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Full Version: Hoe to pronounce
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I started GMing a campaign several weeks ago. The runners' first run was to collect ash off the erupting Mt. Ranier. They had to go into the Salish-Shidhe council to do it. After saying it a few times, we all got a good laugh because it sounded like "Salish-Shitty Council." Seriously, try saying it fast. Is this really the right pronunciation?
Daier Mune
i think its pronounced "seed-hey"
Sidhe is pronounced Shee, I believe.
QUOTE (quentra @ May 14 2008, 09:57 PM) *
Sidhe is pronounced Shee, I believe.

You would be correct. It's Gaelic, therefore a bitch to pronounce.
Yeah, Gaelic is really hard to pronounce.

Try Sgian Dubh (a knife, worn for decorative purposes mainly with a kilt). Seriously - it's completely different than you'd expect. Unless you're apparently quentra or redwulf.
QUOTE (Nigel @ May 15 2008, 02:29 AM) *
Yeah, Gaelic is really hard to pronounce.

Try Sgian Dubh (a knife, worn for decorative purposes mainly with a kilt). Seriously - it's completely different than you'd expect. Unless you're apparently quentra or redwulf.

Sidhe is just a commonly used word in some of the fantasy fiction I read. Closest attempt I could make as pronouncing Sgian Dubh would be Chee-an Duu and I've probably buggered it up completely.
Oh, very nearly completely. The easiest way to type it out, for those of you who are curious, is "skeen doo." There are, as always with Gaelic, more complications, but that's very close to the actual pronunciation. Definitely a better guess than most people could do, though.

I'm sorry for derailing your thread, NONSENSUS. It was an accident, I swear! nyahnyah.gif
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