QUOTE (Callisandria @ Apr 9 2009, 12:23 AM)
Do you mean Shadows of North America? I actually own that one, but IIRC I think it only mentions the rebellion starting, not whether or not it was successful.
The assassination(suicide) of Dunklezahn was covered in the Dragon Heart Trilogy. I was one of the few that actually liked those when they were released. Most people didn't like the Earthdawn crossover idea back then including the main developer(was it Mike Mulvihill?). Our old group had played both games and so we found it all rather fascinating. What I meant about Dunklezahn's Secrets being unanswered were plot hooks mentioned in the will. For instance whether either Tir gave a public list of the ages of the immortals in exchange for magical artifacts etc.. That sourcebook was so chock full of unique adventure idea's. Some of our most memorable adventures originated from there.
Yeah, guess you are more in the know than I am. Don't know what else to tell you. The rebellion was kind of successful in that it accomplished it's goals. However, the big deciding factor was that the place was destitute. There was no money, no food, no nothing. The country just kinda collapsed like a flan in a cupboard.
Okay, I am sure I am getting this wrong, but, the elven economy collapsed completely in the Tir, and the princes were forced to deal with the very real fact that their peasants were revolting and they had no money. Most (if not all) the princes stepped down, and new Princes were put up in their place (including one of the great dragons, the one down in Free Cal, IIRC.) The government was restructured. The President is now more than a figurehead, and the princes have less power, and I THINK they got rid of the stupid class-promotion-by tests system (forgot what it is called) but I could be wrong. Anyway, an Ork is now president.
The Tir was in a bad way, but luckily (for them) the new Megacorp Horizon saw an opportunity for profit. They stepped in with a MASSIVE stimulus package and donated a tonne of money to schools and the like. Their hope was to get lucritive long-term government contracts, and that hope panned out. Now Horizon has a lot of influance in the Tir and is the number one Megacorp there. I don't know if they have recouped their losses yet, but it is looking like they stand to make a substantial bit of money if everything holds out for the next few years.
Also, they aren't isolationists anymore. Now they trade, and do business with anyone, and are more non-elf friendly. A troll with the appropriate amount of cred can go vacation there if he really wanted. That's not to say that there aren't elf supremisists there, just that they are more tolerant of outsiders than they were.
As for the Elves, well, as of Shadows of Europe (which is in 2064), neither Tir has aired out their dirty laundry to get their hands on the magical McGuffin, though both sides have REPEATEDLY sent high-profile shadowrunners to retrieve it. Neither side has succeeded (and it is saying something when Elven GHOSTS fail at getting what they want.) I haven't heard anything about either elf group getting their hands on whatever the will promises, so I doubt it has happened, and with the restructuring of the government, I doubt that the North America Tir ever will.
Personally, I don't know what it is about. The elves have to reveal some family history to the world, and in return Big D wills them . . . something magical? I dunno, but the elves must not want it too bad 'cuse neither side is willing to come clean.