AK-97 "Rifle-Carbine"
Cost: 1 000
Base: AK-97
Mods: Barrel Reduction, Gas Vent 3, Foregrip
Options: Extended Clip (+500), Smartgun System (+500), Additional Clip (+500), Bayonet Mount (free)
Damage: 6P/-1
Range: AR -20%
Modes: SA/BF/FA
RC: 1+3 = 4
Ammo: 38 c, 48 c with EC, 38 c/38 c with AC
>>> Another gun from the West Coast that I've been given the chance to get shipped out, any takers? It's billed as "an SMG for those that don't like using pistol calibres". If that's your thing, then PM me for payment details. <<
- Cobra Johnson, 89 Karma, 62 Metakarma, 3 Hyperkarma, 1 Shiftkarma
>>> Hey, how come it doesn't list the clips for a pair of large clips? Aren't you the self-proclaimed completionist? <<<
- AJX, 7 Karma, 2 Metakarma
>>> I just got off the 'link with the guy, and he says that it'd cost you extra to fit both of those in the same weapon. Something about having to use smart materials for the mag wells if you wanted both. You also can't easily fit the Smartgun into the same gun as a second clip. Didn't name a price, either. <<<
- Cobra Johnson, 89 Karma, 62 Metakarma, 3 Hyperkarma, 1 Shiftkarma
>>> Free bayonet mount? <<<
- Nameless Egomaniac, 3 Karma
>>> Oh great, you got tangency going again. <<<
- MoXt, Moderator
>>> He probably doesn't think it's worth rounding up the price of the mount to the nearest hundred. Doesn't like dealing with "spare change". <<<
- Cobra Johnson, 89 Karma, 62 Metakarma, 3 Hyperkarma, 1 Shiftkarma
>>> I note that this man doesn't make the normal kind of guns you see around here. What's up with that? <<<
- Well and Truly Borked, 45 Karma, 22 Metakarma, 1 Hyperkarma
>>> He's from LA, dude. What do you expect? <<<
- Nameless Egomaniac, 3 Karma
"Spirit Hunter"
Cost: 750
Base: Ruger Super Warhawk
Mods: Reduced Weight, Extended Barrel
Options: SA Firing Mode (+2 250)
Damage: 6P/-2
Range: Heavy Pistol +10%
Modes: SS, SA with option
RC: 0
Ammo: 6 cy
>>> Same old West Coast guy. This is apparently based off the gun a friend of his was using back when he was a 'runner. He sent me pictures, that barrel goes a long way. Frankly, if some guy jammed this in face I wouldn't care if I was made of fire, I'd be running scared. <<<
- Cobra Johnson, 89 Karma, 62 Metakarma, 3 Hyperkarma, 1 Shiftkarma
>>> So instead of dealing with all the problems of the basic weapon, he makes them even worse? It's lighter and has even more recoil! Who's this guy's friend? Some big burly guy who doesn't have a problem firing the biggest baddest weapons on the planet without a problem? <<<
- Nameless 'Runner
>>> He was Human. A hacker. What does that make you? Some kind of nancy boy? JD could fire a Warhawk perfectly fine. <<<
- Goldberg et al, 0 Karma
>>> I gave the guy behind this the address, figured he could answer questions best himself. <<<
- Cobra Johnson, 89 Karma, 62 Metakarma, 3 Hyperkarma, 1 Shiftkarma
>>> So, uh, how do you kill Spirits with this? It's not like it does significantly more damage. <<<
- AJX, 7 Karma, 2 Metakarma
>>> Load it with EX Explosive. The basic weapon is perfectly fine that way, just figured it would be better if it could shoot a little further and be light enough that you don't have to drop something from your normal loadout to use it. <<<
- Goldberg et al, 0 Karma