QUOTE (Aiolos Turin @ Jan 30 2009, 01:05 AM)

Wouldnt that be houserules though? The rules state that you must notice the PERSON casting the spells via talking, visuals, etc. This still adds a ton of perception modifiers, not to mention the fact that he still already whiped the floor with the gangers, and so even if they do perceive (which by RAW they wont, especially if the windows are rolled up in the car [less noise])
Yes perception modifiers come into play, to counteract some or all of the -6 threshold to perceive the spellcasting. This is only one aspect of the casting of spells, though. Anything can look overpowered if you concentrate on only some of the conditions and consequences. The magician will be sucking huge Drain to swat flies. Are you casting in a populated area, say Seattle, where casting a spell above Force 3 (I think) is illegal without a permit? Force 12 will garner huge attention. And the astral signature would last 12 hours, pointing straight to her, unless the magician sticks around for 12 combat turns to erase the signature. Half a minute is a long time for hungry astral beings to come for a taste, and an alarmed neighbourhood to take down a licence plate and description.
Sure, the gangers are toast. So what? They are not the only denizens of the streets or astral space.
Im still viciously against "The only counter to Magic- is Magic." This makes it overpowered. When something cannot be countered, except by itself, it's obviously far superior to everything else.
"The only counter to magic is magic" is as "the only counter to bullets is armour." Neither is true, though both are advisable. Even in that extremely restricted frame of reference, Why is it OK to say "They have guns and armour, so we have to have guns and armour", but not OK to say "They have a magician , so we have to have a magician"?
Six gangers would be taken down by a specialized street sam just as surely as by a specialized mage. The street sam would be way noisier (well, without a silencer), but the magician would hurt herself, and attract all kinds of attention from two planes of existence.