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There are three fandom short movies on the official german SR-homepage. Yes, in german, but it might be interesting.
Just click on "SR-Film" in the menu at the left, then on "Shadowrun Illusions", "Shadowrun Dice" or "Shadowrun Ichinichi-mashi" down the site.
I'm watching shadowrun Illusions.. They have a table that's clean, and in order... This is an obvious fake!
I like the way they handle the Samurai. It's a good example of how you don't have to have dual SMGs to be lethal.
Ha! The Samurai is either fighting a green 'ork'.. Or a guy with the Chloroplast bioware.
Holy shit.. Despite being REALLY low budget, this thing has some nice effects..

The Smartlink vision is cool.. And the flamethrower spell wasn't half bad.
The Matrix thing is a bit cheesy.. But it's passable.. But why isn't their Decker running pure DNI?
The Matrix thing is a bit cheesy.. But it's passable.. But why isn't their Decker running pure DNI?

You said it yourself, "Low Budget" rotfl.gif

I mean, it's like asking "why are they using an Fairlight Excalibur?"

Hahaha, I liked the movies, but I'll like it more if they were in English...
There's no excuse to be on a deck with hot ASIST, and NOT run on pure DNI.. Likewise, no decker worth his salt will pass up on a Reality Filter..
On the contrary, no decker worth his or her salt will be caught dead with a Reality Filter. Run into a host where the iconographic programming is just too important and you're utterly screwed.

Reality Filters can be shut off easily... So they should still have it, just as an option.

Besides, if your GM is constantly putting you in hosts where the metaphor is the single most important clue, then you've got a GM that has a bit too much of a taste for the dramatic..

Reality filters exist for a very real reason.. When you get right down to it, IC is IC, a node is a node, and an attack program is an attack program. It shouldn't constantly matter that the IC in this host is a samurai or cowboy.. It shouldn't constantly matter if that node is a pagoda or a saloon.. It shouldn't constantly matter if that attack program is a katana or a Winchester.

What SHOULD constantly matter is speed. In Shadowrun speed is just about the most important issue.. Anything your can do to react faster improves your life expectancy that much more.. And this is doubly important in the Matrix.

Sure, every once in a while, a host should come along where the specific iconography is vital.. But not constantly..

This stuff is great!

C'Mon lill' 52K, you can do it! Download, suckah!

Senor 187
Jah, ve make movie, but spent half zhe budget on Matrix ticket!
If anyone wants SR short movies in english... just make some.
Sometimes I am a little bit irritated that it (and more) is possible in the german fandom, but not in the american.
You can find SR-ish short films floating around if you look. I remember seeing one called "Freeware" on that short-film-show on the Science Fiction Channel a while ago. It was on their site for download; it's probably still there.
It's here:
Far out, man. Now if I only had something better than a 28.8, I'd be able to actually watch these things.
''Freeware'' has not much to do with Shadowrun. No metahumans, Robots/Cyborgs, etc. It is just a well made Cyberpunk short movie.

I'm one of the makers of Illusions. Thanks for criticising!! That helps for our next movie.

By the way, You actually can't call as a low-budget movie, as we didn't have any budget ;) (besides food and a couple of stuff like a microphone and a firewire cable).

And right, our matrix isn't great. First we wanted to use a game like Pacman ( ;) ) or a game called .....I forgot. Maybe someone from our team is reading this and can add the name ?!?...which looks great and actually pretty like the matrix picture I have in my head. But as that was too stupid, we started thinking about 3D-animation. We finally ended up with just a little hacking on a keyboard, as we haven't had the know-how for a 3D animation.
And it would look stupid for those who don't know about SR if a guy who is hacking isn't even hacking on something......

And about our orc, well......we tried and tried and tried. While trying, there was all kind of crap stuck in his face. But it all fell down after a short fight. So that's why he's just green without any warts or spots in his face. We even boughts little horns for him (first we thought about making a troll) but the mastix glue wasn't strong enough...
Think what you want.... Maybe he just ate too much Sauerkraut and isn't feeling great.... :) :)

And btw we plan to make english subtitles. Unfortunately we can't synchronize the movie again, as we don't have all the sounds we need separate. SO if we synchronized in english, there wouldn't be any more shots and steps and stuff ;)
Freeware: For those of you who are interested in the Freeware film, I can put it up for download, temporarily. It's about 80Mb .mpg if I'm not mistaken.
FPoser - Don't get me wrong, dude.. I LOVED your movie.. I criticize because I care.. If I didn't like it, I'd just let it die in obscurity. I've already shown it to 6 of my SR friends, and they all loved it too..

Besides, low-or-no budget movies are often times the ones I enjoy the most, as they are more substance than style..

And, while an English dub would be cool, I think that just using subtitles would work well enough.. I'm sure there are enough anime dorks among us that no one will seriously mind reading in English.

The ork worked well enough that I had an idea of what it was.. Tusks would have been better... But I'm not sure were you'd go to get a set of tusks..

The matrix, while a bit simplified, was still passable, as any true SR fan would understand what was happening.. But I just feel like it may have been a bit difficult for non-SR fans to get.. Of course, we are talking about an SR movie made by SR fans for SR fans, so this is a rather moot point.

All in all, I give it an 8/10.. It'll probably be higher once I can actually understand what is being said.

Oh, and the entire street samurai part, where he runs around with sword and gun kicking all kinds of ass... My god, I loved that part. You guys did a superb job there.
Agreed! Add in subtitles, and I will totally happy. So will my German-speaking friends whom I've been pestering to translate for the past couple of days grinbig.gif
I actually thought the part with the guy with the sword was just a little too long. If that had been a little shorter and the parts showing team work (and maybe cracking a mag lock or something) instead would have made it perfect. As it was it was still excellent, loved the ending transition. It's inspired me and my friend to make a fully CG movie (well short, 20-30 minutes). It'll take a couple of year to produce (there's only the two of us) but it should be fun.

Also, I assumed the Neo clone was a Phys Ad, simply because he didn't have any cyber and was whipping around with a weapon focus.
Maybe a sr-movie-competition on the american site would be an idea, too...
It would be nice if Wizkids sponsored something like that. Maybe give away some signed books or something to whoever wins
Done. I'll see if I can get FanPro to sponsor it, and if not I'll sponsor it myself. Prizes and details to be announced in the future. Films will need to be ready by.. June/July, I suspect.
Wow. Ask and ye shall recieve.
Well, So much for my entry.

It'll be ready June/July 2006

But wow! Way to get on it Adam. That's awesome.
Arrgh! You know how hard it is to glue black shag-pile on to yourself?

Well, this means no "Night One" character. smile.gif


PS: Thanks Adam - This may prove a lot more interesting than you think.
I hope so. I've been trying to think of ways to jumpstart the Shadowrun fan-base, and this certainly seems like one of them. . .
Urrr . . . the movie is an RAR. How on Earth do I deal with an RAR?
What OS do you use? A utility like WinRar [for Windows] will extract it. There are other utilities to handle RAR files for every other modern OS.
QUOTE (Adam)
What OS do you use? A utility like WinRar [for Windows] will extract it. There are other utilities to handle RAR files for every other modern OS.

I use Windows XP and I need something free.

That rhymed.
Linux. wink.gif

QUOTE (MachineProphet)
I use Windows XP and I need something free.

WinRAR runs for 30 or so days as a demo. for the latest version.
A lot longer than that, I've been using it for a year without it saying shit. Oh it's a beta. Neeeevermind.
White Knight
QUOTE (LoseAsDirected)
The ork worked well enough that I had an idea of what it was.. Tusks would have been better... But I'm not sure were you'd go to get a set of tusks..

Um...Plastic vampire teeth inserted upside-down? (It could work.)

QUOTE (MachineProphet)
Urrr . . . the movie is an RAR. How on Earth do I deal with an RAR?

I think the second link is to a Windows Media File version (Windows Media Player will run it). That's the one I downloaded anyway.
QUOTE (MachineProphet)
QUOTE (Adam @ Jan 21 2004, 11:06 PM)
What OS do you use? A utility like WinRar [for Windows] will extract it. There are other utilities to handle RAR files for every other modern OS.

I use Windows XP and I need something free.

That rhymed.

All of the mirror site downloads lead directly to the .wmv files. No .rar needed.
There's also machinima - movies made using PC games like Unreal Tournament, Anachronox, and Quake III. Several PC games come with tools to create 3D maps, alter model appearances, and scripting events.

And for the Neverwinter Nights fans interested in making a Shadowrun NWN movie, might I suggest the D20 Modern mod at
QUOTE (GoldenAri)
It'll be ready June/July 2006

But wow! Way to get on it Adam. That's awesome.

Did some talking to both the German and English FanPro peoples, and there will an announcement coming. Such an early deadline was incredibly uninformed thinking on my part, though, so ignore that.
Frag-o Delux
That is really cool.

I would like to say good job to the creators of those movies, I liked them a lot. I to would have changed somethings, but I am starting to find out how hard it is to make a movie. Me and few friends have begain the preliminary work on a movie of our own, and with no budget it is hard to do.

Depending on the info Fanpro puts out I might be able to talk to my friends into putting it out there, we were going to do it as a time passer.

Maybe we can have ours ready in time for Fanpro.
Thank you Adam! As allways you are awesome. I am part of a club here in alaska that does short films and I am uber excited to hear about this. I can't wait to learn more. Thanks Adam!
Well, we've worked out a teaser trailer that should be ready in a couple of months. Then we'll work on a full trailer that may be done by the end of summer. All the while we will be trying to recruit people (good way to increase fan base) to help us with the full project (We need voice actors damn it! Me and my friends sound awful).

This project does bring up a bit of a question. The story deviates a bit from canon, is that okay?
QUOTE (GoldenAri)
Well, we've worked out a teaser trailer that should be ready in a couple of months. Then we'll work on a full trailer that may be done by the end of summer. All the while we will be trying to recruit people (good way to increase fan base) to help us with the full project (We need voice actors damn it! Me and my friends sound awful).

This project does bring up a bit of a question. The story deviates a bit from canon, is that okay?

I got to watch your movie and I have to say, really good stuff here. My friends and I do the same thing, not SR but no budget short films. I can make a couple of suggesstions, lighting, lighting, lighting, and more lighting. Lots of indirect light. Movie dark is a well lit room. If your room is dark to the eye, it is going to be all but unwatchable on screen.

I loved the sound effects, they are completely awesome. Very good job, editing was the other thing that was great, so was your camera control. All of it very pro. I would like to encourage you to submit to film festivals, I think you will find that you are received very well.
I have no means of creating an SR movie of my own, but I sure look forward to what everyone else is going to do..
I got to watch your movie and I have to say, really good stuff here. My friends and I do the same thing, not SR but no budget short films. I can make a couple of suggesstions, lighting, lighting, lighting, and more lighting. Lots of indirect light. Movie dark is a well lit room. If your room is dark to the eye, it is going to be all but unwatchable on screen.

I loved the sound effects, they are completely awesome. Very good job, editing was the other thing that was great, so was your camera control. All of it very pro. I would like to encourage you to submit to film festivals, I think you will find that you are received very well.

Shadow, I think you've got me confused with someone else. We haven't made our movie yet. The one I'm working on is entirely CG, and I just got done with the trailer scripts. Working title is Shadowrun:Blood & Family.

I would appreciate peoples take on whether or not it's okay to be removed from canon. Since the story is a rework of "Mob War", basically a simplification. It revolves around a single team, doesn't deal with any of the effects of the assasination (which is simplified as well) outside of pissing some people off and causing a power vacuum at the top of the Mafia food chain.
Frag-o Delux
I think pretty much everyones games go off canon a little so in a film I don't think it will matter much. As long as the major plot points are still the same. like Knight owns Ares and such. I fht enames of the people are differrent or you change some stuff around I don't think non-SR players will have a clue, adn only the really in depth players might notice. If you movie is good most people will talk about the differerences but will probably still enjoy the movie no matter what.
Yeah, I got to thinking that if film makers worried about canon LOTR would never have happened.
Frag-o Delux
Also thinking about what your movies are about most canon issues may never arise. Like those german films that started this thread. They never really touched the over meta-plot of SR. they used the action part of the game, and really you can't tell what they had cyberware wise or magic wise just by looking at the characters, so really unless they hand out character sheet based on those characters then we'll just have to debate what the characters had never really knowing how or where they got it. Even though you will be making a movie about SR I hope it is not a 90 minute documentary on the fine points of the game system so really it shouldn't be a problem.

Then again if your story is based around the over all meta-plot of the SR universe then I woudl try to stay as to close to the canon story as possible. Just try to stay true to the main points like I siad before, Knight owns Ares and so on.

The story depends on your audience, are you trying to impress us the SR community? Then you must know a lot of us will like something cool and true, while some of us will lean more to one side of that divide then others some will want more "cool" compared to some that will want more "true." If you are aiming more to attract new players which maybe Fanpros goal if they do something, then I would think more "cool" is the route, trying to show all the "cool" stuff off SR like magic, obvious cyber arms, trolls, drone, and the Matrix, stuff that makes SR what it is.

Not trying to tell you what to do with your movies, this is just some of the stuff our Film group has been running over.
*sigh* I would make my own Shadowrun film if I knew how to operate the CG-render program I have here. -_- Ah well. But yes. Illusions was great. biggrin.gif Keep up the good work, yo!
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