Jul 22 2008, 12:28 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jul 20 2008, 08:23 AM)
That what I was going to say. His body that happens to be in a metaplane according to the last chat.
I guess I missed that one. Will edit prior post. Thanks for the heads up.
Jul 22 2008, 04:50 AM
Sean "Smith" Chak-Murphy: Mundane (no bio/cyber or magic) Cambodian/Irish human street merc that will kill when necessary but refuses to do straight-out wet work. Uses a knife, hold-out pistols, a single-shot TC Centennial pistol that can be converted to a rifle, and a semi-auto shotgun for the heavy stuff. Bland/Murky Link, 5' 3" and 135 lbs, and quite ruthless in the application of just enough force to get the job done.
Jul 22 2008, 11:57 PM
Grinder – (Rigger): Dwarf Male 40’s: Grinder is a very experienced runner, owning a large number of high end vehicles. He is also a pacifist and will not kill even in self-defense; however, rubber bullets are within his philosophy.
Role Playing Notes: 4’1 175lbs. red hair and beard, and blue eyes. Grinder is one of the best and he knows it. Cocky beyond measure, Grinder is willing to take any risks just to show off. He is also a known practical joker, who will go to extremes for a good joke. Grinder often dresses in style but always wears a green baseball cap regardless of other quality or style.
Bo-Tox - (Street Doc): White Human Male, 64: Local Street Doc. Runs a back ally clinic called “The Body Shop� a dirty 3 bed hole in the wall.
Role Playing Notes: 5’8, 153 lbs. , balding older man with gray hair and green eyes. Left cyber eye, and right cyber hand. Both heavily modified for surgical uses. Very soft spoken (Think of the Doctor from Buck Rogers (Yes, yes my boy of course). Bo-Tox is very kind hearted and cares for his clients. He has a great love of Chinese food, and a fast way to his good side is to show up with take out. He has a soft side for the abused and down and out, and works with a number of Ghoul tribes trying to help when he can.
Aug 1 2008, 10:54 PM
Sure hope this is not lossing to much steam. Have really enjoyed all the posts so far and have used a few NPC's already.
Aug 3 2008, 04:48 AM
QUOTE (Tybrus @ Aug 1 2008, 03:54 PM)
Sure hope this is not lossing to much steam. Have really enjoyed all the posts so far and have used a few NPC's already.
Well, I don't know about others, but I think I'd love to hear about how some of these poor slots fared in your 2070 Seattle's particular shade of gray. Best thing about recurring characters is hearing more crazy tales that involve them, right?
Not entirely sure, but would a separate thread be better for stories of how some NPC's have fared in other games? Mebbe have a link to this one in that one, and vice versa? It would help keep things organized somewhat.
Aug 3 2008, 06:33 PM
I'd love to hear about how the NPCs listed here are used!
But, to keep this on topic:
Krunch and Klub:
A inseperable pair that hang out at
Freeloadin' Freddie's Fighthouse and are the undisputed masters of the bar, mainly due to their unorthodox fighting style: Krunch (A very muscular Troll) typically picks up Klub (A very tough Dwarf), and either throws him at large groups, or uses him as his namesake.
Klub is the vocal member of the group, sounding like a retired prize fighter that did not get out of fighting early enough, while Krunch is almost always silent, pantomiming and gesturing to make himself heard unless people insist he talk. They have a good connection with each other, and Klub is able to figure out what Krunch wants with just a look, and usually translates what is meant... More or less.
Aug 12 2008, 06:04 PM
I will try and find some time to do a fast write up of events using NPC's I have stolen err used from here, as well as my own expanded rewrites of the NPC's in my world..
Aug 12 2008, 06:09 PM
Krunch (Troll):
Real Name: Miles Angelon, Thau.D, ParazooDr., Esq.
Body: 4
Agility: 4
Reaction: 2
Strength: 10
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 2
Edge: 2
Active Skills:
Close Combat Group: 4
Computer: 2
Data Search (Magical Research): 4
Throwing Weapons (Metahuman Body): 4
Demolition: 1
Knowledge Skills:
English: N
Parabiology: 5
Magical Theory: 5
Klub (Dwarf):
Real Name: Philip Drax
Body: 7
Agility: 4
Reaction: 2
Strength: 7
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 3
Logic: 1
Willpower: 3
Edge: 2
Active Skills:
Unarmed (Barroom Brawling): 6
Industrial Mechanics (Structural): 2
Gymnastics: 4
Artisan (Singing): 4
Pilot Groundcraft (Wheeled): 1
Knowledge Skills:
English: N
Spanish: 2
Song Lyrics: 4
Aug 21 2008, 09:05 PM
I didn't want to make a new thread while this one is still here. Let's dust it off, shall we?
Name: Javier Francisco
Handle: Cuy (Kooey), Senor Guinea Pig
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Metatype: Ork
Ethnicity: Hispanic (Columbian)
Height: 1.5 Meters
Build: Pot bellied, strong arms
Skin Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black (Short Cut)
Eye Color: Brown
Location: Redmond (Tourist Town)
These tourists will buy anything. And I do mean anything. Pablo runs a cart that makes its rounds around tourist town in the Redmond Barrens. He sells your standard fare, soydogs, cold drinks, fries, but his main dish? Cuy. What is cuy you ask? Guinea pig meat, a traditional Columbian dish. You wonder where he gets all of the guinea pigs for all of the meat he sells, as he does well as the meat is damn tasty. The answer is that they aren't your grandma's guinea pigs, this man got his livestock direct from Columbia. These little things are industrial sized guinea pigs, although when he is running a bit low he does get the meat from...Other sources. Still, the stuff is damn tasty. Cuy on-a-stick, broiled cuy, baked cuy, fried cuy, cuy dogs, if you need some real meat and don't care where you get it, Senor Guinea Pig can get it for you, with extra gravy and fries if you ask nicely.
And when you're constantly on the street, you see things, you know? If you buy an extra heaping helping of cuy along with a sizable donation (Hey man, I got six kids and a wife to feed, have a heart.) he'll let you know what's going down on the street in the barrens.
Is normally wearing his dirty looking hat, a large, mostly clean off white smock, an old pair of scuffed up work boots. Always a grin on his plump face and a bad joke on his lips, this man works, and works hard for a living.
Defining Qualities:
Talks about his children a lot.
Loves to tell stories about his childhood "We threw rocks at soldiers, all the time!"
Occasionally spits when he talks
Tells bad jokes
Loves Cuy
Knowledge and language skills:
Spanish: N
English: 3
Guinea Pigs: 4
Street Rumors: 3
Parenting Strategies: 2
Jokes: 1 (humor doesn't translate well)
Pimp: 1/1
Prostitute: 1/1
Drug Dealer: 1/1
Street Enforcer: 1/1
Aug 21 2008, 09:09 PM
Name: Lorenzo Howling Coyote
Handle: "Coyote"
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Metatype: Human
Ethnicity: Sioux
Height: 1.7 Meters
Build: Looks-about-to-die thin
Skin Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown (Oily and straggly)
Eye Color: Brown
Location: Redmond
Coyote never sleeps. Coyote doesn't trust anyone. Coyote is one of those people who guards his power jealously because he knows that as a freelance distributor of various narcotics he is a target for any organized crime takeover or hit or for some group or individual to kick down his door, rob him. kill him and take his livelihood away. So he broke the cardinal rule of dealing, don't get deep into your own stash. But he did anyway. And with the help of up to three hits of long haul a week he stays up for stretches of up to ten days at a time. This of course has made him paranoid beyond belief, delusional and on what can only be described as "the circle before the flush".
Coyote has a a slightly elongated face, a nose that looks like it was broken at one point and never properly set. He wears flats, vending machine clothing because his laundry machine broke and doesn't want to leave to have it fixed. He is thin in the way that a starving man looks before death. His sunken eyes look hollow and have dark gray circles under them. The Yaks and the Mafia both want him dead and many gangers in the area just want the money he's fabled to have saved up over the years. So he stays mobile to keep from being detected.
The only person he trusts are people he knew before he got into drugs and people who take long haul as frequently as he does. Because the know man, they know. He stays with his live-in girlfriend/prostitute, Mercedes who can placate coyote and talks to the dealers while coyote has all the contacts with the suppliers.
Coyote deals in all kinds of drugs, both awakened and unawakened. If he doesn't have it he knows someone who can get it. Specialty drugs are harder to come by. He has a large personal stash of long haul and uses Peyote "casually", if there is such a thing.
Defining Qualities:
Moves to a different place every week
Incredibly Paranoid
Will look under the crack in door constantly for no reason
Mutters to himself
Peyote - It speaks for itself.
Coyote is available at all times of the day or night. However, he will be unavailable once a week because this means that he has crashed and will be completely unavailable. Roll a d6 and if it turns up 6, the player will not be able to contact him for the next 8d6 hours and will only get Mercedes, who is instructed not to answer any calls or emails while he's "out".
Knowledge and language skills:
English: N
Spanish: 2
Drugs: 5
Safe Houses: 5
Street Rumors: 3
Organized Crime: 2
Seattle Gangs: 2
Aug 30 2008, 12:15 PM
Nice posts Ice, I like the druggy shammy very cool idea.
Aug 31 2008, 03:16 PM
"Kevin Randal"
Emptor Caveat (buyer beware backward in Latin) a.k.a. Kevin Randal is a retired runner with shop selling mainly electronics and weapons, but is willing to get anything the discerning costumer needs (given enough time and money.) There are a few fully built drones in display cases seemingly powered down in the store, and you are greeted by a happy elf standing behind the counter. He is willing to sell you anything you want without asking questions or for your SIN and his merchandise is legit if not somewhat shady. If you begin to chat with him he has a few interesting runs that the party can do. High risk and high paying jobs that will allow him to expand his business ventures. Only when he truly trusts the party will he let them into the back room of the shop. It is a fairly small dimly lit area where he is building drones and other experimental nick-nacks that sit on a shelf to the right of his workbench. A Japanese sword slightly covered in old blood hangs from the ceiling over his head, as well as an odd looking scale from a large creature, a targeting drone, a warped cyber arm, and a fully sealed metal box with a radiation sticker patched against it.
GM notes: This was once a powerful adept rigger/face who although always seems nice behind the counter he is actually a rude, uncomplicated businessman. The elf at the front counter is actually a bio-drone made up to look exactly like him, which he calls 1-UP. He controls it through a hidden cable attached to the bio-drones foot. Sports some Delta ware and some beta ware. The room is rigged with heavy amounts of explosives that is hooked up to a heartbeat monitor that will explode if he gets knocked out. The drones in the glass cases are actually active drones, and will respond in force to any attack on the shop. The shop also will completely lock down and hidden gas canisters (containing NS, Pepper punch, IR smoke, Flash packs) will drop from various hidden compartments in the store, after the drones open fire trying to puncture anyone wearing a fully sealed suit. If that action fails the 15 (hidden) directional claymores located at the back of the wall of the shop will detonate, and Kevin will try and escape out of one of the three hidden and monitored escape hatches he has at the back of his shop with as much of his stuff as he can after he escapes through the hatch all three hatches are then sealed. Being a retired runner he is extremely paranoid of other runners and what kind of enemies that might be after him.
Oct 8 2008, 01:12 PM
Lunette is truly a Mystery. She apears in the matrix as a young girl in a clown out fit( check out "The Big Comfy Couch"for visuals). Word is she is either a TM, a Matrix Ghost, an AI or FastJacks daughter depending on the who you talk to. She has recently been trying to befriend a talented hacker called Bozo,going so far as to drop Wiz programs in his Commlink as gifts. She seems to be a little stunted as to the social aspects,almost as she doesn't really know how to act around other people. When it comes to Matrix work she shines super-nova hot though. Bozo is still trying to figure out how she waltzed into his comm and loaded a program without him even getting so much as a warning beep.
she is sometimes seen accompanied by two Sprites? Agents?. one is a tall red haired clown on a unicycle she refers to as "Major Bedhead" and the other is a child's doll she calls "Dolly".
[ Spoiler ]
if your reading this,Bozo,please remember the "I want an AI "discussion way back when.
what, you didn't actually think you would get one that you can just order around did you?
BTW, be aware that as the entity has taken on a female persona the phrase"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" should always be in your mind. if she can put a R7 attack program in your commlink as a gift , she could very well leave something not so pleasant.
Oct 17 2008, 01:35 PM
Rufus T Firefly - A mob enforcer who acts like a samurai, in fact is a wolf shaman. Tall, dark lean and toned. He is able to intimidate with his precence alone, meaning he can avoid killing until it is required. He keeps his magic a secret and uses it to simulate cyber. Hard, leathal, his word is rock solid.
Chloe Winterdon- A attorny who handles rich peoples' cases and does probono for the poor. She was petit at 4' 10' but not a dwarf. strong willed, often worked as a fixer and hiring runners to help people who could not be helped by the courts. She was also a vampire.
Jul 11 2010, 12:51 AM
Guy Hooligan - Owner and operator of the "Irish Republican Army Surplus Store" that's in one of the locked basements of the Crime Mall in Seattle. He has contacts with the various "Cast Out Irishmen" that are on the West Coast, along with the Irish Mob, using their connections to get "Military Surplus" that "Fell off the back of a truck" alongside actual Army Surplus goods from legitimate sources. He sells these goods to help support "The Cause" of kicking the Elves out of Tir na Nog and regaining the Island once again. He's an Elf, and was still cast out, but refuses to talk about it. Refuses with his fists.
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