be a tricky canon rewrite to sell to fans, and its gunna live or die on its fanbase imo.
As I pointed out, Japanese viewers are much more used to that, all the more with SAC dnegating the first Oshii movie totally. However, americanising will be a totally different problem to sell to them.
Part of that is the fact that Innocence is somewhat of a story of the very deep connection Batou feels towards Kusanagi and how empty he feels without her. I'm not saying he's a love interest for her, I'm saying SHE'S a love interest for him. But one that he very much knows would never work, so he reverts to professionalism. Which is also why he tells Togusa that yes, he'll never be as good a partner to Batou as she was. But it's not even the same sort of professional relationship.
Totally. Yes, that's what I like about innocence, too. It's a tad too much into the surreal for me, but how the chemistry between Bateau and a person who almost isn't there plays out is well done indeed - and something Spielberg would totally fuck up, mark my words. Hence my initial prediction they become a couple. Because he just doesn't get WHY it's so important to the characters' integrity that they don't.
Actually in the Manga they pretty much show her with her boyfriend walking out of the bedroom saying "Neighbors Complaining we were too loud again?" Oddly my personal theory has always been that she likes VR sex with women, but in the flesh sex with guys.
Considering how Motoko is just barely feeling human to begin with, how she can't be sure of what sex she is, being a jarhead and all, and not even sure whether she's not an android with human-like AI (which exist in GitS, like Proto), I'm with Adarael in that she just doesn't care much other than she has to somehow like these people, not matter their sex or age. In fact, in that one episode where she's on the loose in that refugee camp in SAC 2, she offers that boy she adopts to try out having sex with a full-body conversion (her) when he asks if fullbodies permit having sex, in a pretty casual "want to try?" sort of way.
Also, on the topic of boyfriends, SAC2 makes a great point of her once being in love with the terrorist mastermind guy, back when she was converted to jarhead. In the strange "Motoko has supernatural visions in antique stores" episode, she refers to him as her first love. So there for Motoko's lesbian, I guess.
But I doupt we'll get anything but straight, true love family values from Spielberg, which would so screw all that up.