Jan 17 2009, 12:02 AM
I just saw someone get shot in the neck with a dart gun on TV, and I thought "I need that for my Shadowrun character !". I immediately opened up my books and tried to find stats for dartguns and their ammunition type, but I found only reference in the armor section of Arsenal and a few tidbits in the BBB, but no stats for the dartgun itself. I'm not talking about blowguns either.
Now I can't believe nobody on DS ever used a dartgun in his campaign. What stats did you use ? Did I fail my search-fu and there are dartgun stats somewhere in the manuals ?
Jan 17 2009, 12:22 AM
I used Capsule Rounds with DMSO + Neurostun. Why use a dart gun when Capsule Rounds work just as well? Maybe look for Narcojet?
Jan 17 2009, 12:29 AM
man and machine page 116 might be something for you then.
if it's for SR4? try and port it over with your GM of choice
Jan 17 2009, 03:26 AM
Oops, forgot to tag it with SR4
Capsule rounds are no good for injection vector !
Jan 17 2009, 03:30 AM
Blowgun, Pg40, Arsenal.
I can't find the ranges chart for it. I'd just use light pistol stats.
Jan 17 2009, 04:00 AM
A blowgun is no dartgun !
Prime Mover
Jan 17 2009, 04:04 AM
DMSO allows you to use injection vector with capsule rounds.
But I am on your side I miss stats for the narcoject weapons as well.
Jan 17 2009, 05:16 AM
Why not just use the stats from the taser dart, but replace the damage mod text with "as per chemical".
Jan 17 2009, 05:53 AM
i propose that you buy yourself a pistol crossbow, erase the words "pistol crossbow" and write in "narcoject pistol". and then only use injection bolts.
[edit] oh, and actually... capsule rounds with DMSO and your injection vector drug of choice works fine. making anything into a contact vector drug is what DMSO does. [/edit]
Jan 17 2009, 09:14 AM
Agreeing with Jaid here... Damn i wanted to write that.
Typical Dart Gun would be a plain Pistol Crossbow, no houserules needed.
But Question: Where can i find the rules for DMSO?
Jan 17 2009, 10:30 AM
DMSO is in Arsenal, page 82 I believe.
Jan 17 2009, 10:10 PM
Why not just use the rules from the implanted dart guns from Augmentation with a price reduction to represent it being a stand alone system and not part of a cyberlimb?
Edit - Although checking Augmentation I can't seem to find what ranges they use... Which is rather annoying. I suppose they'd just go on the same ranges as the Pistol Crossbow.
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