September in Seattle, 2059, is an exciting time to be alive if you're a mover and shaker in the Sixth World, but unfortunately, you are neither a mover nor a shaker. In fact, the only moving that anyone wants to do right now is shuffling off to the 24-7 Stuffer Shack to get some Aztechology soy-burritos.
For those out-of-towners, the Stuffer Shack is the home of synth-alcohol, soykaf, porno-simchips, Holohayo 3D greeting cards, pneumatic fluid for your bike, cheap fetish trinkets for the magical wannabes, soygrits, and a full line of stuffers with no redeeming nutritional or social value. Yep, the good 01' Stuffer Shack, home to a smell you can't recognize (and probably don't want to) and thousands of nuyen worth of stomach-rotting chow.
While the campaign will be somewhat non-linear, I pretty much intend to go through 2-3 old adventure books (First Run, Mercurial, Renraku Shutdown) mixing plots, Johnsons and runs so that experienced players won't see all of the twists coming. This campaign is designed for new, wanna-be runners who might survive to be actual runners if they are lucky. Player Characters should be young people who think that running the shadows will solve their personal and financial problems in a nice & tidy bundle. I like to see characters who might actually, exist, with friends, goals, contacts, lifestyles and such. Each character, in addition to the 2 freebie level 1 contacts, gets a free level 2 contact. The level 2 contact is someone/thing connected to the shadows, and will more or less be the runner's mentor or sponsor.
Subtle, GM Reminder: This is not Shadowrun: The Teen Years and at no point will I entertain any collective "school during the day, running at night" gameplay. That's not to say that a character can't be a book-worm in the day and a decker by night, I just can't really see a street-level runner team all going to the same school together. Also, if your character has a reasonable home, family or prospects, you ought to have a good reason for why your guy is running the streets, dodging bullets for a few hundred nuyen a night.
Build Rules:
100 BP - Somewhere between default creation & a low level campaign
No Ghouls
No Edges / Flaws (hmmm, flaws that never come up but edges that always do, how odd)
No Gear (I'll give you a care package at the beginning of the game; Deckers/Riggers can buy decking & rigging stuff)
No Cyberware above Alpha; no cultured bioware
Books Allowed: All of them, but ask if you want to use a netbook
Firearms Skill groupings are different.
Pistols (holdout, light, heavy) -Really short range
SMG (machine pistol, submachine guns) -Short range
Assault Weapons (Assault Rifles / Shotguns) -Medium range
Rifles (Sport / Sniper) -Long range
Since characters won't be able to start with their favorite AK-97 modded with Smartlink-II and such, I broadened the groupings a bit so that you can pick the firearm skill that corresponds, kinda, to the range you want to fight from. Specializations can be a specific as desired, as broad as the categories in parentheses. Heavy Weapons are going to be rare at first, so I would suggest waiting to find a heavy weapon (and an ammo source) before investing karma.
Game Stuff:
I'll be starting the game July, 11th (Saturday).
I will probably take around 5 characters.
I will be updating about once a day with significant plot points every few days.
So roll them characters up, and we'll head down to the Stuffer Shack to get some Soykaf.