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Full Version: Agility Bonus for Shapeshifters
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

just noticed that the Leopard/Jaguar/Lion/Tiger shifters all get a modified agility of 5/8 (12). Somehow that doesn't really make sense (as it's normaly x/x+5 ( (x+5) * 1.5) ). Is it possibly that it was meant to be 3/8 (12) ?

Of course, this would mean, that the typical seal (the shifter, not the soldier) kicks a tiger shifter's ass (because of +1 agility more), but that's just a side note...

(And sorry if this has been mentioned somewhere before, I really didn't know how to search for this smile.gif
I play it as 3/8 (12), but there's no official word out yet.
It's not just those, Eagle's Will is 3/9 (Should be 3/8 or 4/9) and the bear's Bod and Str are 7/13 (should be 7/12 or 8/13) don't follow the spread either...
I'd have assumed it was meant to be 5/10 because honestly a Tiger being the same level of agility (or as you say worse) than a Seal?
Doesn't make much sense to me. Presumably it'll be in the errata at some point.
5/10 (15) seems more unlikely to me than 3/8 (12), because that would mean changing two numbers instead of just one.
I'd have assumed it was meant to be 5/10 because honestly a Tiger being the same level of agility (or as you say worse) than a Seal?
Doesn't make much sense to me.

It makes sense to me. Tigers are not really known for their agility, but for their strength. Oddly enough, they only have the equivalent Strength of an Ork...
It's been brought up in the unofficial errata thread and a number of other shifter threads. No word from the devs on the true values yet though.
I don't really think that having a different range of attributes is a problem, myself. Maybe metahumans all have x/x+5, but shape shifters aren't metahumans, so why should they necessarily have the same ranges?
Well, shifters take a metahuman form, so I'd expect a little conformance. Besides, with the exception of spirits and AI, every single racial option that has a stat max above 6 always has a 6 point range (1-6, 3-8, 5-10, etc), so there's pretty much a precedent set already.
Great Dragons take a metahuman form, too. nyahnyah.gif
True. But the official BBB stats don't include ranges for each of the attributes on a dragon, great or otherwise. Yes, I'm aware of the April fake dragon PC rules, and they didn't keep a 6 point range, but as they were fake, I'm not counting them. Drakes on the other hand have the same 6 point range as everything else as well.

Either way, there's no official determination on it until the Devs say one way or the other.
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