The maneuvers in Arsenal made punching people a lot more fun but I couldn't help but feel that subdual combat needed a little boost and some extra flavor. I've added three new manuvers and altered throw, which I felt was both too weak and too limited as it didn't model the Judo-style grabby leverage and muscle throw.
An attacker may use Takedown as part of his initial subdual combat attack. It applies a -2DP penalty to it's user's test. If the test is successful, both parties are knocked prone with the attacker retaining his hold as normal.
Joint Lock
Joint Lock can be used when invoking the damage option in the grapple rules. It gives the attack an AP value equal to the user's unarmed skill plus appropriate boni.
Applying a Chokehold pinches off the arteries in the neck causing unconsiousness in three combat turns including the one in which the hold is applied. Treat applying a Chokehold as an attempt to get a better grip. If the opposed test is successful the Chokehold is applied, if not resolve the grip test as normal. The victim gets to attempt to break the hold as normal but suffers a -1DP penalty cumulatively for each turn that passes due to lack of oxygen. The hold is fatal if maintained for 2 + (1/4 victim's body) minutes.
Anyone attempting to percieve the victim's gurgling get a -4DP modifier to his perception check.
Throw (revised)
The throw test is an opposed test of (STR + Unarmed Combat).
Throw can be used in the following circumstances:
1: As a borrow ahead action after a successful clinch maneuver or initial grapple attempt
2: As a complex action once a clinch has been established by either combatant
3: As a complex action when already engaged in subdual combat whether the character has control or not
4: As a borrow ahead action after a successful parry/block by the character or a successful defense against a grapple attempt
5: Any other situation that the GM deems appropriate
If a Throw is successful, the attacker can choose to launch his victim 1 + net hits meters in a direction of his choosing (not up, you crafty bastards) or simply drive him into the ground on the spot. In either case, throw inflicts 1/2(STR)+ net hits in stun damage. At GM discretion Throw may inflict extra and/or physical damage if the victim is thrown somewhere exceptionally unpleasant. (plastcrete, stone, broken glass, off a cliff, in front of a bus, etc.)
Chokehold isn't terribly useful in combat and might need some tweaking and more precise wording but being able to take down people silently without weapons would make it very valuable for the covert ops types. Throw goes from 'why the hell would you spend karma on this' to 'this is one of the best maneuvers in the game'. Joint Lock allows ordinary sorts actually damage people wearing light-medium armor in subdual combat. Takedown allows the attacker to perform two actions at once if he takes a dicepool penalty.
They've been through a few hours of playtesting and seem to add something useful but not totally overpowering. I'm generally pretty happy with them but another few pairs of eyes are always welcome. Feedback please!