Smoke and flashing lights can disturb your balance, if you rely on vision - even more so, if you add noise. Also when there is enough smoke it could diffuse the light to a degree, that it would even be hard to hit the light source. In a dark room with light spotted at you, you probably won't be able to make out who or what is behind the source. On the other hand light that is not directly pointed at you can actually help.
There is much to take into account, so the fairest thing one can do is to use the table and not himself be used by the tables instead.
Edit: I wouldn't use intuition instead of agility, else you will have a lot of people that are stronger on the mental attribues start closing their eyes in combat.
Even with your eyes closed you will need to have balance, body-control and a steady hand - maybe even more so. Also, while shooting is focused on sight, shutting one sense down, doesn't make you shoot more by perception than before as you perceive less. Walking a rope without sight is still a matter of balance and you cannot perform that much of a feat without sensual perception anyways.