QUOTE (deek @ Sep 23 2008, 09:11 AM)

but you don't write books that cater to the 5% that truly delve into the complexities of social interaction...do you?
I wasn't going to say anything, as I think deek has his own method of gaming and really likes that method, and I think that's fine. However, this one line kept sticking in my craw.
Since we all play SR, let's take a moment and look at the shadowrun books which are published and which do NOT focus on combat (in other words, focus on social and cultural structures, non-combat challenges, etc.) I won't include mission books, since those go both ways.
Primarily combat/mission oriented books
Matrix books (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Rigging books (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Magic books (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Cyberware books (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Gun books (1,2, 3 and 4)
Primarily world-building/social/everything else books (copied from wiki)
Character Dossier (pending 4th edition book)
1st Sprawl Sites
1st Paranormal Animals of North America
1st Shadowbeat
7112 2nd Paranormal Animals of Europe
7113 2nd Corporate Shadowfiles
7115 2nd Lone Star
7116 2nd Prime Runners
7117 2nd Bug City
7118 2nd Corporate Security Handbook
7119 2nd Cybertechnology
7120 2nd Awakenings
7121 2nd Threats
7122 2nd Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
7123 2nd Underworld Sourcebook
7124 2nd Cyberpirates
7125 3rd Corporate Download
7208 2nd The Neo-Anarchists Guide to Real Life
7219 3rd Target: Matrix
10650 3rd Year of the Comet
10651 3rd Target: Awakened Lands
10652 3rd Threats 2
10653 3rd Target: Wastelands
10654 3rd Wake of the Comet
10665 3rd Survival of the Fittest
10666 3rd Dragons of the Sixth World
10667 3rd Sprawl Survival Guide
10673 3rd The Shadowrun Character Dossier
25003 3rd Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book
25006 3rd Loose Alliances
25014 3rd System Failure
26301 4th Emergence
26302 4th Ghost Cartels
7201 Seattle Sourcebook
7202 Native American Nations Volume One
7203 London
7204 Germany Sourcebook
7206 Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America
7207 Native American Nations Volume Two
7209 California Free State
7210 Tir Tairngire
7211 Tir na nOg (Ireland)
7212 Denver: The City of Shadows
7213 Aztlan (Mexico)
7214 Target: UCAS
7215 Target: Smugglers Havens
7216, 10657 & 25009 New Seattle
10655 & 25015 Shadows of North America
25002 Shadows of Europe
25007 Shadows of Asia
25011 Shadows of Latin America
26005 Runner Havens
26201 Corporate Enclaves
26202 Feral Cities
Main manuals (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Companion books (2, 3 and 4)
SOTA 63, 64
Some of those (Shadowbeat, dossier books, dragons of the sixth world, etc.) are almost exclusively about social interactions or work related to that social interactions.