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Full Version: Dumbass question about Initiative boosting
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Ok, I know this has probably been dealt with but I can't easily find it, so I am being a pain. I'm sorry, but every time I read the descriptions I change my mind.

Can synaptic booster be used with suprathyroid gland?

QUOTE (pbangarth @ Jan 7 2009, 08:58 PM) *
Ok, I know this has probably been dealt with but I can't easily find it, so I am being a pain. I'm sorry, but every time I read the descriptions I change my mind.

Can synaptic booster be used with suprathyroid gland?


Yes. From my understanding, you can use anything with anything, but anything that adds IP doesn't stack with other IP boosters - only the highest applies.
There's no such rule, actually. The only reason different IP boosters don't stack is because they specifically say so. If neither piece of ware mentions it's incompatible with the other, you're free to stack up. The only implicit restriction I go by is that you can't stack multiple versions of the same ware (ie: no wired reflexes 1 plus wired reflexes 2 instead of buying rating 3), although even that is IIRC never explicitly forbidden, funnily enough.
I would say yes, as suprathyroid isn't an iniative enchancer.
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