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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I've been hunting for a copy of SOTA: 2063 for a while now and, unless there is a coming reprint, it seems like the book will be lost to me. If any of you know of a reputable source for a new copy of the book, please let me know.
FanPro is reprinting it. Fast Forward Games

QUOTE: Note that items listed as "temporarily out of stock" will be reprinted and become available again later.

Edit: I found this too Amazon
I had a bad experience with FFE and they charge retail + shipping, plus they can't handle their own credit card transactions. Amazon is my preferred source, but IIRC it was out of stock, too. S'why I was hoping for info about a potential reprint. It'd be a shame to lose all of the extra rules and material just because enough copies of the book weren't printed.
I ordered once from the Shadowrun Section of, and received my order quickly and in good shape. Most Shadowrun books have a discount. You can also check out their FASA section.
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