If I wanted to play a hacker who has an EXTERNAL commlink (because I don't want to have to have cybersurgery every time I want to tinker with my commlink) what do I need to run in Hotsim mode?
Question aside, I thought of some interesting applications for SimSense.
1) Now that there are emotional and external Simrigs, I would think it would be super nifty to slap one on a mage and have him fire off a few spells. It wouldn't interfere with his essence, and that way normal 'Mundanes' could feel what it would be like to be a mage. Of course, it wouldn't work with anything astral, but you could feel the motions, emotions, and feelings from firing off a spell. Pretty cool for a mundane who will never be able to do it first hand. ALSO, it would be a great teaching aid for a mage of the same tradition who was trying to learn that particular spell. (Sure, you'd still need the spell formula, but you could see how the spell is 'supposed' to go.)
2)Slap an external simrig on a technomancer and have them start exploring the matrix. Make sure the technomancer doesn't do anything illegal (while recording, at least) and you have yourself some really cool stuff to analyze. Not only can non-technomancers 'feel' deep resonance (or disonance, whichever way your technomancer goes) but if the simrig is on while a technomancer compiles, then that would help non-technomancers figure out what the heck a sprite is (you can't get what their thinking, but you get all the five senses and emotions.) Plus, I would think it would be pretty cool to 'feel' yourself just look at a matrix node, then 'jump' into it without any machinery or anything.
I am sure there are other cool things to do with simsense. If you have any ideas, please post!