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Ha! I'll get on that, then, I've been meaning to, but I've got a long list of TV series to catch up on. I'll bump Firefly to the top of that list.
Is the pay Biggs mentioned how much each of them gets payed, or is it to be split between them? It's the kind of thing that Tasha would know already from working with him before, so I didn't ask IC.
krayola red
That's how much you each get paid. Biggs doesn't like the splitting method because it provides an incentive for his less scrupulous runners to try to kill each other off at the end of a job so they get a bigger share.
And, the new bike gets another bump on my list of things to change if I get to redo this character. biggrin.gif
I'm assuming Tasha did have some basic information like that from Biggs. If not, she would have been frantically comming Biggs right after the question, while mentally kicking herself. embarrassed.gif
krayola red
Rolling with it! smile.gif
Pretty much ready to go. Zees' bike goes about 1/3 of the speed of Tasha's, PLUS she has to find some place where she can stash her duffel-bag because she's homeless now. biggrin.gif So, I don't know how common rentable lockers are, but that seems like the best safest bet.

Ya know, maybe instead of a better bike, Zee should get a car. Then she can leave her crap in that.
Local Area Knowledge roll:
5d6.hits(5) → [3,4,6,2,5] = (2)

To see if Tasha knows any nearby storage lockers.
krayola red
Off the top of your head, you know that the SeaTac Airport offers storage service for people who brought too much luggage with them and want to drop some of it off, and they accept certified cred to make it easier for foreigners to use. There are other places run by gangs in Puyallup, but they cost more money and sometimes if you're unlucky, the gang will take it upon themselves to give you a refund and keep your stuff if they think you're storing something valuable.

Edit: And also Rick's Lockboxes! biggrin.gif
Sorry, just figured I'd make up some place for something trivial like that, and I figured Tasha would have made use of lockers for stashing gear herself at some point. Just rolled to see if she would be able to think of something. Didn't mean to step on any GM toes.
krayola red
No problem, I came on and saw a roll and no IC post, so I thought you wanted me to say something. Turned out the IC post came on right before I hit the post button. smile.gif

For the future, totally feel free to take stuff like this into your own hands. This isn't a tabletop game, so waiting for GM input for trivial things will just slow things down. Plus this gives you more creative leeway to do cool stuff.
Should I give Glyph first dibs on talking to the guy at the door, or did you intend for Zee to arrive shortly after Tasha? Her bike is REAL slow - I figure she has a few minutes to talk before Zee shows up.
krayola red
Up to you. I wrote it vague on purpose. It's not inconceivable that Zee might arrive pretty soon after Tasha gets there, since the restaurant is in the high traffic downtown district, where your travel time depends as much on whether or not the lights go your way as the speed of your ride.
Okay, pulling out the big guns. mad.gif

Etiquette or negotiation, whichever applies (if you think it is interrogation, then take the last two dice off - no difference really, this time).

Charisma/skill/kinesics +1 vocal range enhancer, +2 first impression, and +2 for biosculpting.

The roll:
20d6.hits(5) → [5,3,6,3,2,5,5,5,2,3,5,4,5,1,4,2,2,4,4,4] = (7)
Zee will run a couple of sensorware programs, and make the output available to Tasha (assuming she accepts the AR link). Specifically, "Lie Detector" and "Empathy." Lie detector is kind of redundant, but fits. The net result is granting 6 more dice to Tasha's social skill rolls (probably not that current one, but later ones with this guy), and allowing 8 dice for a judge intentions roll (if that's better than your own).
krayola red
Damn, that guy got pwned.
Tasha's judge intentions roll is 10.

As far as empathy software, it would give Tasha a significant boost, and let Zee contribute to the "face" parts of the run, but I don't personally care for it too much. It's fine for an AI, as a replacement for improvements such as kinesics or tailored pheromones.

For other characters, I don't like how it adds so many dice, and stacks with everything else. I mean, Tasha is already in the 15-20 dice pool range. Adding 6 more dice, it just seems a bit much. I will use it if the other power players in the game world are using it, to keep up with the power curve. If krayola red would rather house rule it to not let normal metahumans get its real-time social skill bonus, though, I would be just as happy.
krayola red
When this run is over, Empathy is definitely one of the things that are gonna get tweaked in my little black book of evil GM ideas. I can see it being used as a stand alone dice pool, but the idea that software can turn a Charisma 1 character into the equivalent of a Charisma 7 character just feels wrong to me.
Yeah, the writers have mentioned it will be tweeked, eventually, but they haven't really given any clues as to how they intended it to be used. Tasha has plenty of dice, so I'm not too worried about it, but figured if Zee had a way to help, that was her objective.
Switching out SensorWare for Computer Autosoft and Data Search Autosoft. Using Premium ISP's matrix services, which include a rating 1 browse program for web-searching.

Total of 5 dice. Krayola can set the threshold and interval, but here are 5 rolls (assuming extended tests are capped by dice pool, which is a pretty common optional rule):
#D=5 : 14536 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=2
#D=5 : 23433 n1=0 n6=0 nHit=0
#D=5 : 31444 n1=1 n6=0 nHit=0
#D=5 : 64122 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=1
#D=5 : 43533 n1=0 n6=0 nHit=1

Not so hot. 4 hits means easy or average information. Assuming the worst threshold of a minute (which makes sense, since he's not on the same network), that should still be resolved before we hit the house.
Still giving Tasha some time to do some things before Zee arrives - but if either of you want me there sooner, post my arrival. smile.gif

When Zee does arrive, is the gang still there, and do they happen to be loitering near any vehicles?
krayola red
Depends on when she arrives. Right now, half of them are chilling out on top of a rusty old Honda Spirit on the opposite side of the street.
Okay, rolling con. Not sure if the biosculpting bonus would apply, but the good thing about cut-and-pasting from Invisible Castle is that you can just take off dice from right to left if the player rolls too many dice. Here's the roll:

20d6.hits(5) → [5,2,5,6,1,5,5,3,4,1,4,2,6,5,6,4,3,1,2,6] = (9)
krayola red
Just to clarify, Biosculpting only works if the other character is attracted to you, right? So if Tasha tries to charm a woman who's not a lesbian, or a gay man, or simply someone who only likes troll women, it wouldn't add any dice.
Yeah, that's pretty much how the sidebar on pg. 60 of Augmentation treats it.
Out of curiosity - because it is bound to come up soon - what type of area is this? High security? Low? There's gangs on the street - but you hinted that they were posers, and I got the impression this Peyton guy was kind of doing well for himself.
Voting tonight, so might be a bit later posting tonight. Rolls for Tasha - etiquette, to "fit in", and negotiation, for what it might cost her:

20d6.hits(5) → [5,5,4,1,3,4,5,1,5,6,2,2,4,6,1,2,3,1,2,1] = (6)
20d6.hits(5) → [1,2,3,5,4,5,3,3,3,4,3,5,3,4,2,1,1,2,1,6] = (4)
Rolling etiquette for Zee, although she is sort of in the background:

I know yo said you didn't like Emosofts, but I wasn't clear on if you planned to change them later, or nix them now. In any case, here's the roll, you can lop off dice if the software isn't helpful.

Charisma (7) + Etiquette (-1) + Emosoft (6) = 12 dice
#D=12 : 333254544135 n1=1 n6=0 nHit=3 (1 hit, if no emosoft)
krayola red
Medium security. Renton's seen better days, but it's still much better off than, say, Puyallup. The gang is probably a bunch of bored middle class kids who like to make trouble just for the sake of making trouble.

We're gonna play it by the book for this game, so emosoft is a-okay. Just don't get used to it. wink.gif
I'm fine with that. If I was GMing, I would also houserule that software. If we play beyond this game, and get to a point where the rules change, though, hopefully thats another thing I can consider refactoring.
I should have done this immediately, but right now works too:

Cyberware scan on the gangers to see if any of htem are chromed (which if they are arms - and what they are armed with). I'm guessing not, if their poser middle-class kids, but who knows.

4 dice for divice rating, modified up if any of them have a lot of items or cyberware in them.
#D=4 : 3633 n1=0 n6=1 nHit=1
krayola red
Most of them have datajacks, a few have cybereyes, but that's pretty much it.
No weapons?
krayola red
A few knives, no guns.
Glad to see she's trying to make a buck, and not start some shit. smile.gif I didn't really expect her to be going this direction at all.
krayola red
Every once in awhile, there will be limited time opportunities in game for characters to pick stuff up that's better than what they would normally be able to get. A bike that's tricked out with more mods than it should be able to hold, a gun that packs an extra punch...if this were a video game, it would be the equivalent of a unique item. Not sayin' that this is one of those times, but it might be. smile.gif

Edit: Also, if you decide to go for such an opportunity, the next one will probably take longer to come along, so it's not a no-brainer to take 'em.
Well, even just the opportunity to put in a purchase order (for someone without a contact directly in this area) - it is an opportunity I probably shouldn't pass up. Who knows how long it would take Zee to contact an AI capable of making a bike "fall off a truck" for her.
Here's what I've been rolling around as a bike that I might have bought had I know better. smile.gif This would be the OOC description of the specification-sheet Zee could put together for Anna. She probably doesn't know exact brands of bikes - but a quick matrix search, or even some suggestions by Anna will land on the Katana as a good-looking bike with the modification options necessary.
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (krayola red @ Nov 4 2008, 02:07 PM) *
A bike that's tricked out with more mods than it should be able to hold, a gun that packs an extra punch...if this were a video game, it would be the equivalent of a unique item.

Arsenal has rules for overmodifications (for vehicles, weapons, commlinks, etc) and basically says that it is up to the GM when it can be done, and that the tests to do so get a lot harder (but for an NPC, might be totally doable), so this is actually the perfect way to introduce those sorts of items (few PCs would be able to do it, themselves - and would always have to check with the GM first).
Not that it looks like it will matter, but I messed up the quote on how much cash Zee has. I carried the 1 the wrong way. its 12,920
Tasha's post up. Sorry for the delay, but it took three and a half fricking hours to vote. Unbelievable line. Definitely going to be some absentee ballots in my voting future. dead.gif
krayola red
Wow, that's crazy. I got to vote as soon as I arrived there, and even got me a shiny sticker afterwards that says "11/04/2008 - I Voted."
Took me about an hour (went at 10am) ... but there was another line (for another area) beside mine that had no waiting.
Sensor roll to scan the apartment with ultrawideband radar:
#D=8 : 55613425 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=4

Particularly interested in what might be in that closet, before opening it up.
krayola red
You see the faint outline of a metahuman body crumpled up inside the closet. There doesn't seem to be anyone else in the apartment.
Cyberscanner on body (looking for both cyberware, weapons, commlinks, etc)
Sensor Rating (4)
#D=4 : 2461 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=1

While physically searching the body for any other clues
Sensors (4) + Clearsight (4)
#D=8 : 14514563 n1=2 n6=1 nHit=3
Also, Firefly, Disc 1, is sitting on my coffee-table waiting to be watched this weekend. biggrin.gif I'll be sure to let you know what I think.

And I am not sure whether this is something we can tell without a skill roll... and I'm not sure what skill it would even BE... but does the apartment look tossed like there was a fight (involving an axe and a knife, apparently) or tossed like someone was looking for something?
krayola red
That would be a perception roll. smile.gif But since it's pretty obvious that there's been a fight, no roll is necessary. Things are just turned over, knocked down, and broken, but none of the drawers seem to have been opened or ransacked.

Anyway, I just want to announce that this game is gonna take a short break over the weekend. I just finished writing a short story and my creative juices have been completely drained, so I'm gonna lay off the writing for awhile to recharge my batteries. The next GM post will come next Monday. smile.gif
Fair enough. smile.gif When you get back, is there any evidence of other weapons used besides the knife and the axe (bullet holes, etc)?
krayola red
Woo hoo, let's get this show back on the road! smile.gif

Edit: Also, I know how your muse sometimes likes to run away without telling you where it's going, so if you guys ever need to take a break like this one, lemme know and I'll captain's chair your character until you get back.
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