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They had a very honorable, noble death. Actually, they had all they could ever ask for before too, so their existence obviously was a happy one. Besides, apparently, they were backupped anyway, and got cool new bodies whose default picture isn't baby blue but a much cooler camo-ish green.

I'm harrowed by what Spielberg would make of the Tachis.

And Motoko will act like some sort of superhero gun babe and have sex with Bateau. Mark my words.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Apr 18 2008, 01:29 PM) *
there will be casualties if they mess up makoto and her guns . .
and if the tachikomas die in this AGAIN i will frigging scream . .

No, their satellite will crash into the bay, and then they'll wake up a thousand years later to find that humanity is extinct and shiny chrome spiderdrones rule the planet.
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 18 2008, 03:43 PM) *
And Motoko will act like some sort of superhero gun babe and have sex with Bateau. Mark my words.

This is what Im terrified of happening. I have a sinking feeling they are going to turn her into yet another generic sexy-dangerous-heroine ala anything Angilina Jolie has played in the last 10 years or the lead from the resident evil flicks. The Major has so much more depth to her character that a pistols-akimbo one-liner spouting pretty face would simply piss upon.

Batou is another potential trouble area. It would be real easy for him to be written off as a big dumb source of comic relief and heavy-weapons fire. This is again wrong. The impression you begin to get about him early on is that he has come to hate some aspects of his own humanity, and this really comes through at the end of the first season (ranting at the Major about changing identities) and the entirety of the second film (which is essentially about his redemption via freindship with Togusa).

This road has a beutiful finish at its end, it just happens to have so many landmines along it I question wheter its wise to tread down it.
However, and many western viewers will be unfamiliar with this concept, the different GitS franchise stuff is NOT settled in one continuum. In fact, they contradict each other. Japanese franchises often do this, one of the more extreme cases being the Godzilla series of Kaiju movies, where the world often is reset and reinterpreted. The movies and the SAC series are separate worlds and the characters aren't the same. The manga seem also to form another such world.

There's not the continuum many western franchises have.

Batou is another potential trouble area. It would be real easy for him to be written off as a big dumb source of comic relief and heavy-weapons fire.

Or male love interest. Who brings out Motoko's human, feeling, sensitive side. All generic combat superwoman characters have that.
Face it, we'll be lucky to get another Aeon Flux out of this.

(The movie, not the anime.)
If that. frown.gif
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 18 2008, 09:12 PM) *
And Motoko and Bateau have to fall in love and marry in the end!

Wouldn't her lesbian tendencies kinda put a crimp on that?
Lesbian tendencies in an american family-oriented movie directed by Spielberg? Beg your pardon?

Besides, lots of bi women marry men. See Angelina Jolie or Kristanna [sic] Loken.
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 18 2008, 11:49 PM) *
Lesbian tendencies in an american family-oriented movie directed by Spielberg? Beg your pardon?

Besides, lots of bi women marry men. See Angelina Jolie or Kristanna [sic] Loken.

Afaik you never ever see Motoko get friendly with any male characters at all, but you do fairly regularly with Females, and iirc in the actual mangas she's pretty much flat out a lezzer (sorry for the crudity)

be a tricky canon rewrite to sell to fans, and its gunna live or die on its fanbase imo.

it'd be something I could see being tastefully hinted at or entirely avoided
Actually in the Manga they pretty much show her with her boyfriend walking out of the bedroom saying "Neighbors Complaining we were too loud again?" Oddly my personal theory has always been that she likes VR sex with women, but in the flesh sex with guys.
Or that she purely doesn't descriminate.

And to play devil's advocate, I'm a big fan of Innocence. I like SAC, but the sort of mono no aware that permeates all of Batou and Togusa's interactions in Innocence make it much more moving for me. Although nowhere near as popcorn-munchingly "Holy crap go do awesome shit!" as SAC.

Part of that is the fact that Innocence is somewhat of a story of the very deep connection Batou feels towards Kusanagi and how empty he feels without her. I'm not saying he's a love interest for her, I'm saying SHE'S a love interest for him. But one that he very much knows would never work, so he reverts to professionalism. Which is also why he tells Togusa that yes, he'll never be as good a partner to Batou as she was. But it's not even the same sort of professional relationship.

I dunno. I like that subtext.
be a tricky canon rewrite to sell to fans, and its gunna live or die on its fanbase imo.

As I pointed out, Japanese viewers are much more used to that, all the more with SAC dnegating the first Oshii movie totally. However, americanising will be a totally different problem to sell to them.

Part of that is the fact that Innocence is somewhat of a story of the very deep connection Batou feels towards Kusanagi and how empty he feels without her. I'm not saying he's a love interest for her, I'm saying SHE'S a love interest for him. But one that he very much knows would never work, so he reverts to professionalism. Which is also why he tells Togusa that yes, he'll never be as good a partner to Batou as she was. But it's not even the same sort of professional relationship.

Totally. Yes, that's what I like about innocence, too. It's a tad too much into the surreal for me, but how the chemistry between Bateau and a person who almost isn't there plays out is well done indeed - and something Spielberg would totally fuck up, mark my words. Hence my initial prediction they become a couple. Because he just doesn't get WHY it's so important to the characters' integrity that they don't.

Actually in the Manga they pretty much show her with her boyfriend walking out of the bedroom saying "Neighbors Complaining we were too loud again?" Oddly my personal theory has always been that she likes VR sex with women, but in the flesh sex with guys.

Considering how Motoko is just barely feeling human to begin with, how she can't be sure of what sex she is, being a jarhead and all, and not even sure whether she's not an android with human-like AI (which exist in GitS, like Proto), I'm with Adarael in that she just doesn't care much other than she has to somehow like these people, not matter their sex or age. In fact, in that one episode where she's on the loose in that refugee camp in SAC 2, she offers that boy she adopts to try out having sex with a full-body conversion (her) when he asks if fullbodies permit having sex, in a pretty casual "want to try?" sort of way.

Also, on the topic of boyfriends, SAC2 makes a great point of her once being in love with the terrorist mastermind guy, back when she was converted to jarhead. In the strange "Motoko has supernatural visions in antique stores" episode, she refers to him as her first love. So there for Motoko's lesbian, I guess.

But I doupt we'll get anything but straight, true love family values from Spielberg, which would so screw all that up.
proto was specifically introduced in SAC iirc...

hell, they didnt even show him as biodrone until the end of SAC2. up to then he was just another tech at section 9, that "suddenly" moved on to be the boss's assistant towards the end, and then got revealed as biodrone...

also, when it comes to motoko's sexual preferences, i suspect its more that the girls she considers friends are every care-free about how they behave.

hell, i would say that this sexuality issue is more of a male thing then a female thing, as young females seems to be more open to fooling around without care. but then that could also just be a recent development, thanks to media influences and so on. still, the classical caricature of a homosexual male is a man behaving close to a airhead girl.

i dont know, trying to navigate the minefield that is social correctness is not for me anyways as there is no logic to it that i can find. and my personal preferences seems to go counter to whats generally accepted no matter what...
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 19 2008, 04:20 AM) *
But I doupt we'll get anything but straight, true love family values from Spielberg, which would so screw all that up.

Well, that's not entirely fair.

Much as everybody hates A.I., it did have some pretty racy and fucked up elements in there. I mean, you had a naive little boy-drone being led around by a hookerbot for crissakes--and a male hookerbot at that. Between him projecting that holo of a stripper into the frat-boy's lap to get a ride, and trying to pick up women outside of a church, there were definitely some elements in that movie that would fit in a GITS or SR world...

...the problem was that, in the end, Spielberg smothered them in gooey sentimental bullcrap--as though he felt like he was doing something naughty by not making it a g-rated kids show, and had to make up for his transgression.

I'm not saying he's a bad filmmaker, but you don't get the creator of Sesame Street to make Pulp Fiction 2.

(You have him do Labyrinth instead. biggrin.gif )
there is also the people that have roman/"blood sport" style entertainment with the robots...

its a very mixed movie, AI...
hell, i would say that this sexuality issue is more of a male thing then a female thing, as young females seems to be more open to fooling around without care. but then that could also just be a recent development, thanks to media influences and so on. still, the classical caricature of a homosexual male is a man behaving close to a airhead girl.

I dunno. I know girls who are very put off by the mere thought of female-female action, and some guys who wouldn't particularily mind giving guys a try, so I dunno ..

Besides, the last part ... be glad the spartans aren't what they used to be. wink.gif

Much as everybody hates A.I., it did have some pretty racy and fucked up elements in there. I mean, you had a naive little boy-drone being led around by a hookerbot for crissakes--and a male hookerbot at that. Between him projecting that holo of a stripper into the frat-boy's lap to get a ride, and trying to pick up women outside of a church, there were definitely some elements in that movie that would fit in a GITS or SR world...

Uhm ... was any even vague hint dropped about the hookerbot seervicing males too? I don't remember, at least ... and neither was he really shown in a positive light when, well, whoring. GitS would have been indifferent there, Spielberg was effectively judgemental. So there's your family values. Besides, nothing overly raunchy was screened. Possibly, these episodes were Kubrick's making, he wasn't so much about family values after all, and spielberg just made them more moderate.
Gigolo Joe is an open-minded android! He's here for YOU!
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 19 2008, 12:08 PM) *
Uhm ... was any even vague hint dropped about the hookerbot seervicing males too? I don't remember, at least ... and neither was he really shown in a positive light when, well, whoring.

No, I was just pointing out that a female hookerbot leading the kid around would have been more socially acceptable. Lol standards.

And I don't agree with you about him being portrayed negatively in those scenes. He was portrayed as being kind of simple, but as far as his profession he was generally the foil to display humanity in a negative light. If he wasn't exactly more moral than the frat guys, he was definitely more moral and caring than that woman's husband (a lot of women's husbands, to hear him tell it), in with the church scene he was basically painted as being a better comfort than religion. Jesus 2.0, now with orgasms! grinbig.gif
Now, Spielberg's work is sufficient and fitting for some matters, of course. But GitS? Not quite ... maybe (very maybe) Cameron could pull that off, or Ridley Scott, given that both team up with Shirow and LISTEN to what he has to say. But Spielberg, Gods ... that's like having some deeply socialist, artsy French or German theater director do the Borderlands Trilogy books.
*Eyes gaze skyward*

Ridley Scott on GitS. That would be... good, possibly great.
QUOTE (DocTaotsu @ Apr 20 2008, 03:44 AM) *
*Eyes gaze skyward*

Ridley Scott on GitS. That would be... good, possibly great.

Luc Besson and Roman Polanksi - working together! biggrin.gif
bah, lets face it. any kind of medium translation will result in a loss of content...
Well. It DID work reasonably well from print to anime ...
the point being "reasonably". what is really "reasonably"?

as in, what would be "reasonably well" when going from drawing to live action?
QUOTE (Velocity219e @ Apr 18 2008, 10:51 PM) *
Afaik you never ever see Motoko get friendly with any male characters at all, but you do fairly regularly with Females, and iirc in the actual mangas she's pretty much flat out a lezzer (sorry for the crudity)

be a tricky canon rewrite to sell to fans, and its gunna live or die on its fanbase imo.

it'd be something I could see being tastefully hinted at or entirely avoided

Shirow is on record that the only reason he made a lesbian scene in the manga was due to him not wanting to draw naked man-butt.

And as pointed out she's had boyfriends.

I think she's simply omnisexual. Like Jack Harkness. The bodily differences simply aren't an issue for her, given that her own body is pretty much female only by choice.

I think it would work out, like the Robert Redford movie Sneakers but more violent at the conclusion.But have plot exposition at the front, like a terrorists cell is gonig to blow up a building-like the first episode of 2nd gig- so they show the tech decking and shooting skills in the line of action.
so its a effect of the technological developmet thats hinted at rather then spelled out and pushed in ones face, at least not in the manga. sac2 on the other hand do more directly talk about the effect of cyberware and sexuality.
stick to the anime, that's what more people know and ius less likely to offend people where the sexuality is hinted at
Is it wrong that my #1 worry is that Togusa won't have an amazing mullet?

Cuz for real, GiTS is so immensely fragmented amongst manga, anime, film, etc, that none of the cells of its existence really interact with the others. They're all in different continuities. And at worst, there will be a movie with robots, guns, and girls who can kick through walls.

I'd see that anyway, just for the popcorn "Go kill, robot girl!" aspect of it.
I guess. And then Bateau's love saves her from becoming a mindless combat machine. Which of course totally isn't how Battle Angel alita is gonna turn out.
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