Nov 27 2008, 02:18 AM
Yeah, I'm roffling as well.
PEW PEW PEW, then some guys face exploding. It would be awesome.
Nov 27 2008, 02:29 AM
At risk of having to crack open a rule book, can one alter illusion spells as one goes along if they are being sustained by a focus?
Nov 27 2008, 02:34 AM
To be honest I cannot remember.
I think I cannot actually do that - so the SMG will actually remain invisible, and I'll be holding it with a conventional grip.
But I'm at work :\
Just going with the comedy option because I enjoy it.
Nov 27 2008, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Nov 26 2008, 06:34 PM)
To be honest I cannot remember.
I think I cannot actually do that - so the SMG will actually remain invisible, and I'll be holding it with a conventional grip.
Mostly I meant the weapon invisible when separating from the body/changing from the originial mask picture that was put on the fetish, more than the hand position.
Not sure what I think about that, not sure about the rule/workings of it.
Unless a rule says a spell put on a focus can't be modified, I'm all for changes like that being done, but it would take a wee bit of time and attention.
Not particularly worried about it.
Nov 27 2008, 03:27 AM
yeah not sure, need to check physical mask in the book. To be honest, I thought the illusion was fixed whatever I did, so my appearance remained constant, but I'm not actually sure.
Mister Juan
Nov 27 2008, 11:09 PM
Game mechanics wise, I don't know if you want us to roll initiative?
Whatever the case, Dexter would "delay" his action (as I would hope Dagda would
) until both men can act exactly at the same time.
Dexter will go through the door and cover the right, letting Dagda take up the left.
Mister Juan
Nov 29 2008, 04:56 PM
So, Dex's plan for the night, unless something happens, is to get mighty shit faced, go home and sleep.
Mister Juan
Nov 29 2008, 05:59 PM
Actually, if you guys still want to do some RP in the bar, odds are with each passing moments, Dexter might can in a drunken brawl with someone else... just for the heck of it.
Mister Juan
Nov 29 2008, 06:13 PM
Yet another post! This concerns "character creation"! Yes yes Play, I know, should be done by now.... but after swapping that money around to get the Gauss Rifle, Dexter was left with 10500 nuyens, no vehicle, and I forgot about it.
So, I am consulting you, my two new partners in writing and crime! What should Dexter get. I'm thinking in a bit of a broader term than simply getting him a car to get around. I could just get him a Jackrabbit and be done with it. But I feel we, as a team, need maybe a "special" vehicle. I know 10 500 isn't much, but it's a start. Here are what I could get for us.
-Evo Falcon (off road bike, if we ever do out in the wilderness jobs... great for getting to a hard to reach sniper perch
-Thundercloud Morgan (open chassis, off road, weapon mout..... great if we do, once again, jobs out of the city
-any bike
Nov 29 2008, 07:58 PM
I'm at my paren'ts house in the country. On dial up. It's painful.
I'll put out a good ic post Sun or Mon.
Nov 29 2008, 09:18 PM
Honestly, I don't think we need to work into team optimization stuff yet. For example, Jesse has all the talent in the world to be a competent rigger - he just isn't there yet. I let the "getting vehicles part" to character development and IC roleplaying.
Which is, of course, his next move - he is up for whatever can help him get stuff.
Nov 30 2008, 10:23 PM
Yeah, need a bit of direction I think.
I'm flexible re: what you do - remember with a high lifestyle you have a car, so I actually have a car,
Mister Juan
Dec 6 2008, 03:20 AM
Once again, going from the fact that all three characters know each other rather well, both Jesse and Dagda would know that there is NO way in hell Dexter will risk his hide in a job like this. He might be mercenary, and a killing machine, that doesn't mean he's right down bloodthirsty
All in all, he'd be all in to teach a few gangers a lesson in manners (ie: Do not fuck with our hangout!), but killing them.... thats pretty much out of the question. After all, they're just misguided youths
Do our characters know the bartender's name, and if he's also the owner of the place? What do we know about the bar? Is it connected to anyone or anything in particular?
Also, what time of the day is it, and what day of the week?
Dec 6 2008, 03:25 AM
Dagda doesn't care either way, a job is a job, and he doesn't particularly care about the continued existence of people he's never met. If they didn't want to start a fight they shouldn't be jerking people's chain.
He'd be happy to go kneecap someone or just murder the bunch of them.
Mister Juan
Dec 6 2008, 03:32 AM
I just think that actually capping guys, even for 500, is REALLY low. Yea, life is cheap but DAMN!
Dec 6 2008, 03:42 AM
Yeah, but this is the future man, life IS cheap. The government locks up huge chunks of the population in concentration camps, builds walls around them, and then tries to forget about it, and the rest of the population is okay with that. For some reason.
But yeah, 500 is pretty cheap. Both Dagda and I are much more about high risk, high reward things than waxing some gangers for pocket change
Mister Juan
Dec 6 2008, 04:01 AM
Also... I'm trying to figure out what else we could get form this... If we have a bar owner owing us a favor, it could be useful. Maybe we can get access to some backroom for private meeting, 24/7
I mean, might not be bad to "stake some turf" in the barrens
Dec 6 2008, 04:14 AM
Hey Play, reading the OOC it seems like you are all for people jumping in, am I reading that correctly or is the game closed?
Mister Juan
Dec 6 2008, 04:44 AM
Dec 6 2008, 05:45 PM
Technically it's closed, but if as A. Mister Juan seems enthusiastic about you and B. You meet the requirements I asked for, sure, hop in.
it's about 4pm, on a wednesday. Winter, so it gets dark about 5-5:30.
You've been to the bar 3 times, and never bothered to find out the answers to any of those questions.
Life is cheap, and it's expensive. It depends on who's paying, and who's life it is.
Radiopathic. I like that.
Dec 6 2008, 06:24 PM
Hey Juan, I have been around, lurking mostly and playing in Grendel's Singularity game. Let me get a character together and I will put it up, thanks Play.
Mister Juan
Dec 6 2008, 06:36 PM
In case it matters: I vouch for Shadow
Dec 6 2008, 07:45 PM
Ok based on the setting, and the characters so far, and ease of inserting into the story... here is my idea.
Name: Sliver
Race: Human (Female)
Age: 30
Occupation: Professional Kick boxer
Current Location: Falling down drunk at the Devil Rat
Edited to add Full Character sheet, 450 BP
Full Character
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Sliver
Race: Human
Age: 30
Occupation: Professional Kick boxer
Current Location: Falling down drunk at the Devil Rat [img]http://docs.google.com/File?id=dchd9qzk_29gtx4dhc2_b[/img]Name: Jordan White
Born: December 2040
Street Name: Sliver
Age: 30
Birth Place: Seattle
Distinguishing Characteristics: Broken Nose
Nearest Relative: Seattle - Mom
SIN: Legal
Gang Affiliation: None, though they used to try to recruit her when she first hit the streets
Current Residence: The nearest Homeless Shelter (Not a UB one)
Earned Karma: 50
Spent Karma: 50
Attributes (200bp):
Body: 4 Essence: 6
Agility: 4 Initiative: 8(10)/1(3)
Reaction: 4 Magic: 6 (Level 1 Initiate) (63 BP)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 2
Edge: 2
Adept (5bp)
At an early age Jordan realised that she was stronger, faster, and able to hit harder than the other kids her age. She was 9 when she was enrolled into a special Martial Arts Academy.
Toughness (10bp) +1 damage ressistance
Years of training with some of the top Muai-thai trainers in the world, all who did not cut her any slack for being a girl.
Moderate Addiction, Alcohol (-10bp)
Over the last 4 years Jordan has slipped into an alcholic depression.
SINer (-5bp)
Being a legitimate child of a citizen of UCAS Jordan has a SIN.
Close Combat 4 (40bp) - broken
Stealth 3 (30bp)
Athletics 4 (40bp) - broken
Unarmed Combat: 5 Spec: 7 (kicking) (6bp)
Throwing Weapons: 5 (20bp)
Blades 4
Clubs 4
Street Knowledge 2 (8bp)
Gymastics 5 (4bp)
Climbing 4
Running 4
Swimming 4
Perception 4 (16bp)
PP Adept Powers (Level)
1 Critical Strike (4) +4 to damage
.5 Combat Sense (1) +1 die to suprise test and defense tests
.5 Penetrating Strike (2) Unarmed combat has a value of AP 2
3 Imp. Reflexes (2) +2 Initiative +2 Passes
1 Mystic Armor (2) Adds 2 dice to damage reduction
Knowledge Skills (24bp)
Street Lore 2
Kickboxing 3
UCAS Kickboxing tournament rules 4
Martial Arts knowledge 3
Gear / Armor (17bp = 85K)
Armor Jacket 8/6 900n
-Fire ressistance 400n
Metalink (commlink) Response 1 Signal 2 100n
Vector Xim OS Forewall 1 System 1 200n
Subvocal Microphone 50n
Earbuds 10n
Respirator (Rating 3) 300n
Contact Lenses (green) 50n
-Flare Comp 50n
-Lowlight 100n
-thermographic 100n
Docwagon Gold (prepaid 10 years, 2 left) 50kn
Contact (6bp)
Pawn Shop Owner 2/2
-He likes her, she never brings him stuff that's hot
Info Broker 1/1
-A contact she used often when trying to find her ex-boyfriend, and her money.
Combat Fact Sheet
Unarmed Combat (kicking) 7 + Agility 4 = 11
Damage Str 4/2 + Crit Strike = 6 stun
Net hits reduce targets Agi and Rea by 1 per Hit
Initiative 10/3
Armor Worn: Armor Jacket (8 / 6) [0 Penalty]
Ballistic: 10 + 1 (Toughness)
Impact: 8 + 1 (Toughness)
½ Impact: 4 +1 (Toughness)
Brief History:
Sliver aka Jordan White was an exceptional athlete. As a kick boxer she was a winning ticket. A sure thing to be the next world champion at the World Augmented or Adept Championship. Her purse at the time was over one million whom her manager, and lover, kept locked away so she could focus on fighting. Unfortunately she was hit with a really nasty head cold the day before the fight. She did her best but she was just no match for her opponent. When it was over she looked around and her manager was no where to be seen. The best she could piece together was that she was infected with the cold, then her manager/boyfriend bet all her money against her, turned in the ticket and disappeared. She spent a few years looking for him with no luck. Slowly she drifted into alcoholism, consoling her misery at the bottom of a bottle. Needing to make money and only having one set of skills Jordan turned to shadowruning, the need to eat quickly pushing aside any moral compuction she may of had about human life.
Twenty Questions
1. Where and in what kind of environment did your character grow up?
Jordan is the daughter of a hi-powered Neonet Exec. She was raised in privliege.
2. What are your character's relations with their family? (Does your character keep in touch? Where are they now?) Her mother disowned her after she was conned by her boyfriend. Her mother lives in Seattle, Jordan doesn't know.
3. Does your character have an ethnic background? (Is it relevant to them?)
She has slight slavic features. Her actual background is unkown to her, nor does she care.
4. What does your character look like?
Jordan is 1.6 meters tall, very slim, very athletic, even in her drunken stupor she is still a hard body. She has long brown hair and green eyes (due to contacts).
5. What does your character dress like?
Currently she has been wearing the same clothes for the last several months, ont top of which she has a bullet ridden armored jacket.
6. What are your character's physical quirks?
She stumbles a lot.
Skills, attributes, resources
7. What did your character always want to be? (How did they go about getting this job/position/ability/image? Did they succeed?)
She really never had a chance to find out. When she was 9 she was taken into the (then Novatech) Martial Arts program for gifted youngsters. After that her life was Kickboxing.
8. Where and how did your character learn their Active and Knowledge Skills?
Most of them she learned during her tenure with the NT all national KB team, then later on with the NeoNet team. Some of her skills she has learned in the last 4 years on the street.
9. Where and how did your character get their major equipment and 'ware?
Most of what she has on her is a left over from when she was moderatly wealthy. The few things she has of value she has managed to hold on to.
10. Where and in what kind of place does your character currently live?
Alley behind the Bar and Frill.
11. Who are your character's contacts? (How did they become contacts? Why do they still talk to your character?)
She only has 2, she spends her days scaveging the street for things she can pawn, the pawn shop owner like her because she doesn't pass hot goods on to him. The other is just a phone number for a info broker she used to try and find her boyfriend.
12. Who are your character's enemies? (How did they become your character's enemies?)
Her ex-boyfriend, if she ever found him she would kill him.
Rorik, a pimp on Avenue A, he saw her hanging around, offered her work. She was so hungry she did it, to her shame. After words Rorik tried to put her to work as a working girl, when Sliver ressisted he tried to beat her. Needless to say Sliver broke his arm and ran away. He hates her, but is also afraid of her, she avoids Avenue A whenever possible.
13. For Awakened characters, how did your character learn their magic?
Through the Novatech training program.
[i]14. What are your character's personality quirks?
She has become a meek person who hides in the shadows, not her former self.
15. What are your character's likes and dislikes?
She likes running, which she still does often, she doesn't trust her feeling or anyone else.
16. What is your character's moral code?
She lost that after her third month on the street, when she was forced into a line of work she only did once, and will never do again.
17. Does your character have personal beliefs?
18. What are your character's personal motivations?
She would like to stop living like this, she would like to be human again, she has no idea how to do that.
Running the shadows
19. Why does your character run the shadows?
Alcohol, food, place to sleep.
20. What would make your character ever leave the shadows?
She's not really in the shadows to get out of them.
Dec 7 2008, 01:47 AM
Say the word if it's a go, I have a fairly funny intro post.
Dec 7 2008, 10:27 PM
Ok whilst I was waiting I made a few changes so if you looked at the sheet yesterday then today it would be slightly different. I got rid of Nerve Strike and added 2 levels in Penetrating Strike and 1 level of Combat Sense. It fits much better with her concept.
Mister Juan
Dec 7 2008, 11:34 PM
Do you own Arsenal?
Dec 8 2008, 12:16 AM
If you're talking to me...no I don't.
Hmm, original send didn't get there.
On Sliver.
4 years in an alley, drunk? In my world she'd be out of shape and out of skill. If she were so meek why would she be a shadowrunner, and how could she be a decent one? Drunk cowards die fast in firefights. Any kind of fight, really.
I'm betting Dexter wouldn't put his life in the hands of alcoholic gutter trash.
Clean her up?
Mister Juan
Dec 8 2008, 12:36 AM
Actually, I was asking Shadow
Since there are some rather interesting Martial Arts rules in there.
But this does go to remind me that when I'll have Dex use Arsenal gear, I'll mention any relevant information.
ie; the Gauss rifle halfs ALL armor before applying AP
Meaning, it cuts through almost everything like the monsterous beast it is.
Dec 8 2008, 12:58 AM
Do we know where these guys are? If we do, it should be open and shut, put some drones up, rape their mage if they have one (which is unlikely) then just murder them all with rifle fire from across the street.
If we are super tech, and frankly I love this idea, what we should do is get a spy drone into their hideout, then toad and I cover the doors while Dexter wipes them out by firing the gauss gun through walls at them. -6 from blind fire + 3 from AR.
They have absolutely no way to do anything at all about that.
Lots of assumptions in that plan (like they are all in one building) but conceptually we can just repeat it endlessly. It should be pretty much impossible for these guys to stop us.
Dec 8 2008, 01:22 AM
Well I was thinking of the bar they were hanging out in, and the comedy of it. I can easily say,
'Sliver is a down on her luck runner who has been reduced to taking just about any job she can get, she drinks to much and is about 5 minutes from being a full blown drunk."
I do own arsenal but I just used BBB and MitS to keep it simple.
Rules wise is she good to go?
Mister Juan
Dec 8 2008, 01:25 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Dec 7 2008, 07:58 PM)
Do we know where these guys are? If we do, it should be open and shut, put some drones up, rape their mage if they have one (which is unlikely) then just murder them all with rifle fire from across the street.
If we are super tech, and frankly I love this idea, what we should do is get a spy drone into their hideout, then toad and I cover the doors while Dexter wipes them out by firing the gauss gun through walls at them. -6 from blind fire + 3 from AR.
They have absolutely no way to do anything at all about that.
Lots of assumptions in that plan (like they are all in one building) but conceptually we can just repeat it endlessly. It should be pretty much impossible for these guys to stop us.
Actually, Dexter only has about 20 rounds for the gauss rifle... and they cost a bundle and have very high avail. I'd rather "spend them" on targets a little more intense than gangers
How about kicking down the door and just hosing them with full auto fire?
Silver can always finish those still standing
Dec 8 2008, 01:31 AM
Yeah that works.
My other idea was find their flophouse, set the back bit on fire and just mow them down in the street as they come out, yojimbo style.
Dec 8 2008, 01:33 AM
Sliver is pretty good with the stealthy killing stuff. Just about anything shy of a troll she can kill with her feet/knees.
Dec 8 2008, 01:39 AM
Dex could come in the front, Sliver the back. He could open up rocknrolla style and she could get anyone trying to escape.
Dec 8 2008, 01:42 AM
The added advantage of the setting it on fire plan is that everyone will run out to be murdered, meaning that we don't have to carry them very far to get them into the truck to sell on to tanamous
Erm, sorry about disappearing for the weekend. I was at my weekend job...
I will introduce a short post to explain why toad spaced out in this scene. Have some opinions on the scene so far, but will address them IC.
Dec 8 2008, 02:54 AM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Dec 7 2008, 05:22 PM)
Well I was thinking of the bar they were hanging out in, and the comedy of it. I can easily say,
'Sliver is a down on her luck runner who has been reduced to taking just about any job she can get, she drinks to much and is about 5 minutes from being a full blown drunk."
Rules wise is she good to go?
Stats wise she's fine, if you don't mind playing with modifiers when drunk.
Though if you keep the BG that she's been meek, drunk, and living in an alleyway for four years, I'm going to adjust your stats.
A sloppy drunk, non-skill practicing bg does not mesh up with a badass character sheet.
I need to look at the cs again to make sure I'm assessing this right, I'll edit this post if that's the case.
My point being, drunks lose in combat. Same goes for Dagda's whiskey thing.
Dec 8 2008, 03:15 AM
Sounds good, consider her BG adjusted to above, been down on her luck latley and drinking on the edge of to much. She doesn't walk around drunk but she has a drink with every meal. She has been practicing her skills and keeping in shape just scrapping buy for work, sound good?
Dec 8 2008, 07:20 PM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Dec 7 2008, 07:15 PM)
Sounds good, consider her BG adjusted to above, been down on her luck latley and drinking on the edge of to much. She doesn't walk around drunk but she has a drink with every meal. She has been practicing her skills and keeping in shape just scrapping buy for work, sound good?
That works for me.
Mister Juan
Dec 8 2008, 09:44 PM
I like the idea of selling out the bodies afterwards. We might as well milk this as much as we can.
What we do have to be careful is that it doesn't end up “costing us� to do this.... as in, we whack for 2000 worth of gangers, but end up using 2500 worth of ammo/firepower/etc...
I'm rather confident that Jesse can find out where those guys hangout. Once we find out where that is, we'll be able to come up with some sort of plan... Altought I do like the fire thing... Only issue is burnt corpses don't sell well.
Since our wee bartender friend seems keen on counting them himself, we can either take a picture of each kill... or actually pile them up in the back of Jesse's pickup truck, and cover them with some plastic sheet
Dec 8 2008, 09:52 PM
Get some medical courier stickers ;D
Dec 9 2008, 12:04 AM
I am thinking of the scene from "A fistfull of Dollars" Where the bounty hunter is pilling up the bodies in the back of his wagon, doing the math as he count's each one...
Dec 9 2008, 12:24 AM
Huge Eddie is the troll bouncer, not the bartender, FYI.
Dec 9 2008, 12:30 AM
Fixed. Upon further review I don't see the bartenders name, so edited for generic'ness.
Dec 9 2008, 12:38 AM
Huge Eddie is still not the barkeep;)
Mister Juan
Dec 9 2008, 12:56 AM
Well, she's drunk! What did you expect!
Dec 9 2008, 01:33 AM
She's not drunk, that was her first drink this whole hour.
Mister Juan
Dec 9 2008, 01:37 AM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Dec 8 2008, 08:33 PM)
She's not drunk, that was her first drink this whole hour.
Hey! I was just tryin to cover for ya
Dec 9 2008, 01:49 AM
Should I assume that means we should go elsewhere to plan our OP?
Jesse is hinting to that effect.
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