krayola red
Nov 22 2008, 09:19 PM
Nov 22 2008, 09:28 PM
It was really good (although the ending was sort of... plopped out there - even with Serenity to finish things up). I'm disappointed there is not more.
Nov 22 2008, 09:29 PM
Quick check. Is he "dead" or "dying"?
Nov 22 2008, 10:05 PM
FYI, Zee needs a relay of the plan, or for Tasha to come out to let he know what she needs to do.
I figure you're probably on it.
krayola red
Nov 22 2008, 10:12 PM
He's about to die pretty quick unless someone stabilizes him.
Yeah, Firefly didn't really have an ending. It's too bad Fox didn't even let them finish up the first season. I think Serenity tied things up pretty nicely though.
Nov 22 2008, 10:17 PM
Alright. With her second and third IPs, Zee will switch out her whip program for her first-aid program (IP2) and set about stabilizing him (IP3).
Logic (5) + First-Aid (4) = 9 dice (once again, doing a crap-job without propepr tools, so feel free to factor in mods)
#D=9 : 145223235 n1=1 n6=0 nHit=2
krayola red
Nov 22 2008, 10:50 PM
He's stabilized. Zee is such a nice girl.
I'm still surprised you creamed him in one hit.
Nov 22 2008, 10:52 PM
Not expecting to do so well against the guy inside.
krayola red
Nov 22 2008, 10:55 PM
Let's just say there's a reason I gave you guys an alternate way to get the information.
Nov 23 2008, 12:05 AM
Appreciate the gesture.

We'll probably end up fighting for it, anyway. The $1000 is sort of nothing - but Tasha/Glyph have a good point about the street cred, plus I have an idea that could make this a pretty interesting combat. When Zee gets inside, she'll probably cyberscan the guy and see what she's up against, and switch up her tactics depending on how well-matched it seems she is.
Nov 23 2008, 12:57 AM
Mostly, just need a thumbs up from Glyph that Tasha isn't going to protest about Zee leaving with the body before posting Zee's entrance into the pub/ring area. Figured it would be easier to stop my IC post where I did, and give Glyph a chance to respond than to go on about it, and maybe have to edit it back later.

Should be amusing, if it plays out, right.
Nov 23 2008, 01:07 AM
Tasha assumes (probably wrongly) that Zee is taking the ganger in with her to keep an eye on him or get him help - the notion that Zee might attempt to use the ganger's body as a clubbering weapon wouldn't even occur to her. She would have a problem with Zee sounding ambivalent about the fight, though.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 01:17 AM
Just so you know, if that's your intention, you're going to suffer serious modifiers for using a body as a weapon. Especially since you're not a troll, and the guy isn't a dwarf.
Nov 23 2008, 01:22 AM
It was, but it looks like it won't happen (today). I expected some modifiers, but "metahuman body" is based on unarmed combat, and does stun damage - so it wouldn't be a bad way to get around the fact that Zee's hands can only deal physical damage.
Cyberscan for Brock. (4 dice)
#D=4 : 3146 n1=1 n6=1 nHit=1
Nov 23 2008, 01:28 AM
Also, Arsenal says there should probably be a dice pool penalty if the weapon is unwieldy.

So, I expected not to be operating at full efficiency. That's what I was hinting at in my IC post a few back.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 01:42 AM
Unwieldy is an understatement when you're using someone's body to attack. It's the equivalent of swinging a weapon that weighs over a hundred pounds. Unless you, like, rip off his arm or something and use that as a club. But that would kinda defeat the purpose of stabilizing him.
Nov 23 2008, 01:47 AM
Yeah, I expected the stabilization thing to become irrelevant after the first hit, anyway.
Nov 23 2008, 01:51 AM
Its a shame Tasha has to guard the bike - she could probably make some easy cash betting on Zee (assuming she wins). I'm just guessing most of the patrons assume she'll be killed in a few seconds.
Nov 23 2008, 02:03 AM
Yeah, but this is the Barrens - these guys wouldn't have much to bet with.
"I bet you these three shiny buttons, this comb with a few teeth missing - like me - and this half-eaten candybar, that Brock will kick that chicka's ass!"
Nov 23 2008, 02:30 AM
Initiative 18 dice
#D=18 : 543651455555145262 n1=2 n6=2 nHit=10
So 18+10 = 28. Nice. Something tells me initiative is going to be important, and that this guys is going to end up being faster than he looks.
No cyber, and a flawless streak means one of two things - bioware or adept. I'm guessing a guy living here can't afford bioware.
Nov 23 2008, 02:31 AM
Oh yeah, and just for the record - before going into the ring - "first aid" is getting switched out for "whips".
Nov 23 2008, 02:39 AM
Also, something surprising I noticed when looking up the rules for calling shot a few posts back (to make sure I knew what I was doing):
BBB pg 135: "Call a Shot" says "This action must be immediately followed by a Take Aim, Fire Weapon, Throw Weapon, or Melee Unarmed Attack".
?? Does that mean you can call shots with gun, thrown weapons, and martial arts but NOT with normal melee weapons?
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 02:45 AM
Apparently, but since that doesn't make any sense, I'm going to allow called shots for armed melee attacks.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 02:46 AM
Oh yeah, his Initiative = 17.
Your move.
Nov 23 2008, 03:12 AM
Alright then. In typical Shadowrun fashion, the best defense is a good offense (At least, in my experience, fighting defensively is a loosing strategy). So I'm gonna throw everything I have at him, at first - hoping to deal enough boxes of damage to reduce his next attack, rather than hoping to block it a little better.
Charging at him (or doing flips, if allowed) if the ring is two-meters wide, at least, with the whip, striking at something vital (called shot - maybe a gash going from his neck to his armpit), using the length to her advantage offensively (assuming the whips reach of 2 beats his sword's reach of 1 by 1 point)
So, Response (9) + Handling (1) + Whips (4) + Called Shot (-4) + Charging (2) + Reach Difference (1) = 13 dice
Since this is probably the single most important roll in the whole combat, I'm also going to use Edge (4) = 17 dice
#D=17 : 21241315524551654 n1=4 n6=1 nHit=6
#6=1 : 2 n1=4 n6=0 nHit=6
Well, the rule of six didn't come up as often as I would have hoped, but that's a solid shot.
So, base DV of 8P(+4=12P), -4 AP... you handle the rest, I guess.

Also, is this a cage match? a circle carved into a wooden floor? rubbery wrestling-style ropes?
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 03:26 AM
It's four wooden posts drilled into the ground with a thick rope tied around them.
Your attack misses by a hair. Make a parry roll against 8 successes, and if you fail, roll damage resistance against 6P + net hits.
Nov 23 2008, 03:54 AM

8 successes? Okay. Can't complain too much, since I'm playing the machine in this fight.
Response (9) + Handling (1) + Whips (4) + Edge (4) (Yes, I am using another point of edge. I'd rather not die. So that's 2/4 uses left) = 18 dice
#D=18 : 535165164424546614 n1=3 n6=4 nHit=8
#6=4 : 1455 n1=3 n6=0 nHit=10
And, this time, the edge was overkill. (Although, it looks like I would not have gotten away clean without it.)
I think I'll save the rest of my edge for resisting this guy's sweet attacks.

And no longer calling shots - hitting is more important than making sure the first hit kills him. Considered switching to unarmed combat for the extra dice, but the measly 3P damage code isn't going to mean much in this fight.
So, for my second IP,
Response (9) + Handling (1) + Whips (4) + Reach (1) = 15 dice
#D=15 : 411323615451262 n1=4 n6=2 nHit=3
And, it turns out the attack is worse than the one where I was focusing on damage.

So, 3 hits (Same base DV and AP, but they probably wont matter yet).
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 03:57 AM
You miss. Incoming attack with 3 hits. Gogogo.
Nov 23 2008, 04:00 AM
ha, not a great round for either of us (or we both decided to save edge for dodging super-deadly attacks).
So, Same dodge pool, will save the edge though.
Response (9) + Handling (1) + Whips (4) = 14 dice
Heck, with 14 dice can I buy the 3 successes? If so, I will. If not, here it goes:
#D=14 : 33221635446254 n1=1 n6=2 nHit=4 (doesn't seem to matter)
If we can buy successes, we can probably speed up a few posts.

Third IP, same as the second:
Response (9) + Handling (1) + Whips (4) + Reach (1) = 15 dice
#D=15 : 641124541425526 n1=3 n6=2 nHit=5
Nov 23 2008, 04:04 AM
Also, let me know if you want us to pause and IC - or if you just want to wrap it up once at the end. The whole thing so far has been a couple of seconds - but if this goes on for more than a few rounds, we might have some things to say to one another.
Nov 23 2008, 04:07 AM
Booya. The three of us are in today's top 4 posters.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:09 AM
So I'm looking up the rules for melee combat and it seems that unlike SR3, the defender cannot damage the attacker if they get more hits on their defense roll. Is this the case or am I missing something?
Third IP, one net success. He soaks it down to 2 boxes of physical damage.
Incoming 3 hits again.
For the next combat turn, give me all 6 melee rolls in one go.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:10 AM
Yeah it's ridiculously cold here so I just decided to stay home, which means uber posting on Dumpshock.

Which is good, since we're doing combat.
Nov 23 2008, 04:15 AM
Yes, that has changed. If you get more hits on the defense test, you're just happy you're not dead.

Interesting to know that we've both got 3 IPs. I don't suppose there is any way to tell if his speed is from synaptic boosters, or magical go-fast-powers?
Can I roll a martial arts trivia check to see if I can identify a particular style he might be fighting with?
(If so, Intuition (5) + MA Trivia (1) = 6 dice = #D=6 : 125234 n1=1 n6=0 nHit=1)
Didn't answer my question about whether or not I can buy 3 hits with my 14 dice.
If not: #D=14 : 61321215263163 n1=4 n6=3 nHit=4 (4 hits, again)
Next round:
Each pass, 15 dice, 8DV base, -4 AP.
1st: #D=15 : 412433565155553 n1=2 n6=1 nHit=7
2nd: #D=15 : 165454221615321 n1=4 n6=2 nHit=5
3rd: #D=15 : 513442561151263 n1=4 n6=2 nHit=5
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:16 AM
Also, I think that with a dice pool like yours, it's probably better to use Edge to re-roll failures instead of adding it as extra dice. Just a suggestion.
Nov 23 2008, 04:16 AM
Yeah, its like 11:15 here, but a weekend, so I can probably stay up and see this combat through. We can't both hold up forever (one more box of damage, and his dice pools will begin to fall - which is a slippery slope in Shadowrun).
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:17 AM
Yeah, assume you can always buy hits unless otherwise stated.
Gimme defense rolls too.
Nov 23 2008, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (krayola red @ Nov 22 2008, 11:16 PM)

Also, I think that with a dice pool like yours, it's probably better to use Edge to re-roll failures instead of adding it as extra dice. Just a suggestion.

Ah, I forgot you could even do that. Will take it under advisement.
Nov 23 2008, 04:20 AM
Okay, if his hits <=3, I'll buy them off.
1st: #D=14 : 36132555524311 n1=3 n6=1 nHit=5
2nd: #D=14 : 26363454212314 n1=2 n6=2 nHit=3
3rd: #D=14 : 34163524332134 n1=2 n6=1 nHit=2
If I know I need more hits than any of those rolls produced (which might be likely for round 2 and 3), I'll use edge to reroll failures (as you suggested) - but let me know if I need to do that, too, so I can keep track of how much edge I have left.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:20 AM
He doesn't seem to be using any kind of martial art. You won't be able to tell if he's awakened without an assensing test.
Nov 23 2008, 04:21 AM
QUOTE (krayola red @ Nov 22 2008, 11:20 PM)

He doesn't seem to be using any kind of martial art. You won't be able to tell if he's awakened without an assensing test.
Fat chance of that happening.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:25 AM
He's up to 9 boxes of damage. Second and third IP, you're soaking 10P twice. He stops fighting after this combat turn. Go ahead and make your IC post after you roll damage resistance.
Edit: Whoops, make that 9P twice. Forgot to subtract wound modifiers.
Edit 2: For the attack roll, he has 3 net hits for both of them, so if you want, you can try to use Edge to dodge the attacks altogether.
Nov 23 2008, 04:28 AM
Wait, so which defenses rolls failed, cause now's the time to use that edge to reroll the failures.
My armor against impact attacks is 2, so 9P twice will pretty much destroy Zee.

Getting hit by 9P once, and she'll probably be down for the count.
Nov 23 2008, 04:29 AM
Oh wait, you told me which IPs they were, duh. One sec.
krayola red
Nov 23 2008, 04:30 AM
Haha I can't believe you only have 2 impact armor. Well, you know what you should spend your money on after this run.
Nov 23 2008, 04:31 AM
Using the last two points of edge on both of these (because I need to be still standing)
2nd: #D=11 : 12566415244 n1=2 n6=2 nHit=4
3rd: #D=12 : 163666551333 n1=2 n6=4 nHit=6
I hope there are no more big fights before the run is done.

(*doubting it*)
Nov 23 2008, 04:32 AM
The 2 armor is from being a frigging drone. The problem is, Zee left her good armor (chameleon suit) in the locker, and her armored street cloths only give a littel bit of ballistic armor, and no impact armor.
As far as anyone in the bar can tell, she's basically an unarmored girl. Unfortunately, that's mostly true. She's actually pretty fragile - and she'll be a bitch to heal.
Nov 23 2008, 04:33 AM
Okay, IC coming up in a second.
Nov 23 2008, 05:08 AM

That was a lot of fun (and holy shit did I almost die, forever).
I gotta hit the sack now. I should be around all day tomorrow, though.
Nov 23 2008, 05:13 AM
Damn, that was one tough ork.
Shadowrun is a
deadly game, even with Edge. One botched roll can pretty much wipe you out.
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