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Mister Juan
Well, I am all for moving... just trying to RP Silver in the team wink.gif
Which reminds me, feel free to flesh out your contacts. Otherwise I eventually will.
I figure I'll ask the barkeeper before rushing off wink.gif

Did I miss it Dagda? Last I saw you were all at the bar.

Not that it particularly matters atm, but...changes in my understanding of location makes me go 'huh?'
Mister Juan
Alright. So, we find out where these guys hang out, and we find out when's best to hit them.
I know hitting them on the cover of darkness seems like the most logical thing to do... but remember these people are barren gangers. This means they are probably the most active at night. If they go out for a fun out on the town, we might not even be able to hit them at night.
Depending on how deep they are in the barrens, we might actually be able to hit them with full auto fire, in broad day light, and not even draw the Star.

Anyways, since we have very little intel for now, there isn't much we can plan for. The only one us our able bunch who is actually skilled in data mining is Jesse wink.gif

Putting all that aside, and trying to just get the ball rolling here, what we have so far is:
If they all hangout at the same spot, we can set the place on fire and wait for them to come out.
Dexter goes "in front" and drives them "out the back" with heavy firepower. The rest of the team ambushes them as they come out.

Either way works wink.gif
Mister Juan
Also, before I forget: if any character has any idea how to get in touch with anyone who'd be willing to buy bodies... or parts, that would be splendid! I mean, every single member of the team is only getting about 25 off each body. Thats 250 if we suppose a gang of 10. So, we might need to "scavange" a bit to make it worth our while.
RE: Op planning: I'm of the opinion this is stuff we do IC.
RE: Bodies: Jesse is WAY ahead of you there. He has an effective logic attribute of 8, relevant tools, and all the medical skills. He can figger that part out quick.
QUOTE (Play @ Dec 8 2008, 10:27 PM) *
Did I miss it Dagda? Last I saw you were all at the bar.

Not that it particularly matters atm, but...changes in my understanding of location makes me go 'huh?'

Toad has rolled off to the noddle place, Silver and Dexter are about to leave, I am asking the bar guy if he knows where these guys are.. then leaving.
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Dec 8 2008, 07:42 PM) *
I mean, every single member of the team is only getting about 25 off each body.

Your went to public school, didn't you.

And yes, RP coming up with the plans.
Rob...."When I get to the noodle shop, make a play of backing in, so I can tuck the master key back into the toolbox."

Is there something I need to know about this key? You make it sound like it is the size of a baseball bat or something.

And I'm trying to learn your style. Why does any method of parking affect you putting this bat sized key somewhere? Am I just misinterpreting how you write?
"Master key" is a nickname for a shotgun you use to breach doors before you clear a room. Toad calls his gun either "The Master Key" or "The Key to the City". In his case, it is a short-barreled fully automatic shotgun with a pistol grip and foregrip. So, slightly smaller than a baseball bat.

Old habit, but I'm careful to make sure I post the locations of the items that can get me in trouble.

He was sitting in the bed of the pickup truck with the gun out (because he just got shot at), so when he gets in he'll make the play of parking so he has time to conceal the thing. I'm assuming there are bystanders.
Mister Juan
QUOTE (Play @ Dec 8 2008, 11:08 PM) *
Your went to public school, didn't you.

And yes, RP coming up with the plans.

Oh the shame on me! For some reason, I was thinking of 100 nuyens wink.gif
Damn it wink.gif Now I seem as retarded as my character nyahnyah.gif
Her pawnshop contact isn't super fleshed out, can be any local shop or any shop she can get to walking or by bus. I figured gangs got to make money and they do that by stealing, a pawnshop would be a resource for them as well.
QUOTE (rob @ Dec 8 2008, 08:34 PM) *
"Master key" is a nickname for a shotgun you use to breach doors before you clear a room. Toad calls his gun either "The Master Key" or "The Key to the City". In his case, it is a short-barreled fully automatic shotgun with a pistol grip and foregrip. So, slightly smaller than a baseball bat.

That makes a lot more sense....
What, not the "Polish Penetrator!" biggrin.gif
Toad would never be so gauche as to name something a racially motivated epithet. His sense of humor works on more rarefied levels.
Murder, rape, and plunder but god forbid you be racist biggrin.gif
I need a response from the bartender!
I'm just looking for a street location so I can send the watcher to toddle off down there and have a look around.
C'mon, Cthulu! There's a reason Jesse moved out of the place. In the course of one bar conversation, in a public place, you've just revealed that Dagda is a mage, driven his car to the front (A BMW, in a barrens bar, which has no information concealing its identity on it), revealed who you're working with and what exactly they do, and duplicated half the work jesse has already accomplished.

There's a reason he moved OUT of the place, before it's become wide and public knowledge that he's going to kill some people. Especially, since he has no idea if anyone in the bar actually knows the people he's about to kill.
Dude, we agreed to kill people in said bar or at least give the bartender a pile of livers. It was a public conversation after but the bartender put a bounty on their head

I'm just not fussed about further adverse impacts given said situation. If the bartender is openly hiring contract killers he's obviously not worried about his clientèle ratting him out to the cops. It was probably the safest place around to plan the hit!

My fake sin says I'm a licensed mage so anyone who can check my SIN and licenses can see that anyway. I presume they did that at the door.

You've got me on the duplicate work bit, I had my course of action planned out and only skimmed your posts to see if you'd messaged me. Its
early, so sue me wink.gif

Just my reasoning obviously. YMMV.
I guess our characters can resolve this IC.

OOC, nothing to be gained and can make for un-fun squabbles.
QUOTE (rob @ Dec 9 2008, 04:01 PM) *
driven his car to the front (A BMW, in a barrens bar, which has no information concealing its identity on it),

Good, I wasn't the only person that noticed that:)
Its not summon vs 14, you get duration = net hits vs twice force don't you?

Watches are force 1, so he gets two dice, and rolled a 1 and a 4 (hence the space)


As for the law enforcement thing, its an expectations issue. If I'm operating with widely out of line expectations , please correct me. I just assumed it was a zero law enforcement area as the guy is hiring contract killers, so Im equally not fussed.

If the gangers try and wack me.. that simplies the entire problem of finding and killing them! wink.gif
Ahhh, a space. Got it. Since you're doing the rolls, which I prefer, might as well give the final tally too. How many success etc and how long it's in existence. That way I don't also need to go to a book. That makes me happy.

My only comment was having about noticing a high lifestyle vehicle in a zero law enforcement area.

Hint hint IC really is a great place for these kinds of conversations. Let's move it there, or not have it.
Tried to say that.
Double post
Dagda curses under his breath, then mentally communes with the watcher.

First he tells it to hover stationary over the area, so he can see the outline of the buildings and assertain how large the warehouse complex is.

Then using imagery from the public nets, anything that Toad contributes and the watcher's stationary contribution, he redefines the search area to exclusively focus on the buildings that Dagda perceives may be associated with the gang, those with bikes parked around, and orders the spirit to count the number of non awakened people and awakened people in those buildings, then report the total to him.

[ Spoiler ]

Let's take a pause after 'communes with the watcher'.

Unless you can find a quote in the rules somewhere, spirits, and specifically watchers, aren't living clairvoyance/clairaudience spells. I'll allow talking to him over distance (Which SR4 says is magicx100 meters?? Fuck that.), but it's not a mobile camera.

Plus even if I allow some degree of that, it sees astrally, and I consider it would be very hard to orient/steer it along with looking at a map, when you have no idea where he actually is to orient/steer him from.

All watcher attributes are their Force, which is 1. They're a tricky bunch to order around.
Yeah, I was joking that i hope regular spirits arn't this incompetent wink.gif

I always thought that they could communicate images telepathically - including images, smell etc like the mindlink spell. However, I'm not actually sure at all why I think that is the case.

I'm at work, I'll hit you up later for that one.
I just looked through the rulebooks. Maybe I missed something. I'm going with not.

At least in pre-SR4, one could create mindlink when creating a (mind is blanking) familiar spirit.

Regardless, you get points for being constantly active online:)
I'm putting off working wink.gif
Juan hasn't posted and I am kind of tied to his movement atm, so as soon as he does I will. I didn't want you thinking I was flaking out.
I'm noticing a marked lack of activity.

Please correct this.
I'm waiting on a reply or mr. juan.
Mister Juan
Sorry guys. I'm SUPER busy with work and school ending. I haven't been at my place in front of a computer since last monday.... I won't be able to post tonight, but I will be able tomorrow. Move on without me in the mean time.
Rob: "I burn the radar, chemsniffer, and the UWB radar as we roll down the street. UWB can map out the turf and spot who's packing (within 100m of the truck), the radar will pick up the cars, and the chemsniffer just 'cuz. Who knows what it'll pick up, and I have plenty of storage for that data dump. While we're rolling, the sniffer is also running full blast, trying to figger out who else is broadcasting and dump the commo intercepts."

I don't have my book at work, nor anything 4th ed on my computer.

UWB can map with radar. Please copy a rules lowdown on that if you think you're going to spot everybody packing weapons within 100meters.
And so you're driving down the street pulling in all sorts of data, who or what is sorting/interpreting it all?
i'll have to get you the rules. I'm not wedded to the notion that it'll spot anyone packing, since I am driving and it is at range. Seems to make cyber and MAD scanners obsolete in that context.

data is just getting dumped into my storage, to be sorted once i get off the road.
Isn't 100 meters longer than a football field?

Ok, and your plan is the length of the 22 blocks of Bellin and look with eyes and tech?
Please summarize exactly what everyone is doing here.

Dag is in car going somewhere and sitting?
Toad is cruising the strip in truck.
Dex is on bike doing?
Silver is with who getting dropped off where?
100 meters is about the size of a football field + one of the end zones. so, yep, slightly bigger than a football field. Which is not much in a western city, if it's a big street.

And yep, my idea is to drive the 22 blocks of bellin street and look with eyes and tech. Look around, see what' sup, see if I can spot anything that looks like a go ganger.
Minus interference of course. If there is rating 4 interference and your gear is just rating 4 your not getting much a signal at all. This is the barrens, the streets are not clean and neat they are full of burning cars and downed telephone polls. Odds are if your car is nicer than ten years old your going to get in a fire fight just driving down the street.

Sliver was getting dropped off by Dag I believe.
OK she is making a perception test, percieving in detail as she makes her way throguh the area.

Perception 4
Intuition 4

Hits: 3

I looked but I didn't see if you wanted us to use a online dice roiller or not. I have a widgit on my desktop that does it for me.
Mister Juan
Dexter will take his bike and follow Dag.
Ok, I think this is the current answers to my questions:

Dag is in car going somewhere and sitting? = Dag dropped off Sliver and is going to the renzevous point. Where is that?
Toad is cruising the strip in truck. = Toad is cruising and chemsniffing, North or South on the 22 blocks of Bellin st?
Dex is on bike doing? = Dex is following Dag ot the Rendevous point.
Silver is with who getting dropped off where? = Sliver was dropped off at some random point? And is walking North or South? Same or opposite direction as Toad?
Mister Juan
In case it ends up mattering, here is what Dexter has with him.

Survival knife (stashed in his boot)
Morrissey Elan (clipped on the inside of his pants, loaded with Hi-C Plastic Rounds)
Ares Light Fire (concealed holster, small of back, loaded with Regular Rounds)
Savalette Guardian (concealed holster, right hip, loaded with Regular Rounds, two extra clip on left hip, 1 regular, 1 Ex Ex Rounds)
Armor Jacket
Sliver was dropped off at the closest point to where the team was, my assumption was North East, and is walking southerly toward the warehouses.
The rendevous point is driving around in non obvious circles, say, 5 minutes foot to the floor driving away from Bellin street.
You can mod wherever Toad is heading. He will start near the closest intersection of Bellin Street to the Devil Rat bar and then drive in whatever direction has more warehouses.
Putting game on pause till a few days after xmas. Turns out I'll be up in the mountains.

Have fun.

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