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I'm starting a 4th edition Shadowrun campaign and I'd like to find some more tools and referrence material. Right now I have some some cheatsheets and a character generator.

Character Sheets


Has anyone created a rules compilation yet? I've noticed that in 4th edition that some of the rules are laced throughout the description areas which makes it difficult to get a full grasp of things. Adding the advancede rules from the other books it would be nice to get a rules compilation together. If anyone has one let me know. If not I guess I'll make one; maybe in a Windows Help format.
You have Aaron´s page; for the rules compilation, The VegPack comes to mind.

As far as reference material goes, El Fenrir has a character building example on his site, scroll down a bit for it.
Thanks Ryu, that's pretty much what I was thinking of making. And I totally forgot to check the community projects section. Thanks again!
Follow the link in my sig and you can see some character sheets I made and other stuff I made dual sided one page sheets in word format for people to use.
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