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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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Well, I didn't expect to default into a leadership position. I think Mitchel's background speaks for itself, but I can elabourate for those who want it.

Yeah it seems like it will be interesting who comes out as what in our rag tag bunch! Mikey: I'd love to hear more if you've got it I love the BG info.

I'm getting excited to play now! I wish I could draw so I could mock up a sketch of this weirdo wannabe sammie troll with antelope horns. Do trolls get extra damage for headbutting? smile.gif Oh I forgot the breakdown of BP, I'll add that in tonight with the CharSheet. Any recommendations out there for a place to upload a Doc (excel sheet) so I can have it on the go? And to share. Cool time for lunch have a great day y'all! spin.gif
Are finally ready folks? Sorry about being out of contact but I had the worst headache ever. Hurt to look at the screen, even TV. But I'm kosher now.
Ellipse: you want real herbs or synthetic?
QUOTE (Dakka @ Jun 9 2008, 02:41 PM) *
Ellipse: you want real herbs or synthetic?

Hmm...I think in this case I assume synthetic for the time being until some extra money starts coming in. I would say that Anders has blown the majority of his life savings making his situation here and until more money starts to come in has to take some shortcuts begrudgingly.

Also I never rolled up any starting nuyen.gif how do you want to handle that? I've noticed some people using dice websites here, others I don't know if they're just doing it themselves or what.
*lol* I didn't mean to speak in the third person at all! smile.gif That sentence was supposed to start with "I'm" that's wicked funny, just goes to show how nervous the big guy really is!
Can I suggest posting guidelines to make things easier to read? Like maybe using this for speech, and something like this for text messaging and maybe a different color too for subvocal?

Also, I was getting a bit confused as to who is who. Maybe we could put our character name at the top of the message if it's not mentioned somewhere in the text? Oh and it might be nice to avoid signatures in IC posts.

I don't want to impose anything, but those small things can go a long way to making posts easier to read for everyone.

Also, when are you showing up DH ? nyahnyah.gif
Gobogen: Agree with you in full. I'm at a computer that dosen't really support this boards full features right now so I'll work on learning the code for colors today if those are the one's we wanna run with. And I meant to keep my characters name at the top of each post it really does help out a lot I'll make sure to do that in the future!

Dakka:Does the new IC post mean we lost Sleepy?
I believe so, as I havent heard hide nor hair from those that faded out. I might offer those slots up again but I dont want to stop/delay this game any longer.
Digital Heroin
QUOTE (Dakka @ Jun 12 2008, 02:13 AM) *
I believe so, as I havent heard hide nor hair from those that faded out. I might offer those slots up again but I dont want to stop/delay this game any longer.

Apologies are in order on my part. I'd been fixing to respond to the IC when it went and up and ended up getting sidetracked with getting ready to go to sea. Net on ship was down for the first few days, and this is the first chance I've had to sit down at a computer with coherency of thought. Expect a post momentarily, if'n I'm not kicked out.
No problem. Navy?
Digital Heroin
Aye, Canadian Navy: "We actually exist!"
He's even posting from my province. smile.gif
Digital Heroin
Your province? Heh... it's just as much mine, eh... born here, serve here, love it here...
Is there a geographic cleavage in politics in canada? lol or is Francophone thing? I'm a political science major so I'm just wondering here.

I was a Marine for a time so, I'm really understanding on your situation DH.
A friend of mine enrolled less than a year ago in the Canadian Navy, and he's based in BC. DH, what ship are you on (I think he's on Iroquois or something, I'd have to check)? The French/English speaking stuff isn't much of a problem to me (and most people I know) but it is for some people. And I'm from Montreal, arguably the most bilingual city in Canada, so I know at least from that point of view.

Edit: Is it me or they are a lot of Canadians in this game? I don't want anyone to go think that Canadians are second stringers smile.gif
Hehe, what's even funnier is that a bunch of my family is from Fredericton, NB! I'm not Canadian but well, let's just say it wasn't out of the question smile.gif!
Hey dakka, is it intentional that the johnson keeps ignoring our questions about the type of items and the quantity, and basically any question about the details of the job?
Yes it is. He will present a datafile when you all agree to the job. To him you guys are just repo men, and not worth much at the moment and your questions irritate him slightly though none of you have noticed that as he seems irratable anyways.
Let the irritation continue! upsidedown.gif
Hope the Mr J is coming along as much an arse as I hope he is. Are you getting the feeling or impression of someone who is bossy and unsympathetic ?
QUOTE (Dakka @ Jun 13 2008, 07:28 PM) *
Hope the Mr J is coming along as much an arse as I hope he is. Are you getting the feeling or impression of someone who is bossy and unsympathetic ?

I'm certainly getting the impression he doesn't give a damn about us, so yeah.
Same here. Would be tough to like him in any way..
I agree. He's a dweeb!
Okay, I vote we skip ahead to properly introducing our characters to each other at a nearby McHughs!
Digital Heroin
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys @ Jun 16 2008, 04:34 AM) *
Okay, I vote we skip ahead to properly introducing our characters to each other at a nearby McHughs!

Night Shift's offered up Ming's as a suggestion both because it's runner-friendly, and he can't stomach soy, so a McHughs would be torture for him, eh...
Where u meet up is upto you guys, some roleplay aspects there I see coming out over food lol.

Also, on the list of items is a PAN number so you arent totally clueless and I'll be adding names on the list (spoiler) to corespond to the items.
How many items worth 250 nuyens are/will be on that list, Dakka? That way we could add up and figure out our best possible pay for the job.

Also, I don't have my books with me right now, so I'm not sure what to roll. I'll check when I'm at home this evening, or if someone wants to tell me. I think it's an electronic warfare test first (if the comm was in hidden mode) and then the hacking begins?
its 13 items (or collection of items)

it is electric warfare

and, I have soda coming out my nose from what everyone said/did to scab LMAO
Hacking the Johnson's Comm
Electronic Warfare test (Logic 7 + Electronic Warfare 5 + Communications Specialization 2)
14d6.hits(5) → [3,6,1,6,1,2,3,4,4,5,1,6,1,2] = (4)

Assuming this was good enough to get to the device, here's the hacking test.
Hacking test (Hacking 5 + Exploit 5)
10d6.hits(5) → [4,3,2,3,3,1,2,5,1,3] = (1)

Let me reroll this using an edge point (5 remaining).
10d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [5,5,1,2,3,[6, 1],3,2,4,4] = (3)

The second (and third) test can be ignored if my first test wasn't good enough. I just thought it would save time to do it like this. These actions will be happening in the car.

Edit: Crud! Forgot my two additional dice for being in VR on the second test. The first two dice of the reroll are actually successes, so I guess I would have had 3 successes on the test right away, and would not have used edge to reroll. Dakka, let me know if you agree with this interpretation. If not I'll just reroll the 12 dice.
Hey sorry for the silence, I'll get some more up tonight been a busy few days!
You're in what are you looking for/doing
Last of the greats: You offering up jailbait to the team? lol, now thats something that didnt even cross my mind lmao
Dakka, I'd like to take the time to find every bit of info I can get from his comm. Name, any accounts linked to it, any devices linked to it, any list of contacts, personal notes, etc. I'd like to simply download all of that. I don't believe this requires any additional test, but just in case:

5 Hacking + 5 Relevant Program + 2 VR: 5 successes
QUOTE (Dakka @ Jun 21 2008, 08:05 AM) *
Last of the greats: You offering up jailbait to the team? lol, now thats something that didnt even cross my mind lmao

Actually he was asking to get hooked up, not offering to hook the guys up. Ideally he wants to bang a "shadowchick." He'd have no problem introducing them to girls his age, though. To him they are not jailbait. nyahnyah.gif
Just bumping us back to page 1.
While I'm at it, I'll immediately add that right after Handsome copies the information from the Johnson's commlink and erases any trace of his presence there, he'll run a quick Data Search on him over the matrix, to gather additional info on the guy. He's looking for any useful intel about his current and past activities.

Data Search on the Johnson: 4 successes

I'll wait to receive the two pieces of information Handsome finds (if any) before logging him out of the matrix and going to the restaurant.
Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. I was staying with my mom who is recovering from a hernia operation. I'm back again now, though.
Considering we haven't heard from our GM in 2 weeks, I wouldn't worry smile.gif
I didn't even quite realize that until you pointed it out...
Here's hoping this game won't die just as it started. Dakka's profile says he was last seen on June 23rd.
Digital Heroin
Aaaaug.. someone's making me want to try and run another doomed game again, I swear... grinbig.gif
So when do we officially stick a fork in this y'all?? indifferent.gif
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