Oh yeah, once they figured it out, that they had to go into paranoia mode, they've gotten into the swing of things for about the last 4 months, and are having a great time.
They forgot that even after something like "Die Hard" or "The Punisher" there's still the cleanup, and John McClane made enemies from that. It took awhile to get them to remember that just because the run is over, that doesn't mean there aren't any repercussions.
My favorite "gullible" moment with my fellow players had to come when one of the players checked his credstick balance at the local Stuffer Shack and found out he had an extra
10,000 on it. A month went by, another
10,000 and so on, for about 6 months.
Then, someone who vaguely looked like him gunned down a Lone Star senior detective.
I was all "EEP!"
The Street Sam was all "OH DREK!"
He was all: "What's the big deal? I didn't do it."
Then he checked his credstick balance and found another
120,000 on it.
And wondered why all of a sudden Lone Star was out for him, not the rest of us, just him, with blood in their eyes and mayhem in their hearts.
Sounds like a good time to launder the money, spend some of it on a new fake SIN and new face. The rest is YOURS! Thanks GM!!!