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Has anyone read the Eye of the Dragon fiction? I have - even though I don't play SR Duels, and I'm not planning to, though perhaps I'll score some of those action figures - and I thought it started out pretty good. Well, perhaps good isn't the word. Entertaining is a better choice, but the last few eps are pretty bad.
Haven't read it yet, though I should. I do play Duels, and it's quite entertaining; if you're getting the figures, I would highly recommend hunting down someone you can waste some time with and playing a game, meanwhile griping about the rules (a time-honored tradition in all things Shadowrun).

When I do lay my hands on some action figures, I'll probably give it a whirl. If it's anything like Necromunda, I might actually enjoy it. But if I don't, I'll just keep the figures for what I intended for them in the first place; visualisation of certain hard-to-visualise elements in Shadowrun. Like the relative size of a troll. smile.gif
Might not wanna rely on the figurines for proper scales. Lothan the Wise's arm is about the size of Liada or Kyushi's bodies smile.gif

Wait, what are you saying? The arm's too small or too big? smile.gif
Y'know, with Trolls, you have a point wink.gif
A friend of mine has Lothan with his SMG perched on a shelf in his bathroom. Lothan is kinda cute like that. Not, however, as cute as Silver Max's drone.

Hey Deev, what did and didn;t you like about the EotD series, out of curiosity?

Let me see what I can come up with:

- The shadowtalk type of story has it's pros and cons. The pro is that it made everything feel very much like shadowrun.
- The story, especially in the beginning kept me hungry for more.
- The build up of the story was excellent.

- The shadowtalk also made it rather...let's just say that if you would cut out all the double talk and redundancy that there would be little story left.
- The writing was a little "messy" at times. And the formatting of the page and the shadowtalk meant you didn't know who actually wrote the piece until you got til the end.
- The ending...well, sucked. I thought the first half was _far_ better than the second half. It felt a little rushed, too.
Wait, did you write the story? smile.gif
IIRC, Bull was one of several authors involved.
Ah, yeah it kind of seemed like there was a change in writing style. Which bits did you write, big guy?
I did G-Dogg's stuff...

Unfortunatly, I think the story itself suffered in a couple places for a couple reasons...

The first was simply our deadline. We had like 6 author's writing this, but we didn;t have the time to allow each one to finish before the next writer took over, like a round robin. Instead, everyone involved was writing each chapter concurrently. Occasionally someone would get done earlyl, and we were able to ise their sections for ours, but... that didn;t happen too often.

The second was the fact that this was originally slated to be a comic book, and was plotted to be such. the story was replotted for prose, but youc an tell it lost a little in the translation. There are definately scenes taht were written with a comic style in mind (Especially that last bit).

Overall, it was fun to work on and was a decent story, but the multi-author, multi-viewpoint mode of storytelling was a little... chaotic. ork.gif

Lady Anaka
I wrote Kyushi and Midnight. I have to agree with Bull on the writing thing, though. It didn't help that some parts had different authors referencing the same events simultaneously.
who ever wrote silver max sure had a tough job grinbig.gif
I actually wrote Natokah's parts, as well as a bit of the set-up. In addition to this, I did what organization I could given the time-limits we had. I would agree that the deadlines were short, and would have prefered a round-robin style of writing, but we just didn't have time for that the way the timeline was set up. I had a great deal of fun working on the project, and wish we had the chance (and the time) to work on another one like it.
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