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Full Version: Funny Real World Shadowrun Idea
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I found this article on Yahoo today and all I could think was that it was begging to become a Shadowrun.

I wrote a bit about it here on my blog. It just seems to perfect.
QUOTE (JoshuaR @ Sep 9 2008, 10:40 AM) *
I found this article on Yahoo today and all I could think was that it was begging to become a Shadowrun.

I wrote a bit about it here on my blog. It just seems to perfect.

Hah, I was about to post about it too after I read it. You beat me to it.
It was interesting reading about their old security system for the recipe. I wonder how the new system will be like. So only 2 execs at any time knows of the recipe, I wonder if they'd be even more afraid about someone knowing the recipe in the shadowrun world with stuff like mind probe.
Every time they have to check it out, the person does what needs doing, then takes Laes. nyahnyah.gif
Five parts salt, one part each: black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and MSG. That's not eleven, I know -- part of keeping it a secret is misdirection and the other part is


"Great, now we're going to have to find a new Decker."

"And some air fresheners. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww... Burned brains."
Well... I guess we can turn his body in for some nuyen.
11th secret ingredient is love?

Alright who has been playing with the mass spectrometer?
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Sep 10 2008, 10:40 PM) *
Well... I guess we can turn his body in for some nuyen.

"KFC of Louisville, CAS denies any rumors of involvement in the recent surge in local illegal trafficking in human bodies, KFC spokesman Brian Lawringer said at yesterday's press-conference in response to claims that in at least one case, private investigators were able to trace RFID signals of the implants of a recently deceased local businessman to the Richmond-based Spice'R'Us, a wholly-owned subsidiary of KFC. In further news..."
"Okay, here's your five grand. Get out the back door!"
QUOTE (Naysayer @ Sep 11 2008, 05:48 AM) *
"KFC of Louisville, CAS denies any rumors of involvement in the recent surge in local illegal trafficking in human bodies, KFC spokesman Brian Lawringer said at yesterday's press-conference in response to claims that in at least one case, private investigators were able to trace RFID signals of the implants of a recently deceased local businessman to the Richmond-based Spice'R'Us, a wholly-owned subsidiary of KFC. In further news..."
"Okay, here's your five grand. Get out the back door!"

The 11th secret spice... peeeeoppppleeee! It's made out of peeeeeooppppleeeeee!!!!!
"Wow man... That'd explain the line of Ghouls we have out the door..."
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