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QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Sep 22 2008, 06:14 PM) *
for those of you having trouble coming up with contacts, I am putting together a list of GM sponsored contacts, all of whom will be interesting, fun, and useful in the game. I'll put it up when I get home this evening... I'll even get the official OOC board up so that we can get out of the recruitment board.

Well, I definitely don't have that problem. I've got 70 karma worth so far, and I don't think I'm done yet. It's writing them all up that's taking a while. Perhaps I'll be able to make use of a couple of yours.
I'm about to break down my character from the char-gen program I have manually, something seems off about the numbers, I've spent almost half my karma if not more on skills and frankly I'm not that well-rounded at all. So, I'm thinking something is up.

Ol' Scratch
What sort of numbers are you seeing for each skill? An active skill at rank 4 with specialization should cost you 24 Karma (4 Karma for rank 1, 4 Karma for 2, 6 for 3, 8 for 4 and 2 for the specialization) while a rank 2 skill costs only 8 Karma. Skills will likely take up the brunt of your Karma, sure, but you should also have plenty of room to be versatile before that happens.
I found out the sheet was gipping me at least 71 karma in skills alone. I am now making the character by hand.

Ol' Scratch
That's the spirit. Down with automation!
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Sep 22 2008, 10:40 PM) *
That's the spirit. Down with automation!

Up with automation! Forward the robot apocalypse!
QUOTE (Intro @ Sep 22 2008, 10:10 PM) *
Up with automation! Forward the robot apocalypse!

No! Pirates are better than nin -- wait. Wrong topic.
Ol' Scratch
I for one welcome our robot overlords.
Ol' Scratch
Question: I may have missed it, but are we keeping our character sheets private?
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Sep 23 2008, 03:42 AM) *
Question: I may have missed it, but are we keeping our character sheets private?

I'm thinking that I'll have you post them to the OOC board, which, btw, is up now. Feel free to keep any secret-y stuff, like the fact that you've got the Judas negative quality, out of the public character sheet. Just make sure I know everything. Any updates you do, any secrets, what your character has for breakfast... all that fun stuff.
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