Dec 30 2008, 06:05 PM
Hi, everyone,
I was just going over some errata, and I noticed that there are two weapons in Arsenal that don't conform to the new AP modifier for flechettes. The Aztechnology Series 5 Iron Bomb and the Mitsubishi-GM Outlaw, Block III (both on page 125) have APs of 0 and +3 respectively, while everything else with an "(f)" in the damage column now has an AP of +5.
I didn't see anything in the descriptions of these weapons to indicate that they used special rules. So what do you think: are these values that were missed in the errata, and should be changed to +5?
Dec 30 2008, 06:11 PM
I seem to recall that fletchette ammo has been changed to +2 Damage and +5 AP for all weapon types and examples.
Dec 30 2008, 06:25 PM
I would use common sense that these items are not shotguns or needlers, but a guided missile and 500lb bomb. both these items can be expected to cut through most armor quite well.
Dec 30 2008, 06:36 PM
QUOTE (Fix-it @ Dec 30 2008, 11:25 AM)
I would use common sense that these items are not shotguns or needlers, but a guided missile and 500lb bomb. both these items can be expected to cut through most armor quite well.
Sure, I can buy that. But then why add the "(f)" notation to the damage code? This designation has a specific meaning, and specific modifiers (+2/+5), and these two weapons don't conform to those modifiers. So it seems like either the "(f)" should be removed, or the modifiers should be changed.
(I realize I'm picking nits. And of course I can make my own ruling in my own game. I'm just obsessive that way.)
Dec 30 2008, 06:41 PM
QUOTE (Fix-it @ Dec 30 2008, 02:25 PM)
I would use common sense that these items are not shotguns or needlers, but a guided missile and 500lb bomb. both these items can be expected to cut through most armor quite well.
Sure, the missile can, but what about its shrapnel? Note that frag grenades are +5.
Dec 30 2008, 07:00 PM
Actually, I just realized that there is a way that the entries could be correct. First of all, the flechette designation in the damage column also means that the damage is resisted with Impact armor, rather than Ballistic. So even if the AP modifier is different, the "(f)" is still meaningful.
Also, the AP values could be correct, if the weapons themselves have a higher-than-average AP. So, the Iron Bomb might have a -5 AP, which is canceled out by the +5 of flechettes.
I'm just guessing here.
Dr Funfrock
Dec 30 2008, 09:20 PM
You are correct. The +5 does not replace the weapon's AP, it adds to it (although there is still some questionable statting, such as Shotguns, which by the normal rules for alternate ammo should have +4 (f) AP, not the +5 listed. I'd love to hear some word from the devs on why the inconsistency there).
And yes, the (f) notation exists to denote the fact that the weapon is resisted with Impact, not Ballistic armour.
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