Aug 28 2008, 01:53 AM
QUOTE (DWC @ Aug 27 2008, 01:08 PM)
I can somewhat understand the legality restriction, since it does make your unarmed attacks into real physical damage. If the law classifies bone lacing as an implanted cyberweapon, I can see it being forbidden.
What I don't get is why bone lacing is
forbidden, but bone density augmentation doesn't even need a
Aug 28 2008, 02:39 AM
QUOTE (Glyph @ Aug 28 2008, 02:53 AM)
What I don't get is why bone lacing is forbidden, but bone density augmentation doesn't even need a permit.
Looking at it, why would you ever get bone lacing? It's only half the price, is completely illegal and is much more invasive. BDA IV is +4 BOD and STR/2+3P and 1.2 Essence (0.6 if you fill up with cyber) which is a much better deal, particularly if you compare it to Alpha or Beta Titanium Bone-lacing.
Aug 28 2008, 03:20 AM
I'm just about ready with my 'catch-up' post... but I need to know something...
In the dream, if/when Jane's personality shifts does her appearance change to suit the personality or does she just look like Julianne the whole time?
- Scope
Aug 28 2008, 11:32 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 27 2008, 10:39 PM)
Looking at it, why would you ever get bone lacing? It's only half the price, is completely illegal and is much more invasive. BDA IV is +4 BOD and STR/2+3P and 1.2 Essence (0.6 if you fill up with cyber) which is a much better deal, particularly if you compare it to Alpha or Beta Titanium Bone-lacing.
To be fair, the bioware option almost always superior to the cyberware one.
I'd imagine it varies from character to character, but I know for Vice, he's a starting character, intentionally built with room to grow as the game goes on. Swapping from bone lacing to bone aug, going from wired reflexes to move by wire, upgrading muscle toner, and adding orthoskin are just some of the options available. Gives him something to spend cash on beyond coke, whores, and his mortgage.
Aug 28 2008, 03:16 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 27 2008, 07:10 AM)
Question: If Malloc.I attempts to 'speak' through iconography, or otherwise use his innate programs (creating a backdoor in this node, an account with admin access, etc) do these have any effect? Even if no icons appear near his, is the being aware of Malloc.I's attempt to speak in this manner?
Yes, he seems to have full capability of speach here. The creature does look your way when you attempt to speak.
Sorry I missed this the first time =P
Aug 28 2008, 03:23 PM
Okay, I will edit my previous post to show more success, and to include what he is attempting to say. I'll just go ahead and assume that attempting to use my Exploit programs to improve access here, or attempting to log out will fail.
Aug 28 2008, 03:43 PM
Edited previous post to - to include the original question directed at the big demon guy.
Matrixese is supposed to be easy enough to pick up that anyone can understand it, so I expect that everyone else will see it as well.
Aug 31 2008, 03:06 PM
Silly question but there's no reason why you can't remove one of the modifications a gun comes with when you buy it right?
For example if something had an inbuilt silencer or folding stock you could in theory just have it removed in the same way a vehicle can have features taken off. (But obviously you don't get any slots for removing them or anything)
Oh and not sure about anyone else but Weaver is done with her questions. So all I need now before we begin day 2 is to know if/how well her data searches on day one went. So I can figure out what exactly the plan'll be for her morning matrix hunting after dream 2.
Sep 1 2008, 11:23 AM
Got bored. Put up a flashback to stuff I was doing before we jumped ahead...
[ Spoiler ]
Compile Tutor Sprite 9 (Skillsoft: AK: Meta-Archaeology (People,Places, Magic, Artifacts and Legends of the 4th and 5th Worlds), AK:Magical Theory, SK: Emergent Personalities (AI's and Technomancers), Aeronautics Mechanic)
Compiling 4 + Resonance 5 + VR 2 + Homeground 2 + In Tune 2 + Resonance Well 2 = 17 Dice = 14335661526255561 = 9 Hits
Rating 9 = 9 dice = 462155545 = 5 Hits
Services: 4
Fading 10P
Intuition 5 + Resonance 5 + VR 2 + In Tune 2 + Resonance Well 2 + Allocation Bond 4 = 20 Dice = 62416615313436155626 = 9 Hits
Damage: 1P
First Aid
First Aid 9 + Logic 9 + Medkit 6 - Technomancer 2 = 22 Dice = 5411351114551342223556 = 7 Hits
Heals 5 boxes.
[ Spoiler ]
Registering 6 + Resonance 5 + VR 2 + Specialization 2 + Homeground 2 + In Tune 2 + Resonance Well 2 + Codeslinger 2 = 23 Dice = 35364516541631314565265 = 11 Hits
Rating x 2 9 = 18 Dice = 415441663526362444 = 6 Hits
Total Services: 8
Fading 12P
Intuition 5 + Resonance 5 + VR 2 + In Tune 2 + Resonance Well 2 + Allocation Bond 4 = 20 Dice = 26645565315142622124 = 8 Hits
Damage: 4P
First Aid
First Aid 9 + Logic 9 + Medkit 6 - Technomancer 2 = 22 Dice = 3525112233623645162265 = 8 Hits
Heals 6 boxes.
QUOTE (Oenone @ Aug 31 2008, 11:06 AM)
Silly question but there's no reason why you can't remove one of the modifications a gun comes with when you buy it right?
For example if something had an inbuilt silencer or folding stock you could in theory just have it removed in the same way a vehicle can have features taken off. (But obviously you don't get any slots for removing them or anything)
I don't see why not. Per Arsenal, anything that comes with a stock weapon is treated as a modification that doesn't take any slots, so removing them should work just like the rules for removing any other weapon modification, in that you'd get back the 0 slots you paid for it, and it would go away.
QUOTE (Oenone @ Aug 31 2008, 11:06 AM)
Oh and not sure about anyone else but Weaver is done with her questions. So all I need now before we begin day 2 is to know if/how well her data searches on day one went. So I can figure out what exactly the plan'll be for her morning matrix hunting after dream 2.
Vice has gotten everything he thinks he needs from the spirit. At this point, he's killing time until the spirit lets him go.
Sep 1 2008, 07:21 PM
Yup, me too.
Legwork, legwork, legwork...
Sep 2 2008, 01:28 PM
Hope you all had a great holiday weekend! I was away from computer access from thursday on so I will hopefully be catching up on that today.
Sep 2 2008, 01:38 PM
Welcome back. What holiday?
Sep 2 2008, 02:07 PM
Labor Day (here in the States, at least)
Was a great holiday weekend, chock full of burgers, hot dogs, chips, and gallons of microbrew summer wheat ales. Couldn’t ask for more.
Sep 3 2008, 01:30 AM
A very good weekend, pizza and finally going to see the Dark Knight - kind of glad, in a way, that I waited so long and missed the huge crowds.
Sep 3 2008, 01:33 AM
A reasonably productive weekend, if not especially enjoyable. I moved about two miles to the west. But I do like where I moved to.
Moving is always a pain, and sometimes the short moves are the worst ones.
Sep 7 2008, 10:03 PM
Just wanted to see if the game's still going and suchlike? As it's been a bit quiet this last few days.
Sep 7 2008, 10:10 PM
Gremish hasn't been seen since the 2nd. He retired from Fields of Fire about then and he did say he was busy with work.
I happy to wait a few more days before giving it The Last Rites...
There's certainly no harm in waiting around to see if Gremish has the time to pick things back up. Gives Ears and Scope time to get caught up, too.
Sep 11 2008, 02:53 AM
I'm sorry I haven't posted recently guys, my father passed away last thursday and I am the executor. I have been doing funeral arrangements, talking to family and dealing with a trillion other things. I will do my best to get bac to updating here but this isnt a top priority at the moment. I apologize.
Sep 11 2008, 03:05 AM
My deepest condolences.
Sep 11 2008, 03:51 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Sep 11 2008, 07:18 AM
Condolences and best wishes. That's a tough thing to go through, we'll all be thinking of you.
If you want to come back and resume this, take your time, we're not going anywhere.
We'll leave a light on for you...
Sep 12 2008, 02:51 PM
My deepest condolences.
We'll be here.
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