QUOTE (counterveil @ Feb 23 2009, 11:48 AM)

Usually it just takes sitting down with the group and saying something to the effect of "Ok, I only want 2 non-humans in my game and 2 magically-capable characters of some type. You guys work out who gets to play what." Then people get to compromise.
I'm not a big fan of forcing people into roles based on dice rolls (unless I'm playing WFRP but that's another topic) since it removes from the player the active choice of compromise and understanding why his/her character is not 100% what was envisioned. Giving the players a chance to discuss that part of the game amongst themselves leaves active decision-making in the mix and lets people still get to do *something* they wanted to do, even if it's not entirely what they wanted.
I'm definitely with you on not forcing people into roles based on dice rolls. I'm not picking the players' stuff for them, and as I said when I posted the rules "we're considering instituting the following rules for Metatypes". It's an interesting quirk that you can add to a game that reflects that chances of an individual being born as or goblinizing into, as the case may be, a given metatype. Similarly, the Awakened quality rules are just one way of reflecting the chances of Awakening without completely f***ing up a group. So if you or your players have an idea for a campaign that the rules don't work for, then scratch 'em and move on. So far, we've used everything in the Awakened qualites rules, except for how a character Awakens, and it has worked pretty well for us. We've got a Primary magic-user slot with up to 5 Magic, a secondary magic-user slot with up to 3 Magic, and Tertiary magic-user slot with 1 Magic, and the "I've got dibbs" slot. The rolls can add that random chance of how you could Awaken, if you don't
need something specific. If you're team's Magic Support character just died and ran out of Edge for Hand of God, then when the character filling slot 4 Awakens, then he could just take up that role as a full Magician. Or he could say, "The world isn't always fair or just. Let fate decide." and roll on the chart. He could even say, "F*** what the team needs!" or "F*** what the other players want me to do! I want to play a kick-a** Phys. Ad." and pick the Adept quality. The random charts, for Metatype and Awakening alike, just gives people the option to challenge themselves as roleplayers.
QUOTE (counterveil @ Feb 23 2009, 11:48 AM)

With that said, I'm a total softie so if someone *really* wants to play a given character concept and it's clear they're not munchkining said character, I usually capitulate and let them play it. That's how I ended up with 4 magically-active players and 2 non-magically-active players, but whatever. None of them are munchkins, everyone's mature about character improvement, and everyone's there to have fun without being malicious - fun overrides everything.
I'm the same way when it comes to players
really wanting to play a certain concepts so long as they're not munchkining, but then again I'm sure that's pretty common. The giving in that is, not munchkining. Luckily, the cast that is being made the two groups are pretty solid. A Human Face, a Native American Human Shaman(Slot 1), an Ork-Urban Brawler-Street Samurai, a 14 yr. old Elf Street Urchin, a Dwarf Gear Specialist, and a Japanese Human Phys. Ad. Samurai(Slot 2). We've still got another player that might make a Technomancer, and another couple players that are still undecided.
QUOTE (counterveil @ Feb 23 2009, 11:48 AM)

With regards to putting hard caps and minimums on attrib and skill spendage, I also understand what you're striving for. You don't want any one-trick ponies (again, munchkins). I also hope for that in my games, but I guess my approach is different. I told my players ahead of time that I have the following habits in running my games...
These proclivities enforce the following tendencies in attrib/skill spendage and improvement...
From then on, I just leave it to the players to decide. If they want to be pigeonholed and are cool with getting taken advantage of because of it, that's fine by me. They'll certainly have their time to shine in their particular specialty - I won't take that away from people - but they'll find themselves occasionally at a strong disadvantage because of it too.
Team balance is an issue I look at, but ultimately I leave it in the players' hands to make sure that the team's a** is covered. If they overspecialize, I'll give them runs that fit their specialty, since that's what the Fixer/Johnson would hire them for. When I want to make things a bit more difficult for them though, I can always hit them where they left themselves open and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
QUOTE (counterveil @ Feb 23 2009, 11:53 AM)

Hm...in that case maybe my suggestion to get your players talking amongst themselves and maturely determining how to make a party won't work for you.
Kick some players out?

Already did with the Troll, about a month ago. Unfortunately, 2 of our other players just deployed to Iraq a week ago and we'll be moving back to Tacoma in a month or so. On the upside of things, the players we have in Tacoma are far more mature than what we've had for the past year or two.
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 23 2009, 01:40 PM)

True, with the 150 BP cap on attributes I'd have had 50 BP left for other things, but you have to keep in mind that I soft-cap'd only one attribute (Agility because it's for hitting things). I don't even know how I'd manage with only 150 points, actually. I'd have to pull 6 points out and add 1 to Intuition. As it's already been noted, you can't even be a 3-down-the-line human under these rules. I mean, I suppose I could do 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3 (that's the 4 phys, then the 4 mental), but I wouldn't be happy with it. I can handle dumped charisma (I'm at social situations, especially in games), the dumped reaction comes back somewhat with the Improved Reflexes adept power (OH WAIT, I likely won't have a magic high enough for it), and that 1 die of Body...given that any magic I have is going to seriously crimp my adept powers, I'd really like that 1 extra die for damage resistance and wound recovery.
Your stats here look fine to me. You're in the average spectrum for everything but Agility and you're only on the lower end of average for Reaction and Charisma. You're not so slow that you couldn't jump out of the way of oncoming traffic, nor are you a complete a**hole. With a boost to Reaction and the +1 IP that comes with it, you're doing pretty good, and it only cost you 2 Power Points. You could do that as a Magic 2-3 Adept(Slot 2), and if you take 3 Magic, then you can get that 1 level of Improved Physical Attribute(Body). If you have a concept that allows it, you may even be able to take Gaesa on your Adept powers to reduce their costs a bit.
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 23 2009, 01:40 PM)

Does Wombat know about the fluff that drakes should pretty much be shot on sight by everyone (or recruited by megacorps and dragons, refusal means death)? I've noted on the forums before that the drake quality should come with the Hunted and Distinctive Style flaws. It sucked to be a drake in 3rd edition (see: Dragons of the Sixth World) and not just due to the double-essence loss from cyber either (though IIRC they didn't have a magic attribute).
I'm well-aware of the fluff on Drakes,especially since I'm the one that asked Chi-Girl to mod her original concept to play one, but I think your viewpoint is a bit out of date. I'll let Chi-Girl post on that one. I agree that Enemy(SR4 equivalent of Hunted)is a solid option for a Drake's Negative qualities, but not so much on Distinctive Style. Particularly because it might be limited to the astral and only until the Drake learns Masking. I'm not as concerned with what the mechanics used to be like for Drakes in SR3 because we're not playing SR3. We're playing in the 2070 part of the time line with SR4 rules.
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 23 2009, 01:40 PM)

You do know that you lose (i.e. destroy) your armor every time you shift? That is, assuming your body is higher than your armor value (ha! even I only have a 6 vs. my 8 armor flak jacket) otherwise you take {armor value} damage (resisted by body and natural armor) and/or become entangled (Rules thanks to Tyger Eye, which I would consider RAW due to the obvious hole in Runner's Companion and it matches up with the fluff of shapeshifters tearing their clothes (or say, a mouse getting stuck in them)).
I like this kind of rule, but the way it's written here isn't very clear to me. Is there a reference somewhere else that might be clearer?