around you, though they aren't rushing you to leave.
Jun 1 2008, 03:58 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2070. 9:26 pm. Johan Shultz's Chinese Dim Sum and Pizzaria
"I believe we have business elsewhere," says Ukhetche as he gathers up his box and heads for the door.