Hey I was wondering if any of you experienced players could help a SR newb out with my character. The entire group is new to SR including the GM. I have thus far made a Dwarf Rigger and have done attributes and skills but am unsure of what equipment I will need to be a succesful character. I have 40 bp for cash and have picked shotguns and clubs as my personal weapon choices. I also took the skills that I figured a rigger needs electronics group, pilot (air,anthro,ground), gunnery and mechanical (air,ground). Can't remember what else I picked atm. I was reading some other posts and I would like to play the rigger that goes in with the team and uses AR (i think thats the right term) to control a couple drones. I want the drones to provide fire support and possibly some ecm against the enemies communications. Pleaase help with gear choices (i really like the ford rotorary drone) Also if someone has the time I could use a crash course on the game mechanics of rigging like what pages of the rule book I need to be familiar with. Atm our group only has one base rule book with possibly a second on the way we also have the arsenal and the augmentation books.
Thanks in advance for any help.