QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 8 2009, 03:18 PM)
I would think that a sensitive system flaw would be a good background reason to not have any cyber in you mage.
True, but I still think its based on the player. I normally play with friends, so it easier to know motivation. So, if I had a player that made a mage and he knew he was never going to get cyberware and he took the flaw, knowing it wouldn't come up...well, that is the situation I try to avoid. Its all but impossible to prove that between strangers.
I don't know about you, but I can determine pretty well, if a player (after gaming with them for years) is doing something for background reasons or just to get an advantage. It may be a thin or irrelevant line to most, but to closer groups, it does matter.
Just so I don't sound like an asshat, if I were to run a forum game or something with players I didn't know, I wouldn't start the game with any houserules, as its too presumptuous that different players would want the same gaming experience or fall into the same habits as another group.
Not that anyone outside of my campaign cares, but here is the houserule that I used to replace addictions:
[ Spoiler ]
Drugs and Addictions
The Addiction Negative Quality is not available in this
campaign. All Addictions are handled through the optional
rules listed below. Bonuses from drugs stack with all
other forms of bonuses.
Addiction Level Table
Recovering Addict (Monthly Craving Tests / -1 penalty)
Mild Addiction (Weekly Craving Tests / -2 penalty)
Moderate Addiction (Daily Craving Tests / -4 penalty)
Severe Addiction (Twice Daily Craving Tests / -6 penalty)
Burnout (Four Times Daily Craving / -6 penalty, Essence Loss)
Addiction Thresholds
Hallucinogens, Dreamchips = 1
Stimulants, Moodchips, Personafix, Foci*, VR = 2
Narcotics, BTLs, Tripchips = 3
Drugs of the same level or higher on the addiction
threshold table may be substituted to satisfy
*Focus addiction tests must be made for each focus.
Craving Test
Body + Willpower with the frequency determined by the
addiction level and the target determined by the
addiction threshold.
When in the presence of the drug or at the determined
frequency, a Craving Test is made. A success means
that you hold back your cravings and carry on until
the next time you need to make one. A failure gives
you a penalty to all actions equal to the addiction
threshold until a hit is taken or until the next time
you make a Craving Test.
To satisfy a Foci, BTL or VR craving, mild addicts
must spend 1 hour, moderate addicts must spend 4
hours, and severe/burnout addicts must spend 8 hours
(which must be spent consecutively) using the Foci,
BTL or VR. Short bathroom/food breaks are allowed, but
should often be neglected by addicts.
A glitch gives you a penalty, but only for 24 hours. A
critical glitch doubles said penalty until a hit is
taken or the next time you make a Craving Test.
Note only those that have an addiction are required to
make Craving Tests, so until you are addicted, you can
ignore these rules.
Active enrollment in a rehab program gives the PC a +4
modifier to all craving tests. Rehab programs cost
2500Y per month and are considered low lifestyle.
Active enrollment in a once a week support group gives
the PC a +2 modifier to all craving tests. Rehab and
support group bonuses do not stack.
Addiction Test
Willpower + Logic (mental) or Body + Willpower
(physical) test. The threshold comes from the Addiction
Threshold table but is made every time a hit is taken,
regardless of addiction level.
Focus, VR, and BTL addiction tests are made every
willpower + 1D6 hours of consecutive use (the GM rolls
the 1D6 in secret).
On a successful test, nothing happens. You get the
affects of the said drug and go on with life. Same
thing with any addictive behaviors...everything is
A glitch will mean you get a "bad hit" and you gain a
penalty equal to the drug's Addiction Threshold for 24
hours on all actions.
A critical glitch doubles the penalty and lasts for 48
hours on all actions. There is possibility for
overdose as well, at GM discretion.
Addiction Failures
Hallucinogens, Dreamchips = 3
Stimulants, Moodchips, Personafix, Foci, VR = 2
Narcotics, Tripchips = 1
The above table is used to determine if you step up to
the next addiction level. This is the number of
consecutive failures you must have on an Addiction
Test to move to the next level.
Now going back down the ladder, we use the Addiction
Threshold x 5. After that amount of successful Craving
Tests, you move to the next lesser level. After you
have made enough to get to no addiction, you are a
recovering addict.
After 1D6 months of being a recovering addict (which
means you are passing those craving tests), you can
remove the addiction.