Name: Tasha Deadeye
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
BREAKDOWN (400 Points)
Core Attributes: 180
Special Attributes: 50
Race: 30
Active Skills: 126
Qualities: +15
Contacts: [14 Free]
Resources: 29
Body: 4
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 5 (6)
Strength: 1
Charisma: 7
Intuition: 3
Logic: 2
Willpower: 3
Magic: 4 (5, reduced by bioware)
Edge: 2
Essence: 5.00
Initiative: 9
Initiative Passes: 2
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Track: 10
Current Karma: 0
Total Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Noteriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Allergy: Silver, Moderate
Distinctive Style (5 point) [Runner's Companion, pg. 103]
First Impression
Gearhead/Suzuki Mirage [Runner's Companion, pg. 98]
Nano-Intolerance [Augmentation, pg. 22]
Sensitive System
=Active Skills=
Gymnastics/Dance: 4/+2
Influence Group: 4
Intimidation: 2
Perception: 4
Pilot Ground Craft/Bikes: 4/+2
Pistols/Semi-Automatic: 6/+2
=Knowledge Skills=
English: N
Japanese: 3
Other Knowledge Skills>
Arms Dealers: 2
Gang ID: 3
Gun Trivia: 2
Local Area Knowledge: 2
Safe Houses: 3
Biosculpting: Minor Modifications (2,000 Nuyen) [Augmentation, pg. 60]
Muscle Toner: 2
Synaptic Booster: 1
Vocal Range Enhancer [Augmentation, pgs. 66-67]
=Adept Abilities=
Commanding Voice [Street Magic, pg. 176]
Improved Ability:
>Gymnastics: 2
Improved Senses:
>Flare Compensation
>Vision Magnification
Kinesics: 4
Multi-Tasking [Street Magic, pg. 178]
Sustenance [Street Magic, pg. 179]
Fixer (Connection: 5/Loyalty: 4)
Armorer (Connection: 2/Loyalty: 3)
Low (1 Month prepaid)
Starting Money: 3d6 x 50 Nuyen
Fake ID (Rating: 4), Fake Gun Registration (Rating: 4) x 2, Fake Bioware Permit (Rating: 4) x 2, Fake Concealed Carry Permit (Rating: 4), Fake Bounty Hunter's License (Rating: 4), Fake Driver's License (Rating: 4), 4 Certified Credsticks.
DocWagon Contract:
Basic (1 Year).
>Walther Secura Kompakt Heavy Pistol (smartlinked version) with skinlink modification, hidden arm slide, 90 EX explosive rounds of ammo, and 5 spare clips. [Arsenal, pgs. 23-24]
>Colt Government 2066 Heavy Pistol with internal smartlink, skinlink modification, concealable holster, 140 regular and 140 gel rounds of ammo, 10 spare clips. [Arsenal, pgs. 22-23]
>5 Flash-Bang and 5 Smoke Grenades.
Lined Coat, FFBA half suit, PPP Helmet (for riding her bike), 2,000 Nuyen worth of assorted clothing.
Novatech Airware Commlink with ISIS Orb OS, sim module, trodes, skinlink, and subvocal mic; Mapsoft (Seattle metroplex, Rating: 6), electronic paper, 3 VR Games, Virtual Surround Music, Wall Space, Virtual Weather, Virtual Pet (Arctic Fox).
Suzuki Mirage Racing Bike.
Contact Lenses with Image Link, skinlink, and Smartlink (x 2); 2 military-surplus duffel bags (100 Nuyen each), Survival Kit, Medkit (Rating: 6) with 3 refills, Inline Skates [Arsenal, pg. 62], 1000 Nuyen worth of tattoos, Operations Cleanup Toolkit [Arsenal, pg. 63].
(Bull's 50+ Questions) -
1. What is your character's Sex?
2. What is your character's physical size?
Medium height (petite for an elf), well-proportioned.
3. What is the color of the character's hair, eyes, and skin?
Her hair is dyed a dark blue, worn short and spikey. She has startling bright grey eyes and sanguine skin. She usually wears a black lipstick and lots of eyeliner. She has extensive tattooing. On her face, she has a stylized crosshairs around her right eye, and has a matching tattoo on the small of her back. A ribbon of flames encircles her navel, and her forearms have abstract tribal tattoos winding around them.
4. What is the character's general appearance (i.e., How does she dress, etc.)?
Tasha is usually a combination of street punk and industrial grunge. Black, studded synthleather, black workboots and jeans or a miniskirt, and usually some kind of metal or thrash band t-shirt. She has a nose stud and a pierced eyebrow. On the stunning elf, the look is more alluring than intimidating.
5. Where was the character born (City, State, Hospital Name)?
Tasha was born in Tarislar, in the Puyallup Barrens, with the assistance of a midwife.
6. What is the character's date of birth?
August 11th, 2048.
7. What was the character's family life like?
Tasha's mom and dad were poor, but relatively well-off compared to the wretched state of most of the elves of Tarislar. They ran a junk shop that sold scavenged items and the occasional bit of contraband. Her dad was buddies with one of the rank and file members of the Princes, which helped them - not because of the Princes' useless "protection", but because they didn't get hassled and extorted as much by them.
Tasha grew up bitter and cynical, resenting the Tir who left the elves of Tarislar to rot, and not romanticizing them like most of the others did (perhaps partly because she saw how pretentious and useless the Princes gang was). She quickly learned to fend for herself, and got a gun as soon as she could barter for one (her first one was a scavenged streetline special).
In her mid-teens, she left her family to try her luck in the mean streets of inappropriately-named Loveland. She got by as a gunsel, street hustler, stripper/sometime-joygirl, and, after she scrounged an old Dodge Scoot, as a courier and numbers runner. She liked the feeling of pure freedom that she got behind a set of wheels, and soon her driving skill lagged behind only her pistol skill. Then she awakened, and her social skills seemed to improve exponentially.
Soon afterwards, she came to the attention of Renald Biggs, an ork fixer from Tacoma with ties to the Black Rains (and through them, the Cascade Orks). He offered her jobs which were more challenging but better paying. Eventually, she managed to get some fake ID and move out of the Barrens altogether, finding a small flat in a tenement in Tacoma. Crime ridden and decaying as it is, she still found it to be a big step up from Puyallup.
8. Has the charcter begun her own family?
Hardly. At this point, Tasha would see having a kid as being trapped. She isn't even ready for a long-term relationship at this point in her life.
9. Where or how was the charcter educated?
Tasha was home-schooled by her parents, who still dreamed of emigrating to the Tir someday, and wanted their child to be able to fit in there. She retained some basic reading and math skills, although she has forgotten the cultural lessons about the Tir, which she never saw as useful (unlike her parents, she realized that they were stuck there unless THEY did something about it).
Most of her lessons, though, were learned on the unforgiving streets. Her shooting and driving skills were especially important to her, so she devoted a lot of time to bettering herself in those areas.
10. Has the character ever done anything else for a living?
Legitimate work is not something that is even on her radar. Even if she could find it, why play by the rules in a rigged game?
11. What are the characters political and religious beliefs?
Tasha is pretty cynical (but apathetic) politically. She has reacted to her parents' mindless adulation of the Tir by embracing the opposite views - despising the Tir, defying the typical stereotypes of elves, and indescriminately hanging out with other metatypes.
Religiously, she wavers between agnosticism and a vague deism. She doesn't really give it that much thought, most of the time.
12. Describe the character's moral code. Include how mercenary she is, whether or not she'll kill innocents, etc.
Tasha is mercenary-minded and cheerfully amoral, although there are a few lines she won't cross.
She is aware that being a gunsel and con artist, in addition to being promiscuous and fickle, and rather bluntly honest at times, makes her enough enemies already. So usually she goes out of her way to be nice to people, not take advantage of them, and be mindful of their comfort zones. She wants them to still like her AFTER her presense has worn off.
Generally, she would rather talk than fight. She kills when she needs to defend herself or do a job, but won't kill indiscriminately. Thrill-killers repulse her. She will do wetwork, but not against defenseless or innocent targets, and she has a slight soft spot for squatters and others who are down on their luck.
She avoids drugs and BTLs, fearing anything that could potentially derail her focus - she realizes that she can't depend on anyone but herself, and if she messes herself up, it will be the downward spiral that she has seen in too many other people.
13. What are the character's goals?
At this point in time, Tasha is barely aware of the future, much less making any plans for it. Survival tops the list, followed by getting better gear and more money. She would love to make enough to retire someday, but unlike many 'runners, she realizes that the odds are against her surviving that long.
14. Why does the character run the shadows? (Why does she run the shadows still, rather than getting a "real" job?)
Tasha doesn't respect authority, or have too many non-illegal options for making a living. She took to running naturally, since it was a logical step up from the hustling and messenger-girl jobs she used to do. The only alternatives that she could see were even more unpleasant, so she became a hired gun and con artist so she wouldn't wind up as a victim.
15. What kind of personality does your character have? This should not necessarily be obviously stated in the background, as it is more important for actually playing the character, but it may colour or add mood to the history.
Tasha is an adrenaline addict, although it is tempered by the grim realities of growing up on the streets, and her survivor's instincts. She has a lively, outgoing personality, and loves being with people, although she can be a bit too intense for some people.
Underneath her surface cynicism, she is actually a fairly nice person, but she is still ruthless when she needs to be, to survive.
16. What special qualities does the character possess? This does not refer to skills, but rather to other things, such as how she gets along with people, whether she plans ahead, etc.
Tasha is driven to succeed, partly because she sees the price of failure as being either death, or a slower death of being weak in a world of predators. This also makes her a bit of a control freak.
17. Are there certain things that the character can't or won't do? Why?
Tasha finds it difficult to get emotionally close to people, or to admit it when she is.
18. What things, people, or ideas does the character hate?
Tasha is a real tattoo snob. It's an art form to her. She has nothing but disdain for people who get drunk and get a tattoo. She thinks "gang" tattoos are almost as bad - they are taking an expression of individuality, and turning it into an expression of conformity. She hates bigots of all stripes, but especially elves, since that hits closest to home. She despises the Tir, and will cheerfully blame them for everything from the Tarislar refugees, to the elven gangs, and for fueling anti-elven prejudices by being pointy-eared nazis.
19. What things people, or ideas does the character love?
Tasha likes parties, riding her bike at high speeds, and the adrenaline rush that she gets from danger. She is also attracted to "bad" boys or girls. She hasn't admitted her attraction to danger to herself yet - it is what is behind some of her less than well-thought-out decisions, as well as the tendency of her relationships to self-destruct. In addition to being a tattoo snob, she is also a gun snob. She listens to industrial music, but is actually indifferent to it. She really prefers classical music, an odd taste that she picked up from Renald. She loves her bike, and will talk to it as if it were a person sometimes. She likes her virtual pet, but finds it more therapeutic than anything else - she usually winds up replacing her virtual pet after 6 months or so - which is still far longer than her romantic relationships last.
20. What is the character's name? Give both full birth name, as well as nicknames, street names, etc.
Her "real" name is Tashana Willowbough, but Tasha is what she answers to now - her fake ID lists her as Natasha Wilder, and her street name is Tasha Deadeye, or sometimes just Deadeye.
21. Determine what your character used to do, before becoming a shadowrunner (very important).
Tasha was a street hustler and cheap hired gun, then branched out a bit into courier and messenger type jobs. When her awakening lifted her out of the crowd of street punks, she moved up the criminal food chain.
22. Decide why your character left her old job, if she had one (also important).
Shadowrunning isn't really a "new" job for her, just a step up the ladder of illicit activity.
23. Come up with a reason for why the character became a shadowrunner. (This very often will tie in with #22. This is not the same as #14, but rather why she started running the shadows originally. What led her to it?)
After her awakening, she caught Renald's eye, and started getting better, and higher-paying, jobs from him, moving up to the big time (although she is still small-time for a 'runner).
24. How did your character come to know her contacts? Contacts are an important part of Shadowrun, decide how and why you know them.
Renald Biggs (Fixer) is a slightly overweight ork who has a mullet and muttonchop sideburns, usually dressed in white CAS-style suits. He tries to sound urbane and educated, although he has the occasional mispronounciation of a self-taught man when he uses some of the bigger words. He likes classical music and fine art, and tries to defy the typical stereotype of an ork, just as Tasha defies the typical stereotype of an elf. He has ties to the Ork Underground, the Cascade Orks, and perhaps the mafia. He has helped Tasha get set up in her new life, and has been a good source of gear and jobs for her. She is unusually (for her) respectful of him, and the main impetus of her professionalism (when she finds a job distasteful) is that she wants to be thought of as a reliable runner by him.
Sabot (Armorer) is a thin, sour-faced dwarf whose face only brightens when he is talking about his favorite subject, guns. He is a meticulous craftsman, if slightly pricier than most. He doesn't have the most pleasant of personalities, but he softens up a bit for people like Tasha who share his reverence for firearms. She first found out about him from talking to some soldiers from Fort Lewis at a bar. She found his location - only a few blocks away from Tacoma's fortress-like police department - a bit intimidating at first, but has been impressed with the quality of his work.
25. Does the character have a SIN? Does the character actually use it? Or is the character one of the SINless masses? This may be affected by the character's previous employment.
Tasha has never had a SIN, but she does have fake ID and other paperwork now.
26. Is the character a full-time shadowrunner? Or does the character lead a Batman-like double existence?
Tasha is a full-time (but still a bit green) runner.
27. Which person(s) or group(s) do you love the most?
Renald and Sabot are the people that she has been in the longest relationship with, and she respects both of them a great deal. Her other, non-business relationships tend to be more intense, but to not last that long.
28. Which person(s) or group(s) do you hate the most?
All racists, including the Tir. She also has little respect for gangers, who seem like petty bullies and scavengers to her.
29. Which person(s) or group(s) do you respect the most?
Metahuman rights groups such as Mothers of Metahumans. She also read the diary of Tamir Grey (listened to the audio version, actually), but is still undecided on ghoul rights - they essentially are plague victims, who can pass it on, and most of them DO fit the stereotype of feral monsters.
30. Which person(s) or group(s) do you fear the most?
The Spikes. She has been fortunate enough to not encounter any of them yet, but she heard horror stories about them from the Princes, and the local rumormill seems to confirm that they are bad news.
31. What is your favourite colour?
Black, but red and metallic make good accents to it.
32. What is your favourite food and/or drink?
She really loves hydroponic produce and kobe beef - both of which are out of her price range other than as a rare treat. Since gaining her sustenance ability, though, she has been able to enjoy higher quality food (since she doesn't need to spend as much on quantity).
33. What place would you most like to visit?
She would love to hit one of the big downtown Seattle night spots someday, like Dante's or Club Penumbra.
34. Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to?
She is very loyal to her contacts. She also has a soft spot for people down on their luck, and tends to root for the underdog.
35. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the most enjoyment? (Warning: Answering Sex for this question can and will result in penalties to your character!)
Tasha likes parties and other events that have an edge of danger to them.
36. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the least enjoyment?
Despite her love of danger, sometimes it is daunting to keep living up to her wild party girl reputation.
37. What annoys you the most?
People who try to bully her.
38. What (if any) is your favourite form of art?
Tattoos are her first love, but she also enjoys classical music.
39. What is your greatest goal?
To become a prime runner.
40. What do you think is your characters best quality?
Her drive to succeed.
41. What do you think is your characters worst quality?
Her addiction to danger, and her tendency to be a control freak.
42. What is the most important thing you have ever done?
She saved someone once, a man in a suit who was bleeding and being chased by two grim-faced men with guns. Impulsively deciding to help, she shot the two pursuers, then helped the man in the suit to a cab. she never found out that she had helped to bring down a mid-sized corporation, and she has almost forgotten the incident.
43. Which religion (if any) do you follow?
None, unless muddled agnosticism can be considered a "religion".
44. What is your most treasured possession (and why)?
Her racing bike, which she sometimes talks to. She loves riding at high speeds.
45. What are your three most common dreams?
> In an old west town. Sometimes the dream is like a firt-person shooter, but other times it is a nightmare, where huge trolls in Spikes colors are chasing her, and her pistol inexplicably will only shoot flowers or bubbles.
> In a nightclub or at a party, where everyone is naked, including her, but she isn't embarassed or disturbed, just unusually mellow. She walks through the other people as if they aren't there. Most times the dream will continue and segue into other confusing, disjointed dreams.
> On her bike, flying at exhilarating speeds, sometimes through a bizarre cityscape, and sometimes through a volcanic wasteland. Sometimes there is a floating traffic sign, which talks to her.
46. What is the Character's current relationship with her family?
She is a bit contemptuous of them, and hasn't even bothered to keep in touch with them.
47. If the character's family is still alive, what do they do, and where do they live?
Her parents are probably still running their little junk shop, and dreaming of going to the Tir someday.
48. Where did the character learn his Skills?
The streets, mostly, and the school of hard knocks.
49. Does the character have a good luck charm? What is it, and why?
An old shell casing that she wears on a charm bracelet, but she is not superstitious, and it is more of a security blanket than anything else.
50. What type of music does the character like?
Classical, although she doesn't mind industrial or any other kind of dance club music.
51. List any past serious relationships that your character has had, and give a brief overview of the relationship.
None, really. The closest she got was this guy she shacked up with for about a week, named Josh, who got too possessive and annoying for her, so she ditched him. He stalked her for a while afterwards, which she thought was kind of cool, but after he approached her again, and got told that she left him because he was really kind of a poor performer in the sack, he apparently snapped and started sniping at people from a rooftop with an old hunting rifle, until a LoneStar helicoptor shot him with an LMG.
52. Where does your character live? Why does he live there?
Tasha lives in a dinky, low-class flat in a decaying industrial area. The utilities are rationed, and you always want to keep the deadbolts locked when you're not there, but it's her OWN place. The neighbors are noisy, but she doesn't care. Nothing wrong with people who know how to party. The apartment itself is obsessively neat, if a bit spartan.
53. Remember, your Gamemaster like detail, so if you can think of any other little details, quirks, or whatever that you think might please the almight GM, then add them in as well. Oh, and your GM won't use any of these details against you at a later date. trust me...
Tasha is an up-and-coming runner, not in the league of the big boys, but still to be reckoned with. She has a lot of room to grow. Her most serious limitation is her lack of any melee skills, but that's part of the intial character concept, and she will pick up some close combat abilities as she gets more experienced.