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Full Version: Converting first addition damage codes to 4th?
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HMHVV Hunter
I'm hoping to run Bottled Demon as a 4th edition adventure, but I need some help converting the 1st edition damage codes - specifically, when the damage isn't caused by a weapon.

Any ideas?
What is the source of the damage? Even if it hasn't been directly converted, something similar probably has been.
HMHVV Hunter
The examples I've found:

-Dehydration damage from waiting in a hot and dry place - 6S2 Fatigue damage
-Damage sustained when a character is forcibly separated from a magical object they've become "addicted" to - 6D1 Stun attack
I'd just eyeball it. If the gun in the SR1 book is in SR4, just look at the code.

A quick rule of thumb, I'd translate(gun-wise):

Light Pistols/HoldOuts: 4P
Heavy Pistols/SMGs: 5P
Assault Rifles: 6P(Also the Ruger Super Warhawk)
Sniper Rifles: 8P-9P
Sport Rifles: 7P-8P

Melee is half Strength plus a modifier. Sword is Str/2+3, for example, so a 3 Strength person would do 5P damage.

Also, there is Armor Penetration for certain weapons, but that's listed in the SR4 book as well.

EDIT: In the cases above, I might just list them as 6S(6 Stun) damage that they have to resist to make it simple, but if you wanted to try to figure it due to the Damage Code and factor it in, the 6D stun might be a 6 Stun attack, and the 6S Stun might be 4 or 5 Stun under SR4. (I assume the Fatigue damage is Stun damage, though if it's physical, just make the first one resisting 4 Physical or something.) It's a quick and dirty way of eyeballing it, but there might be a better way of calculating.
-Dehydration damage from waiting in a hot and dry place - 6S2 Fatigue damage

Rules for this are found in SR4A, page 137.
-Damage sustained when a character is forcibly separated from a magical object they've become "addicted" to - 6D1 Stun attack

Use the rules for Focus Addiction (Street Magic) with the level starting at Severe and progressing to Burnout at an appropriate time.
HMHVV Hunter
As far as the first one, I don't have SR4A, just a Fanpro edition of the core book. Is it in there too?

Planning on buying Street Magic soon though, so that should be resolved in a short time.
Take a look at "Using Survival" on pg 118. It might give you what you need.
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