Two errors in your build.
1. Max AGL is 11 for an elf with Exceptional AGL not 12[My bad, missed a buried line in BBB -NR]2. The improved Physical attribute adept power requires you spend 2 power points for every attribute point above the natural max. So, that two points of AGL would cost 4 power points. Withthe power point your spent raising Longarms by +2, that puts you at magic 5. Given that you're losing two magic levels to essence loss, you'd need Magic 6 + Initation to pull this build off.
I wanted to see if I could come close to what you had going a slightly different route. This is what I came up with:
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype: Elf 30 BP
Attributes: 195 BP
Body: 4
Agility: 9
Reaction: 5 (7)
Strength: 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 3
Special Attributes: 10 BP
Edge: 2
Essence: 1.85
Init: 8 (10)
IP: 1 (3)
Skills: 130 BP
Automatics: 3
Longarms (Sniper Rifles): 8 / 10
Pistols: 3
[Athletics]: 5
Perception: 2
[Stealth]: 2
[Outdoors]: 2
Negotiations (Bargaining): 1 / 3
Electronics (Security Systems): 1 / 3
Qualities: - 25 BP
Aptitude/Long Arms: 10 BP
Spirit Bane (Air): -10 BP
Orc Poser: -5 BP
Biosystem Overstress: -10 BP
Sensitive Neural Ssytem: -5 BP
Nano Intolerance: -5 BP
Contacts: 10 BP
Fixer (2/1)
Arms Dealer (3/4)
Gear: 50 BP
Muscle Augmentation 2
Muscle Toner 2
Platelet Factories
Reflex Recorder/Firearms
Synthcardium 3
(Alpha) R3 Cybereyes w/ Protective Covers, Flare, LL, Smart, Thermo, Mag and Vis 2
(Alpha) Datajack
(Alpha) Wired Reflexes 2
Reaction Enhancers 2
1 Month High Lifestyle
Ares Desert Strike w/ Integral Smart System, Skinlink, Bipod and chameleon coating
Ares Alpha w/ Skinlink & Airburst link
Ares Predator 4 w/ Skinlink
Chameleon Suit w/ Thermal Dampening 4
Hermes Ikon w/ Iris Orb
Suzuki Mirage
800 Nuyen for ammo and misc. gear (actual $2K, but transferred $1200 to starting cash)
Starting Cash:
$13,000 Nuyen (7,000 rolled + max of 6,000 from unspent gear funds)