I was going to make a huge post with ratings for software and programs and varied stuff. Decided against it, and went for the simple, and even obvious. My list is as follows:
1) Vehicle, bike or car. Preferably car, a Jackrabbit works wonders, usualy rented.
2) Swiss army knife -high end leatherman from Kerenshara's post works as well-
3) Certified cred, or cash if your world has it- with
300. In case you get mugged you give them this money and don't start a fight. Avoid violence whenever possible means you live healthy another day.
4) A legal taser that doesn't need any license. This is the main weapon. Deffinitely. Legal and no license needed.
5) Commlinks, basically just as Kerenshara described. If awakened and unwilling to get an internal, a second model. Get the best firewall, two agents with programs to analyze, spoof and fight any hackers in your system if that happens. The "hackeable" model has normal files,magazine subscriptions and lots of useless" data in lots of folders and subfolders. Useless, but fluff-wise its supposed to keep hackers busy searching spam files and keeps them eaway form your real link. This also handles your music -who doesn't have at least 180 gigapulses of music these days?-, movies and stuff, you know to spend your time during those recon missions. Also datachips with huge libraries, again reading is good for you. Mapsofts, and linguasofts and knowsofts: You always demand at least one soft of these from Johnsons: only need a SimModule to use and add a lot of useable information to your character.
6) Micro-Transeiver, this handles on-mission communications and is linked to your PAN. Because Micro-transeiver is usually oversighted to being hacked and if it is it offers less chances than you commlink controling all of your PAN.
7)Sub-vocal mic: phone calls, business calls.
8)Pistol. Not a machine pistol. A Pistol, preferably a light one. This raises less eyebrows from police officers. And two clips, one regular one gel, you have the gel clip on.
9) SIN and licenses for restricted gear.
10) Sensors: According to your tastes, but certainly some sensor suites separate from your perception skill and linked to software that analyses independently from you data. Its task is to have a seocnd pair of eyes and ears around.
11) Stylish and nice clothes, if female makeup and stuff. These are used for partying, going out and having style over substance, or else you wouldn't be cyberpunk.
12) Actioneer business clothes: Good clothes, wita bit of armour for meeting Mr. Johnson. Formal attire, generic and basically no distinctive style for you.
13) Runner gear according to the mission.
*Use of caps is not to scream but to really, really emphasize the importance of avoiding troubles with the law. This reduces ammount of SIN and license verification, thus less rolls to get you in jail because of forged documents.
**Edit: Oh, and a crowbar, a tire iron, duct tape and some rope.