Digital Heroin
Dec 6 2003, 10:55 PM
Alright, time for an open forum on genetics and the Awakened. With genetic alterations done before birth, should they really impact a person's Bio Index? The BI is meant to reflect changes from a person's normal DNA, but if the alterations are made pre-birth, aren't said alterations now part of their normal DNA?
My take is that there would be a BI cost, but it would not have an impact on the Magic attribute, since these changes were present at birth. I don't see characters as Awakened from birth, it has to manifest. Sure, they may manifest early, but not right from birth (fireballing the doctor'd be funny though).
That's just my spin... comments? Death threats?
Ancient History
Dec 6 2003, 10:57 PM
Considering Genetech creates a Bioware Index, I'd have give it the same effects to the Awakened as bioware, damn the time it's done.
Dec 6 2003, 11:27 PM
IMO it still screws with the kids DNA, but there are less cells to screw with. That's why it takes half the time and it costs 25% less NuYen when it is done in utero (p.25, SOTA). Personally, I'd leave the Bio Index cost the same.
Dec 7 2003, 01:08 AM
You could argue the cost could be lower since the developing body/cells/etc would be forming and growing with those alterations in place, there by adapting to them much easier and incorporating them a little better probably.
Although it should still affect magic, probably with no change either way...
Dec 7 2003, 01:14 AM
That might make an interesting idea for an edge... though youd have to give it a high cost: high Bio Index Tolerance. You could only take it once, but it would give the recipeint the ability to incorporate more genetech (their DNA being more "flexible" or soemthing).
the thing about genetics is, there's a whole side of it in SR that genetech can't touch--the metagenes. no amount of genetic alteration in the physical world can adjust the way metagenes work, which means there's always going to be a disconnect between the subject's physical and astral body.
Dec 7 2003, 04:19 AM
QUOTE (Prospero) |
That might make an interesting idea for an edge... though youd have to give it a high cost: high Bio Index Tolerance. You could only take it once, but it would give the recipeint the ability to incorporate more genetech (their DNA being more "flexible" or soemthing). |
Man & Machine lets you take surgery options as edges ... you could take Reduced Bio Index Cost and use the storyline that it was done through some cutting edge in utero technique.
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