Imagine yourself as a state of the art cybersurgeon, on the payroll of one of the biggest names in the business, we do not mention their name as your line of work is in the shady and morally questionable fields of this corperations agenda.
In search of a new subject you run into the perfect individual, his name is Johnny and his body is a paragon of the troll race, however he is lacking purpose with his life and you offer him some sanctuary telling him that he is a god amongst men (or trolls) and with your help under the scalpels blade, he can unlock his true potential.
Said and done you equip Johnny with his very first piece of ware. Your promise hold true as for the next weeks Johnny is in cloud9, the sudden sensation of having his body enhanced is enough to keep him in a constant state of euphoria. However as all things are bound to do, the sensation fades.. and your new friend Johnny once again feel that his life lack purpose.. only this time, he knows what can bring him out of his misery. You have him hooked.
As months or even years pass you gradually find yourself equipping your friend with yet another piece of SotA cyber,bio or even nanoware. Until one day you know the limit is reached.
Johnny isnt satisfied however, and all your attempts (however you do not really want to convince him do you?) to convince him that his body has reached the limit and cannot handle any more meddling is futile. So you bring him aside and tell him, there is a way.. one that is rather risky, but also will let him come within the grasp of immortality, you expain to him.. the graces of cybermancy.
Our dear chromehead Johnny doesnt give a second thought before insisting on the procedure that forever will change his life, and so it come to pass. The doors to the near endless resources of your company sway open at your disposal as your reveal the implemention of a new cyberzombie to the workforce, one that you intend to bring to the very edge of what have been done before you. Within a secret corperate deltaclinic you get down to business together with some of the best surgeons the sixth world can offer, along with a ring of highly impressive magicians, one of them a genuine former high priest of aztlan, extracted for this very purpose. The procedure is complete success, and whatever was left of Johnny, is nearly annihilated and encased in the horror that even the shadow community is afraid to mention. Here's Johnny.. and it's a really bad day to be on a run against his corp.
Essentially you have 12 points of essence (putting him at -6) to squeeze out of poor John, at your disposal is near endless resources, so assume that every piece of shady SotA ware is available to you in deltaware.
as for Johnny he is a simple troll with the following statistics
B 10 A 5 R 6 S 10 C 2 L 3 W 6 I 3 Edge 4 (Assume he burns a point of edge for the cybermancy test) before any modifications are made on his body, also feel free to equip him with whatever skills you feel appropriate for your new friend.. Johnny also happens to have that quality that allows you to squeeze even more ware into him (dont have augmentation here atm, so please fill me in on that)
in Short, this is essentially how to make the meanest cyberzombie ever conceived and what how much deltaware you can squeeze in a fellow before the augments start to feel absolete..
How would you make Johnny? and how would his stats look like in the end?
Btw.. Corperation, corperate? (sp?)