Clay Pigeon
Jan 6 2009, 08:47 PM
I was combing through Mob War, and I am intrigued by some logistics. I realize it's an old book, but just in case you haven't run it or played through it yet, I'll hide the spoilers.
I am curious as to the details of Don O'Malley's assassination. It sounds like the assassin had way too easy a time pulling off the job. Follow the guy around, find a hidey-hole, and shoot him. What sort of security would such a powerful individual have? If your runners had to pull a similar job, what obstacles would they face?
Jan 6 2009, 10:41 PM
It was an inside job ordered by the 'Butcher' Bigio.
Jan 6 2009, 10:43 PM
isn't that basically how most assassins work?
wait for an opportunity to do their thing? O.o
Jan 7 2009, 02:06 AM
Not really that hard to do, really, everyone is exposed at some point. He was sniped, right? With the right sniper, equipment, and intel, it can be done. I don't know what kind of equipment/modifications the Don had, but a standard human, even with some mods, can probably be killed. Even the mafia can't possibly afford every defense out there.
Jan 7 2009, 02:51 AM
especially seeing as the Mob is a criminal organization, they can't have as much overt security as say, a president.
the Sons of the Neon Chrysanthemum in Japan OTOH, do not have this problem.
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