Mar 20 2009, 04:56 AM
I'm not a frequent lurker, but I noticed everyone is talking about SR4 Anniversary Edition. I am trying to find information about these "upgrades", but only finding forum posts about the ones people are annoyed with (drain tests, etc.).
Is there a comprehensive list somewhere of what all is changed? Is it already incorporated into v1.8 errata, or will it be?
In short: what's going on, and do I have to buy a new book?
Mar 20 2009, 04:58 AM
Welcome to the mad house.
This thread has all of the changes found, all in one thread at least.
Mar 20 2009, 04:59 AM
It will be the next errata, and it is currently being finalized/typed up/whatever is going on.
You won't need the new book going forward, although it is quite shiny and nice if the PDF is any indication.
Mar 20 2009, 04:59 AM
The changes will make it into the errata, so you don't have to buy a new book. The 20th Edition Changes thread has wandered on and off topic, but if you check the first few pages out, you will probably hit the major changes.
Mar 20 2009, 05:00 AM
No you don't need to buy a new book (but you should cuz its beautiful). The changes will be incorporated into a free errata or some other document in the near future.
{edit} Wow...
Mar 20 2009, 05:03 AM
Holy crap, that was fast. Thanks for the replies.
I've been thinking about picking up a new book, since my old one has its binding falling apart.
Mar 20 2009, 05:05 AM
I just want to point out that my favorite part of the new book (and I'm 100% serious about this) is the inclusion of Method's avatar in it.
The old cover of Shadowtech, by Dave Dorman, appears on page 340 of SR4A, capping off the Eyeware chapter. Seeing as how that is one of the few early SR books I don't own and really want, it's nice to see another awesome homage to the past there.
(I have the picture and reference stuff thanks to owning High Tech and Low Life.
Mar 20 2009, 05:13 AM
EEE! I just want to say I love all of the changes that are pointed out in that thread.
One by one, they are eradicating almost every (house-ruled) problem I encountered in the game. I am very excited about this.
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